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Introduction to Products and services

Find a high-level overview of how customer memberships are configured in Wise.

Settings related to customer memberships in Wise are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services

Membership definitions

​Membership definitions are created in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership definitions. These settings define the types of customer accounts available in the system. Configuration details include how much the account costs and payment options, how long the account is valid, and lending abilities for the account type.

The memberships configured in Membership definitions can be selected when a new customer is created in the staff client. 

Membership charges

Membership charges are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership charges. The same membership charges table can be used by each branch in the library organization. A customer's account fee is determined by their main branch. Membership fee tables are configured in Products and Services > System tables in the table (TABCON) Membership fee table.

Membership services

Membership services are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership services. One or more membership service must be linked to each membership. This section is configured after you have defined your membership services and policies. These services, or products, are defined per Library Organization/Membership Code/Sector/Type. In the Membership services settings, memberships are defined.

Card configuration

Card Configurations are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services > Memberships > Card Configuration. Card configurations are used to define how memberships are managed. Card configuration settings are linked to membership types defined in Membership settings.

The following card configuration settings can be managed: 

Card configuration table Description
Fee configuration ​Settings in Fee configuration define when and how membership fees are paid, when a membership will expire, and when reminders are sent. 
My menu configuration The options that are offered to customers within the My account portal are defined within My Menu configuration.
Collections agent process Settings related to the collections agency process are defined in Collections agent process.
Replacement cost billing process Billing and administrative costs related to item replacement is defined in Replacement cost billing process. 
Overdue materials billing process Policies related to overdue materials fines in Wise are configured in Overdue materials billing process. 
Billing processes per branch/organization Membership cost billing is configured in Billing processes per branch/organization.
Message preference configuration Delivery methods for various notification types are defined in Message preference configuration. 
Membership groups Membership groups are used to define text groups for notifications. 
Online membership process Options for registering for an account online are defined in Online membership process. 
Product ordering process Not in use in US libraries. 

Policy definition

Policies for various product groups are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services > Policies > Policy definition

Product groups are established in the (TABPRO) Policy groups table. The conditions under which materials can be borrowed is defined in Policy definition. Examples of these policies include lending period, overdue process, fining, renewals, etc, and are defined in Policy configuration. These policies are each configured per material type in Policy definition. 

Policy configuration

Policies related to the circulation of materials in Wise are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and services > Policies > Policy configuration

Policies defined in Policy configuration are linked to product groups within Policy definition. Each of these policy configurations are applied per material type, which allows you to create granular circulation policies based on material. 

Policy configuration table Description
Lending process Lending process defines policies surrounding checking out items such as lending period, renewals, and minimum customer age for check out. 
Fining process Calculation of fines is defined in Fining process. 
Renewal process Renewal process defines the costs associated with renewing items. 
Hold request process Costs for placing and picking up hold requests is defined in Hold request process. 
Overdue process Reminders for overdue materials are configured in Overdue process. 
Home group materials Home group materials limits the number of items that a customer can have checked out at one time, per material type. 



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