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Membership charges

Fees for memberships can be established per branch within Membership charges.

Membership charges are established for each branch within the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and Services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership charges. The same membership charges table can be used by each branch in the library organization. A customer's account fee is determined by their main branch. Membership fee tables are configured in Products and Services > System tables in the table (TABCON) Membership fee table.  

View existing membership charges 

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership charges.
  2. Click Open next to your Library Organization.
  3. Click Detail next to the definition you want to view.

Add new membership charges 

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership charges.
  2. Click Open next to your Library Organization.
  3. Click New at the top of the screen.
  4. Provide information for the membership charges fields.
  5. Click Ok to save the definition.

Edit membership charges 

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership charges.
  2. Click Open next to your Library Organization.
  3. Click Detail next to the membership charges you want to edit.
  4. At the bottom of the Membership rates screen, click the radio button next to Change.
  5. Make changes to the membership rates.
  6. Click Ok to save the membership rates.

Membership charges fields

Field name Description
Fee table The fee table in which this line is included.
Fee state

Fee state is used to indicate whether this rate must be charged to customers from different zip codes. For example, if there are no library facilities available in that zip code. 

See Products and services > System tables > (TABCRE) Membership fee state.


The membership type with which the rate is associated.

For more information, see Membership definitions.

Valid from
Valid up to and including

The period during which this membership fee line is valid. If different periods can be defined per membership code, these periods must line up and must not overlap.

Rate per xx month(s)

Cost of the membership per XX months.

Rate for registration

The amount that must be charged for registration or re-registration.

Example: In this example, 12 months is the duration of the membership.

xx months = 12 + the amount = 20 dollars > a membership for a year (12 months) costs 20 dollars.

Rate for renewal

The amount that must be charged when the membership is renewed. When a membership is changed, Wise will use the rate for membership renewal. If left blank, the registration amount will be used.

Minimum extra payment Minimum additional payment only applies to memberships with a fixed expiration month. If the remaining amount to be paid is less than the minimum additional payment, the minimum additional payment is charged.
Threshold credit For online registrations. When registering online, an amount is requested to proceed with the registration.

After payment, the amount is reimbursed as a credit. This creates a threshold to prevent customers who can take out a free membership from taking out an unlimited number of memberships online.

Journal entry code for online registration costs

If a registration fee must be charged when registering or re-registering online, the journal entry code for the journal entry to be created must be entered here. The amount entered for this journal entry code will be charged.

Waive code surcharge

Not for use in US libraries.

OLA surcharge Not for use in US libraries.
Journal entry code registration costs service desk

If a registration fee must be charged when registering or re-registering, the code for the journal entry to be created must be stated here. The amount entered for this journal entry code will be charged.

Discount percentage

A temporary discount percentage can be entered for the registration of new customers. This percentage will be applied as a discount on the membership fee.

This discount is also applied for customers who register online. 

Discount amount

A temporary discount amount can be entered for the registration of new customers. Enter the amount here that will be automatically waived when a new customer registers.

Discount for digital OLA Not for use in US libraries.
Discount for direct debit collections

Not for use in US libraries.

Journal entry surcharge credit slip

This field contains the journal entry code for the surcharge that must be paid to have a membership fee invoice sent. The journal entry code must be created in the financial table Accounting.

Wise will check whether a surcharge entry must be made when the invoice items for which a membership fee invoice must be printed internally or externally are selected. If this setting applies, this surcharge will be created at the time of selection. This surcharge will become immediately visible to the customer. 

When selecting the invoice items, an entry must be made for the date by which payment is expected. The surcharge entry will not be included in the customer’s overage balance until this date. POS machines will be notified that this surcharge only needs to be paid after this date.

The surcharge line is included separately in the Naarola file (file for monthly invoices for membership fee on form). The surcharge line is stated separately on the invoice. The surcharge can be waived if the customer does make a payment via direct debit.

 Note: If the system option KWYTTOE is activated, the OLA surcharge is waived if the customer allows payment for the membership fee item to be collected via automatic direct debit. If the accounting item is reversed, the surcharge will NOT be re-opened.

Journal entry code for notification fees In this field, the journal entry code is entered for late fees that must be charged when there is a reminder on the membership fee bill. The journal entry code must be created in the financial table Accounting. These fees will be charged when a reminder is sent.

Calculate the price of membership 

The amount is configured in Wise configuration manager and cannot be changed. The cost of the membership is determined on the basis of the applicable rate as of the first of the month. The remaining period of the month in which the customer is registered is not charged.

Rate change in the new year

In many cases, rates are increased at the first of the year. To ensure that the correct amounts are selected during the invoice run, the rates table must be updated in a timely manner, by November first.

The rate lines can be filled out far in advance. This must be done as follows:

  1. Insert a new line for the current rate with a starting date of 1/1/20XX to 12/31/2100.
  2. Enter the new amounts for the new year. The rate line for the current year remains intact.

Example: In November, there is a date check and invoice for the expiration month of December. Wise takes the rate for January. This amount is from the newly added line.



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