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Learn about configuration steps within the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Messages > Messages.

Customer messages can be added, edited, and removed in systemWise > Messages > Messages

For more information about which messages can be sent in Wise, see Message types.

For more information about linking messages to subscriptions, see Message preference configuration.

 Note: In order to prevent OCLC from being marked as a spammer, Wise will send an email notification after two bounces, and the email address is removed from Wise after five bounces.


Message jobs can be run immediately from within the Messages tab.


For each message type, the following information can be input to filter the messages to be sent. Click the message type to populate the filters (* denotes a required field):

Message type Filters
New arrivals alerts
  • Customer - Enter a customer ID.
  • Organization(s)* - Enter an organization code or use a pipe symbol (|) between organization codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all organizations.
  • Run level - Select one of the following:
    • Collect - The messages are collected.
    • Process - The messages are being prepared for printing/sending.
    • Both - The messages are collected and processed.
  • Branch(es)* - Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches. 
  • Type - Select a message type from the drop-down menu. 
  • Format - Select a message format from the drop-down menu.
  • Branch(es)* -  Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches. 
  • Type* - Select a message type from the drop-down menu.
  • Format - Select a message format from the drop-down menu.
  • Branch(es)* -  Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches. 
  • Type - Select a message type from the drop-down menu.
  • Format - Select a message format from the drop-down menu.

The Marketing screen processes all marketing messages (Message type MAA). The following fields are populated by the system and cannot be changed:

  • Institution - All institutions are selected. 
  • Type - Message type MAA is selected. 
  • Format - Email format is selected. 
Newsletters This option allows you to process all newsletter messages. (Message types BSM and BKM)
  • Branch(es) -  Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches. 
  • Type - Select a message type from the drop-down menu.
Public notifications
  • Branch(es)* -  Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches. 
  • Type - Select a message type from the drop-down menu.
  • Format - Select a message format from the drop-down menu.
  • Branch(es)* -  Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches.
  • Type - Select a message type from the drop-down menu.
  • Format - Select a message format from the drop-down menu.
  • Run level - Select one of the following:
    • Collect - The messages are collected.
    • Process - The messages are being prepared for printing/sending.
    • Both - The messages are collected and processed. The messages can be printed directly in the Client at Print notifications
Branch messages
  • Branch(es) -  Enter a branch code or use a pipe symbol (|) between branch codes to select multiple branches. Enter % to select all branches. 

System table

The messages system table is used to define message types in Wise.

System table tab

The following fields can be defined:

Field Description
Branch Branch for which the message is defined. 

The Notification class. The following notification classes are available: 

  • A - Alerts
  • C - Fees
  • D - Donations (Not for use in US libraries.)
  • H - Notifications
  • I - Return requests
  • M - Marketing
  • B - Newsletters 
  • N - Bills
  • P - Public notifications
  • R - Hold
  • V - Branch
Function The code of the notification type. Only include the last two characters. (The first character is the notification class.) 

The output form of the message. The following forms are supported: 

  • Postal mail
  • Email
  • List
  • Push message
  • Text message
  • File
  • Inbox
  • Digital
  • XML
  • Phone

 Note: Some output forms are not available for certain message types. See Message types for more details. 

Text variant

Indicates whether the texts should be printed at the institution level or branch level.

Text group

Text group code, used to associate messages with specific groups of customers. The default text group code is 01 and should be used for all standard messages.

See Configure unique message texts per subscription type for more information.

WYSIWYG Not for use in US libraries.

The file name of the stylesheet associated with the message. Stylesheets are located in File management at /home/bxmas/messages.

For assistance with adjusting message stylesheets, contact OCLC Support


The first part of the name of the output file. 

FOP type

Formatting objects processor type. The following FOP types are available:

  • PDF
  • Postscript
  • PCL
  • Plain text
  • rtf
  • prt
  • xsl_fo
  • Email
  • html
  • Text message
  • Nothing
Followup run

Determines what job the notifications are included in. The following options are available:

  • Yes - Messages are immediately sent out. Should be used for email, mobile, and inbox messages
  • No - Used for printed messages
  • None - Used for PDFs

Determines the delivery method of the message. Populate one of the following:

  • Email - localhost
  • mobile - The key provided by the text message vendor.
  • Other - Leave blank.

Select Yes if messages will be sent from one branch group

Branch group The BVZ branch group used for the defined message type.

An address for blind carbon copy of messages can be selected. BCC email addresses are defined in Management Organizations > Branches > Address details.

Insert notification

Allows the notification type to be added in batch to a customer via Statistics and selections

Add a new message type

To add a new message type:

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Messages > Messages > System table.
  2. Click any row. The Message editor screen opens.
  3. Click New radio button in the middle of the page.
  4. Fill out the System table fields.
  5. Click OK to save.


The default text of messages added in the System table tab is defined in the Texts tab. 

Texts tab

The following fields can be defined:

Field Description
Branch/Institution* The branch associated with the message text
Class* Notification class code
Function The code of the notification type. Only include the last two characters. (The first character is the notification class.) 

Format of the message. The following formats are available:

  • Form
  • Email
  • Text message
  • Push notification
  • List
  • File
  • Inbox
  • Digital
  • XML
  • Telephone

Text group code, used to associate messages with specific groups of customers. The default group is 01 and should be used for all standard messages.

See (TABXBG) Text groups for more information.


The number associated with where the text should appear in the message.

  • 1 - Subject line
  • 2 - Salutation
  • 3 - Body
  • 4 - Body
WYSIWYG Not for use in US libraries.
Language Select a language associated with the message from the drop-down menu.

 Note: It is possible to offer additional languages for customer messages. For more information, see configure multiple languages.

Text The text of the message. 

Add new texts

To add a new text:

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Messages > Messages > Texts.
  2. Click any row. The Message texts screen opens.
  3. Click New radio button in the middle of the page.
  4. Fill out the Text fields.
  5. Click OK to save.

Include a link in the text

Links can be added to the text using the format below:

@@SITE@@URLhttp://help.wise.oclc.orgURL@@Display text@@@ 


Not for use in US libraries.

Edit group

Not for use in US libraries.


The Errors tables are used by OCLC to troubleshoot issues with message delivery. The table shows the following information: 

Field Description
Type The message type.
Branch The branch code associated with the message.
Form The form of the message. (Email, Inbox, etc.)
Quantity The number of unsent messages. 

Clicking a row in the table will show information regarding the reason for the message errors, allowing you to identify problems such as incorrect email address. This table allows you to either resend the message after fixing the problem that caused the message error, or clear the error from the list.

Upon clicking one of the rows, the following information appears in the table below: 

Field Description
id The unique message ID. 
customer The customer ID associated with the message. 
reason The reason that the message was not sent.
date The date that the message failed to send. 
again Click the Again checkbox to resend the message to the customer. 
done Click the Done checkbox to clear the message from the list without resending the message. 

 New Branch Set

New Branch Set is available in the Wise configuration manager > systemWise > Messages > Messages.

Message sets can be copied and used for a different branch location. If a message rule already exists, a pop-up will appear stating which rules a;ready exists and have therefore not been created.



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