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OCLC Wise Support EN

Message preference configuration

Learn how to configure message preference configurations for customer memberships in Wise.

One or more message preference configuration can be defined per institution. The delivery methods from which customer can choose are configured per message type for each type of message your library sends. A customer can select a preference per message type in My Account, or at the service desk with assistance from library staff. The default value for the delivery method is indicated for each message type. Wise will use this delivery method if the customer does not specify a preference. For more information about selecting message preferences, see My account - Notification preferences , Wise console communication tab, and Staff client - Notifications tab.

In the Message preference configuration table, each message type appears with the related system code.  Customers automatically receive messages related to fines and fees.

Message preference configuration screen

When selecting message preferences, the configuration of these messages in Wise must be taken into consideration:

  • Only use text messaging if it is configured
  • Only use message classes D (Donors) and B (Newsletter) if the modules are configured
  • Only use Inbox if customers can access their Inbox via the user interface

See Configure customer notifications in Wise for more information.

Configure message preferences 

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services > Memberships> Membership process > Message preference configuration.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Click New at the top of the screen.
  4. Configure information on the message tabs. Each tab represents a different Message class.
    1. Select a tab. The messages for that notification class display on the screen.
    2. Enter the codes of the Delivery method available for customers to select in the field on the left for each message type. Enter each delivery method code with no spaces or characters between each symbol. Example: If the customer can select to receive a new arrivals alert via email or inbox, enter "MI" in the field.

       Note: The order of the codes determines any delivery fallback options.

      For example, if the default is M(mail) and the customer's choice is F(form) or M(mail), you record this as 'MF'. In this scenario, if the customer's message preference is M(mail), but the email address is missing, a message will be created per F(form). Any additional fallback options would need to be added as well, as the system will not default to these automatically.

      Example: If the customer has a delivery method of M(mail) selected but does not provide an email address, the system will not default to another fallback method such as A(i-Tiva mobile message) or T(telephone) unless this code has been added by staff (in this example, the codes would be entered as MA or MT if F(form) is not chosen by the customer).

      This fallback process only works for Email, Form, Telephone and Inbox. If SMS is set as a fallback delivery option Wise will automatically move to the next method of delivery instead.

    1. Enter the default Delivery method code in the field on the right for each message type. If the customer does not change their message preferences, this method will be used to send the message.
    2. Repeat the configuration on each Message class tab.
  5. Click Ok to save.

For more information about message content, see systemWise Messages.

Message class 

Message classes are displayed on a series of tabs in the Message preference configuration window. For more information, see Notification formats and types.

The tabs are organized as follows:

Code Message type
A Alerts
H Overdue notifications
I Return reminders
P Public messages
R Hold request notifications
C Fee messages
N Billing messages
D Donors

Delivery methods

For each message class, you can indicate which type of message will be supported for the notifications sent out. The following message formats can be used:

Code Message format
F Postal mail (A4, cards, etc.). It is assumed that these messages will be printed by the library and mailed to the customer.
M Email
S mobile/Text message
I Inbox

 Note: This format can be used for PFI, RSO, IV1, HR1, and HR2. It can be used in combination with push only for ROS and IV1.

Z No message

 Note: Choose this format when the message type is not in use or when the customer can choose None, meaning that they do not wish to receive the message. Some examples of when this can be selected are for return notices, confirmation emails, renewals, and hold messages.

A i-Tiva mobile message

 Note: This format can be used for HR1, HR2, HR3, IV1, RSO, and PFA.

Please contact your implementation manager to configure i-Tiva mobile.

T Telephone 

 Note: A third-party service such as i-Tiva is necessary for automating telephone messages. 



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