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OCLC Wise Support EN

Fining process

Learn how to configure calculations for fines within the Wise configuration manager.

The calculations for fines are configured in the Fining process table.

Create a new Fining process 

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services > Policies > Policy Configuration > Fining process.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Click New at the top of the screen.
  4. Provide information for the Fining process fields.
  5. Click Ok to save.

Fining process fields

Field name Description
Policy table Fining methods are configured per the Policy table. This field is automatically filled.
Fining process A unique 2-digit code for referring to this Fining process in the Policy table.
Volume The number of volumes making up an item is configured for each item. A line can be created in the fining process for different volumes. By default, an item consists of one volume and the fining process line is applied to one volume. If a different value must be applied to one of the sections of the fining process for a volume, a separate line must be used.

Valid from

Valid up to and including

The period in which the policy is valid. Multiple periods can be stated per method/volume. The periods must line up and cannot overlap.
Description A text definition of the Fining process.
Fine-free days Enter the number of days. Only fill in if the first XX fine days must not be calculated.
Calculate by days  If the Calculation method is set as D - Day, enter the number of days.
Fine-free minutes How long, in minutes, after the item is die will the system wait before starting to change the fine.
Calculate by minutes How many minutes per fine (example: if you enter 10 here and set a penalty amount of $0.50, the patron will be charged $0.50 for every ten minutes until the item is returned).
Calculation method

Select a value from the table:

  • D - Day (calculate over days).
  • V - Complete period

Example: After 7 days, a $0.70 cent charge is made

If method D is selected:
1 fine day = 10 cents
2 fine days = 20 cents

If method V is selected:
1 fine day = 70 cents
2 fine days = 70 cents
7 fine days = 70 cents
8 fine days = 140 cents

Penalty amount Fine amount, in cents.
Maximum penalty Maximum fine amount, in cents. 

 Note: If the fine calculation is based on open days and the maximum fine exceeds 365 days, Wise will default to this fine as long as it is less than the Maximum penalty set. 

Fine in punch card punches Not for use in US libraries.
Maximum punch card punches Not for use in US libraries.
Punch type Not for use in US libraries.


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