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Customer menu

Learn about the options available from the Customer menu that appears on the Check in and Check out screens in the Wise staff client.

Customer menu

 Note: Most options in this area can also be accessed via Customers > Customer administration. If Customer administration is accessed through either the Check out or Check in options, a Back to service desk button is available at the bottom of the screen.

Borrowed items

To view what materials a customer has checked out, navigate to Customer > Borrowed items or press F9. The data of these items are integrated in the transaction log of the session.

The overview is sorted by the due date. Click on a column to choose a different sort order. Double-click on a line for more details or right-click for more information about the item. A summary of checked out items displays with the following data:

Column name Description

Checkout date

The date when the material was checked out.

Due date

Standard sorting order. If the due date has passed, the due date will be shown in red.


Information about the title and author. 

Material type

The code for the material type. 


The status of the checked out item.

Amount due

This column indicates how much the outstanding fine is on the item. When checking in, checking out, or renewing the item, the total amount of the costs charged for the item is indicated.

The following items can be displayed:

  • Fine
  • Lending fees
  • Bill amounts for book fees
  • Hold request fees
  • ILL costs
  • Costs for renewing items over the phone
  • Costs for renewing items online
  • Cost for exceeding the maximum number of items borrowed


Details of the loan and notifications for check in or check out:

  • Reminder (and the date the message was sent)
  • Bill (and the date it was sent)
  • Hold
  • Other branch, etc.
Barcode The barcode associated with the checked out item.

Changing collection

The collection code for items from changing collections is shown.

Manage checked out items

From the checked out items view, you can perform a number of actions by right-clicking on the line you want to change. The item lines can be scrolled through using the arrow keys or mouse. One or more lines can be selected and then edited at the same time by holding down the control key and clicking the desired items. Depending on where the function is used, certain options are available. For example, Cancel cannot be executed if an item has not been checked out.

Option Description


This allows you to undo a loan or return if it was made in the current session.  Overdue fees will be refunded.

Check in

Return materials. 

Administratively check in

Return items without processing a fine

Renew loan period

Extend the lending period of items.

Create replacement cost bill

Creates an invoice for reimbursement of the item. 

Register current fine Update the fines for items that have not been returned.

Change date

Allows you to change the date of return. The date can only be extended beyond the original due date, it cannot be set to an earlier date.

 Note: The date must be set before items are checked in. This does not renew/extend the borrowing period.

To details of this line

Shows details on the status and lending/return dates of the item.

To details of this item

Shows comprehensive information on copies (status, material type, statistical category, order date, owner, possible blocks, number of loans, etc.)

To title for item

Opens the catalog record for the item.

Read details guest item If the item is owned by another system (ILL), details about the item is displayed.


To view the materials a customer has on hold or to place hold requests, navigate to Customer > ILL/Holds.

A summary of checked out items displays with the following data: 

Column name Description
Priority  A hold request is given a priority (this can be configured for each material type in the Wise configuration manager at RMT Hold configuration per RMT.). If there are hold requests with the same priority, the hold request with the oldest date comes first.
Hold request Date that the item was requested in the format MM-DD-YYYY.######. The number at the end of the date represents the order that requests were made when multiple holds are placed on the same date.

The hold request type.

Code Type
B Branch hold request
N Network hold request
I Internal ILL request
E External request
O Other


Title Title of the item requested
Placed at The branch where the hold was placed from. If this field is blank, a specific branch was not selected and the request will apply to all branches.

Status of the hold request

Code Status
A - Active/Processing The hold request has been placed, but not yet filled with an item.
B - Message sent

The hold request is in at the pick-up branch, and the customer has received the message.
Depending on what the customer wants, messages can be sent by text message, email, or mail.

Hold requests with the status Message are displayed in red.

O - Received by the pick-up branch The hold request is in, but the customer has not yet received a message. The date of receipt is displayed.
R - Return to the supplying branch The customer has returned the item; the item is en route back to the branch that supplied it. Check-in changes the status of the item to R.
T - Transport to pick-up branch If the hold request is placed at a different branch and this supplying branch has checked in the item, the status is automatically changed to
Transport. In other words, the hold request is on its way to the requesting branch.
U - Checked out to the customer The item is now in the customer's possession.
The title can be looked up both in the overview of checked out items and in the overview of outstanding hold requests
Z - Processed/closed

The item has been checked in or has been checked in at the supplying branch after transport. The hold request has now been completely processed and is no longer on the list of (outstanding) hold requests.

The processed hold requests (stating the reasons for processing) can be found for the borrower via the “History” button. A total overview of status Z can be generated via Hold Requests > Overviews > Overview of Hold Requests.


Amount due

This column indicates outstanding fines for the item. When the item is returned, the total fine will be calculated. This can include:

  • Fines
  • Lending fees
  • Invoices for lost/damaged items
  • Holds costs
  • ILL costs
  • Renewal costs
Pickup at/Delivery Pick up or delivery location
Hold condition If the customer has placed a condition on the hold that it should be filled after another hold request has been fulfilled, it will be displayed here.
Group number If the hold request is part of a group request, it will display here.
Sector The sector of the hold.

If the option is active, the place in the waiting list will be displayed.

 Note: Place in the waiting list does not indicate delivery time. 

Date of entry The starting date of the hold request. 

 Note: Reservations in schoolWise are highlighted on this screen in blue. 

At the bottom of the screen are the following options: 

Option Description

Place hold request

The catalog is opened and hold requests can be placed. 


Cancels hold requests that have the status Searching. Reservations with a different status that have already been processed must be deleted using the Borrowed items view (F9).

History Shows a list of previous hold requests. 


Closes the ILL/Holds view. 

Double-click or press the enter key on a selected line for more details about the hold. Use the escape key to close the session and return to the main menu.

For more information, see Holds


Notifications regarding customers are displayed in Customer administration when their account is accessed in Check in/Check out. A notification can be read, edited and/or deleted from this menu. You can also define standard notifications, which can be selected by clicking Standard text. For more information, see Customer messages. 

Additionally, Comments can be added to a customer. A comment is an internal-only message for staff members. Comments can only be added or read within a customer account in the Notifications tab. If a customer has a comment, it is displayed under the name and address details of the customer and this is reported on the Customer tab in Customer Administration.


For more information about functions available in the Customer > Financial menu, see Financial menu

Book on-going fine

Current fines are outstanding fines for materials that have not been returned. In the overview of Borrowed items, on-going fines display in the Amount due column. When the LPDBOET system option is configured, the fine amount can appear when the customer account is accessed in Check in/Check out. Book on-going fine is used to book outstanding fines for an account when checking books in for that account from the book drop. This action does not mark the item as returned. It sets the return date to the current day and if the current day is the due date, no overdue fines will be calculated.

Set PIN 

Customers can use a PIN code for self-checkout and to access electronic resources. To set or change a customer's PIN, go to Customer > Set PIN. A Set PIN window opens, this window indicates whether or not the customer has already set a PIN. To change the PIN, enter the desired 4-digit pin into the New PIN field and click OK.

 Note: The PIN is not used to sign in to My Account via the web catalog. 

Print customer receipt 

A standard receipt prints after closing a lending session. Use Print customer receipts (Alt+P) to print a receipt for the current transaction, or to print a non-standard receipt. Select the receipt type to print and click OK

Customer receipts are configured in the Wise client at Branch Management > Workplace Management > Configuration > Service Desk Profiles.



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