- Wise console
- The Wise console is the cloud-based staff interface. Within the console, you can find the Item request manager and search for customer information.
- Find information about the Wise web catalog, My Account, and Community features.
- Staff client
- The Client is the staff interface for Wise.
- Wise configuration
- Find information about settings within the Wise configuration manager.
- Marketing
- Learn about the Marketing Workbench and sending newsletters within Wise.
- Migrate your data to Wise
- Find information and resources for migrating library data to Wise.
- WorldCat and Wise
- Find information about how Wise interacts with WorldCat
- Reference
- Find general information and reference materials for Wise.
- Wise release notes and weekly updates
- Find Wise release notes and weekly updates. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- Training
- Find training for Wise.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Canceled periodicals are showing up in the "Alert list for periodicals not received" report.
- Can a customer use the same username after their account is re-registered?
- Can a parent/guardian have more than one child linked to their account?
- Can customers place holds if their accounts are expired?
- Can I change the position of a customer in the holds queue?
- Can I delete an imported invoice?
- Can I remove patron name or other information from their receipts?
- Can I restore a file I accidentally deleted in file management?
- Can pickup locations be limited for certain materials?
- Can relationships be configured to allow the secondary user the ability to pay fines, renew, and checkout?
- Can the loan history report be emailed to customer?
- Can we change an item's status from On Order to Available by checking it in?
- Can we reuse usernames in our test instance?
- Can we test the New arrivals email more than once a day?
- Can you place a specific copy of an item on hold?
- Checked out items on hold do not display the same status.
- Do eBooks from Hoopla display in both the public facing web catalog and the staff client catalog?
- EDI order import doesn't update to Finishing status
- How can an expired Wise customer account be renewed?
- How can a document be attached to a customer's account?
- How can I customize the "Contact the Library" link in My Account?
- How can I merge two authority entries in the thesaurus?
- How can I remove my saved password in the Wise Client?
- How can I remove the "Material recovery" flag from a customer account?
- How can I tell if a customer relationship is for pay or renew?
- How can we change the phone number printed on a receipt?
- How can we edit staff roles?
- How can we load custom .wav files into the system to use for sound settings in the client?
- How does an item assigned a temporary shelf return to its permanent location if the item is never checked out?
- How do I allow IP addresses for a SIP2 connection with a vendor?
- Can I change the pickup location for a hold that is already trapped and on the hold shelf?
- How do I create a list of items linked by specific staff members?
- How do I create a list of items ordered by specific staff members?
- How do I create a list of titles manually created by specific staff members?
- How do I create a list of titles with holds but no copies owned by my library?
- How do I deactivate a customer account?
- How do I put a customer at Holds Position 1?
- How do I request cover art correction?
- How do I set up a New arrivals email to be sent to customers?
- How do I update my newsletter format and colors?
- How do we add P.O. box addresses to customer accounts?
- How is cover art populated in the Wise web catalog?
- How long does it take for an icon update to take effect?
- How long do items stay in a "missing" status before they are discarded or moved to the back catalog?
- How to Enable Digital/Physical Collection Filters in the OPAC
- Incorrect or missing elements on screens
- In the staff client, how do we select all fines for payment?
- Is it possible to create deep links into a Wise public catalog?
- Is it possible to impose a limit per customer as to how many items they can request for purchase (IRM)?
- Is it possible to put the Test staff client back to a certain date?
- Is it possible to set a desk text to not display a notification?
- Is it possible to suspend holds?
- Is there a preferred cash drawer or register model that works well with Wise?
- Is there a specific timeframe for how long an item will remain on the holds shelf if the "Retain" option is chosen?
- Is there a way to block titles from appearing in OPAC search results by Media Type or Material Type?
- Is there a way to create a list in Selections based on MARC fields?
- Item Request Manager doesn't pull up requests
- I am trying to renew a due date and getting an error message that the barcode value is not applicable.
- I cannot make changes to an entry in a system table.
- I see items with a wrong due date and a status of "Inspection". What does this mean?
- My patrons' items are renewing automatically.
- One of our books doesn't have a record in Wise
- Online registration results in PML error.
- On the Order overview, what does the term "Expired" mean?
- "Place item" pop-up does not appear upon check-in.
- Some items are checking in with the code 0209 and a message: "Item has been blocked."
- Some of our workstations do not see the globe icon in the bottom right tray, which allows an OPAC view from within the client.
- A staff member who should not be able to delete customers can still delete customers
- The HTML code "<br>" appears explicitly in my message texts
- To what does the term "loan" used in Selections refer?
- What does Contactless Payment mean?
- What does it mean for an item to have a status of R - Reserved?
- What does the 'M' next to the PO numbers on the Order request screen mean?
- What do the codes in the Account changes tab of Customer administration mean?
- What happens to a discarded item after 25 months?
- What is the difference between Online Payment and Recent Payment?
- What is the "Reference (Where)" button and why is it on this OPAC record?
- When should I expect to see Hoopla records synced in the OPAC?
- When should I expect to see Overdrive records synced in the Wise web catalog?
- When staff leave the library, what should I do with their accounts?
- Where do I go to change the wording on hold descriptions?
- Why am I getting an error message telling me there are no items available for hold?
- Why am I getting the error message "Forbidden access. Saving 'Message' failed." when I try to save email drafts in the Marketing Workbench?
- Why am I getting the error message "Item already included in invoice. Check in to cancel INVOICE procedure."?
- Why am I not able to import EDI invoices into Order administration?
- Why aren't fines being applied to items that are checked in to certain branches?
- Why aren't there Regular or Temporary Shelf options in Batch Changes?
- Why are my OPAC searches failing to return results?
- Why are patron email addresses appearing on the holds list?
- Why can't I open expired customers from the Check out screen?
- Why can't I see all checkouts when looking at my account?
- Why can't our customers see their public notifications in self-check?
- Why did a server error occur while generating the MARC 21 export?
- Why don't the numbers in "Prepare notifications for printing" and "Print notifications" match?
- Why do Title IDs display in the Customer Overview instead of the titles themselves?
- Why isn't the popularity sort showing any physical materials in the OPAC?
- Why isn't the customer badge tab appearing in the client when it is showing as being active in the manager?
- Why is there a different number of entries in Online Payments vs. Recent Payments?
- Why is the Date of Birth field empty when there is a date entered in the Born field of the Address details field?
- Why is the error message "Payment not processed; reimburse!" displaying when paying for an item?
- Why is the icon for an item type incorrect?
- Why is Wise requiring that an email address be added for a new patron?
- Will a parent/guardian be able to see their child's account from home?
- OCLC Community Center: Wise community
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Wise product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on product workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.