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Branch groups

Branch groups are created to assign specific functions within a network in Wise.

​Branch groups are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Networks and branch groups > Branch groups

Groups of branches are assigned to specific functions based on branch group type codes. With branch groups, the branch group types are defined per branch.

(TABVSG) Branch group types 

Branch group functions are defined in the (TABVSG) Branch group types table. A code is defined for each functional area. The description of the code can be edited, but the functionality of each code cannot be changed. 

In the table (G_VST) Branch groups per branch, you can select which codes are used for each branch, and define groups of branches that use the same function. 

The following codes are available:

Table code Description


Magazine sub admin for


Message collection group


Pubcat ring 1


Pubcat ring 2


Staff group 1


Staff group 2


Staff group 3


Webcat group 1


Webcat group 2


Pubcat group 3


Webcat group 3


Staff group 4


Staff group 5


Warehouse collection profiles

 Note: This code is not currently in use in US libraries. 


May only print forms

 Note: The PFM code is used to limit who may print forms for a branch or organization. 


Relocation count of/for copies


May unblock and sell for


May sell for


Can search customers of


Transport w/out notification

 Note: This code should only be used for two branches existing in the same building. 


See orders from

 Note: This code is used to determine which branches can view each others' orders within the Wise staff client. 


Returned copies w/out transport 

 Note: This code should only be used for two branches existing in the same building. When items are returned to branches from within this group, they are immediately marked as returned.

For example, if branch 9345 and branch 9346 exist in the same building and are part of the same group, an item owned by branch 9345 and returned at 9346 will not be placed on transport. It is immediately marked as returned to branch 9345.


Accept floating copies of

 Note: This code is only used for branches that are using floating. 


May link for


Accepts customers of 

 Note: All branches within the same library organization automatically are included in the same VSL branch group. They do not need to be defined.


Change copy location for

 Note: Branches within a VSM group can also discard items of other branches within the group. 


Can order for

 Note: This code is used to determine which branches can order titles for other branches within the Wise staff client. 


Branch groups (Vxxx)

 Note: This code is necessary for institutions with multiple branches. This allows branch groups to be created.


Change customers of

 Note: All branches within the same library organization automatically are included in the same VSX branch group. They do not need to be defined.

(G_VST) Branch groups per branch 

In the (G_VST) Branch groups per branch table, you can define which Branch group type codes are used by which branches. For each function per branch, you can select which branches or branch groups are included for the applicable function. Descriptions are taken from the (TABVSG) Branch group types table.

It is also possible to include branches via:

  • Branch number - The branch number associated with a single branch 
  • Branch 9999 - all active branches within the BIEB sector in your Wise system
  • Institution code - Ixxx, all active branches belonging to an institution
  • Branch group - Vxxx, all branches belonging to a defined group

An overview of the Branch groups per branch can be created by clicking Report. The report is divided per the chosen group.

 Note: Changes made to this area take 24 hours to take effect. 

Add a branch group type code

Branch group type codes can be added to the (GVST) Branch groups per branch table. After adding the code, branches can then be added to the branch group type.

To add a branch group type code to the table:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Networks and branch groups > Branch groups > (GVST) Branch groups per branch
  2. Click New. The Branch classifications window opens.
  3. Select a branch group code from the Branch group drop-down menu.
  4. Click OK to save. 

Add branches to a branch group type

Once branch group type codes have been added to the table, branches can then be assigned to the function. 

To add branches to a branch group type: 

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Networks and branch groups > Branch groups > (GVST) Branch groups per branch
  2. Find the appropriate branch group type from the list and click Open
  3. Click New. The Branch group window opens. 
  4. Add the branch number to the Code field and add a Description. 
  5. Click OK to save. 
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 3-5 as needed to add additional locations. 

Add other branches to the selected branch

Once a branch group type has been defined and a branch (or branches) has been added, you can then define which branches share the same rules as the selected branch. 

To add additional branches or a main branch group:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Networks and branch groups > Branch groups > (GVST) Branch groups per branch
  2. Find the appropriate branch group type from the list and click Open
  3. Select the branch you would like to define rules for and click Open
  4. Click New. The Branches window opens. 
  5. Populate the following fields:
    • Branch/Group - Select a Branch, Institution, or Main branch group from the drop-down menu. 

       Note: Select the branch number 9999 to include all active branches. 

    • Description - Enter a description of the selection.
  6. Click OK to save.
  7. (Optional) Repeat steps 4-6 as needed to add additional branches or branch groups.

Branch groups per branch example

Your library would like to set up a group for three branches, 2000, 2010, and 2020. You would like branch 2000 to be able to change item locations and discard items from branches 2010 and 2020. 

To set up the group:

  1. Add the branch group type VSM - Change copy location for to the (G_VST) Branch groups per branch table. 
  2. Add branch 2000 to the VSM - Change copy location for branch group type within the (G_VST) Branch groups per branch table. 
  3. Add branches 2010 and 2020 to the branch group set up for branch 2000. 

After 24 hours, staff signed in to branch 2000 with appropriate permissions can then change item locations and discard items belonging to branches 2010 and 2020. 

(G_VST) Main branch groups (Vxxx) 

The (G_VST) Main branch groups (Vxxx) table is used to create branch groups. Branch can be created to group branches that have similar policies or relationships. Only active branch numbers can be included in main branch groups.

Create a main branch group

To create a main branch group:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Networks and branch groups > Branch groups > (G_VST) Main branch groups (Vxxx)
  2. Click New.
  3. Populate the following fields:
    • Main group - Enter a code representing the group. The code format is Vxxx.
    • Description - Enter a description of the group. 
  4. Click OK to save. 

Add branches to the group

Once the main branch group has been created, branches can be added to the group.

To add branches to the main branch group:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Networks and branch groups > Branch groups > (G_VST) Main branch groups (Vxxx).
  2. Find the appropriate group from the list and click Open.
  3. Click New. The Branch window opens. 
  4. Populate the following fields: 
    • Branch - Select the appropriate branch from the drop-down menu. 
    • Description - Enter a description of the branch.
  5. Click OK to save.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 3-5 as needed to add additional branches to the group.

Special groups

The branch groups V999 to V992 are reserved for specific use:

Branch number Function

Items within branches included in this group can only be returned to the branch that it was checked out from. 


For all branches included in this group, items can never be assigned to network hold requests.


Items within branches included in this group can never be assigned to ILL requests.


Items within branches included in this group can never be delivered for external ILL requests.


Branches included within this group can never be chosen as a pickup location for hold requests from the Wise OPAC. 

 Caution: This should not be used as a way to temporarily close a branch as a pick-up location. For more information on how to create a temporary pick-up location please see, Temporary pick-up branch


Fulfill immediately from the background collection. When this group is set, all branches from this group are can be reserved immediately for hold requests from the Client. This option is intended to be able to place holds immediately in branches that are not included in hold networks, such as storage locations and background collections.

When a storage location is included in this group and is able to fulfill a hold request, the hold will be placed immediately on this item and it becomes a B reservation.


Branches included in this group will never show hold requests of other library organizations. 


Items from branches included in this group can never fulfill requests from regional holds. 


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