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OCLC Wise Support EN

Fee configuration

How and when membership fees are paid and when they expire is defined in Fee configuration within the Wise configuration manager.

Settings in Fee configuration define when and how membership fees are paid and when membership will expire. Each membership definition is linked to a membership fee configuration. It is used to define settings including:

  • The number of months until a reminder is sent
  • The number of months after until a membership expires

Multiple membership fee configurations can be created for each library organization and multiple membership fee methods can be defined per membership fee configuration.

Create a membership fee configuration

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services > Memberships > Card Configuration > Fee configuration.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Click New at the top of the screen.
  4. Provide information for the Fee configuration fields.
  5. Click Ok to save.

Membership fee configuration fields 

Field name Description
Organization The organization to which this membership fee method applies (this field is automatically populated).

Description of the fee configuration.

 Note: Only the Description is visible in the user interface. Provide an accurate description for ease of use.

Baseline period

Term, in months, used for the automatic renewal of a membership. The number of months before the start of the new membership fee period that invoicing must occur.

Example: A membership's expiration date is December 31, 2020. The ending month is December. The new period starts on January 1, 2021.

If there is a baseline period of two months, an invoice must be sent in November 2020 and the invoicing month would also be November 2020.

Notification after xx month(s) The number of months, following the invoicing month, when a reminder message will be sent. If a customer has not renewed, they will be given the customer status 3 (reminder).
Delinquent list after xx month(s) The number of months, following the invoicing month, when the customer status 4 (delinquent) will be assigned to the customer. 
Removal after xx month(s) The number of months, following the invoicing month, when the customer status 9 (expired) will be assigned to the customer. 
Notification procedure

How customers will be reminded of membership fees:

  • 1 - No reminders
  • 2 - Yes to reminders
Email after 1 through 6 months

The number of months after a customer with an online membership block receives a reminder email. 

If 0 is entered, no reminder will be sent.

 Note: The PMS message type must be configured to send a reminder email. 


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