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Configure unique message texts per membership type

Learn how to configure unique message texts for certain membership types.

Text groups can be used to send unique message texts per membership type or message type. Follow the steps below to configure unique message texts. 

1. Create a unique text group

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Products and Services > System Tables > (TABXBG) Text groups.
  2. Click New. The Text groups window opens.
  3. Populate the following fields:
    • Code - Two-digit numerical code. (Sequential numbers are recommended. For example, 01, 02, 03, etc.)
    • Description - A description of the text group.
  4. Click OK to save.

2. Add text group to the Messages > System Table

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Messages > Messages.
  2. Click on the System Table tab
  3. Click on an existing message line.

     Note: We recommend clicking the corresponding message line for the unique text you created. For example, if you created unique text for a CAE message, click an existing CAE message line. This limits the amount of edits you will need to make.

  4. A table will appear with additional details for the line you clicked.
  5. Select the New radio option.
  6. Update the "Text group" field to correspond with the text group number created in step 1.
  7. Click OK to save.

3. Create the message texts

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Messages > Messages.
  2. Click the Texts tab. From the drop-down menu, select the message type that you would like to create a unique message text for. 
  3. Click any message text line. The message texts fields open. Click New. 
  4. Populate the message texts fields:
    • Branch/Institution - Type 0000 to send the message for all branches
    • Class - Select the appropriate message class from the drop-down menu
    • Function - The code of the message type. Only include the last two characters. (The first character is the notification class.) 
    • Format - Select the appropriate message format from the drop-down menu
    • Group - Select the group code defined in Step 1: Create a unique text group
    • Number - The number associated with where the text should appear in the message. The following codes apply:
      • 1 - Subject line
      • 2 - Salutation
      • 3 - Body
      • 4 - Body
    • Language - Select the language this message group supports, see configure multiple languages
    • Text - The text that will appear in the message sent to the customer
  5. Click OK to save. 
  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 as needed for additional message texts. 

3. Link the message text to the appropriate membership

Text groups can either be linked to a membership definition or a membership group. When linking a text group to a membership group, you can choose to send a special message text to selected membership types only for certain message types. This method should be used if only certain message types require a special message text, rather than all message types. 

When linking a text group to a membership definition, message texts associated with the defined text group will be sent for all messages. This method should be used if a specific membership type requires a special message text for all message types. 

3a. Use a unique text group for a specific message type

To send a unique message text for specific membership types and message types, follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Products and services > Memberships > Card configuration > Membership groups
  2. Find the membership type from the list that you would like to use a separate message text for. Click Open
  3. Click New
  4. Define the Membership groups fields:
    • Type - Select the appropriate Message type from the drop-down menu. 
    • Description - Type a description of the membership group 
    • Text - Select the text group code defined in Step 1: Create a unique text group from the drop-down menu
  5. Click OK to save. 

3b. Use a unique text group for all messages associated with a membership definition 

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Products and services > Memberships > Membership settings > Membership definitions
  2. Find the appropriate membership type from the list and click Detail. The Membership definitions window opens. 
  3. Click Change to edit the membership definition. 
  4. In the Default text group field, select the text group code defined in Step 1: Create a unique text group from the drop-down menu
  5. Click OK to save. 



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