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Policy material (RMT)

Find information on how to configure hold requests per RMT.

Policy material (RMT) fields are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Holds and ILL > Policy material (RMT). These tables define hold request settings based on material type.

(RMT) Hold configuration per RMT

This table sets parameters for hold requests based on material type (RMT), set in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Items and Locations > Items > System tables > (RMTSYS) RMT table definition. These parameters can be set at the branch, library organization, and system level. 

When a hold request is placed, the Wise system first looks for a setting at the branch level. If there is no setting at the branch level, it then checks the library organization level. If there is no setting at the library organization level, Wise then defaults to the system level for that material type. 

It is best to use the following procedure when setting up:

  • Define the default/standard settings per organization in the top line with no RMT. This default rule prevents undefined material from being excluded from holds processing
  • Define deviations in policy per organization and per RMT
  • If there is a deviating general setting specific to a branch, this must be defined in the first line for each branch. Depending on this, different settings can be included for specific RMTs per branch

 Note: For Wise systems with only one library organization, the system level can be used to define the standard rather than the library organization level. Consortial library systems should use the library organization level to define the standard. 

See About holds and ILL configuration for more information regarding ILL hold levels and other settings.

(RMT) Hold configuration per RMT fields

Three tabs are available (Branch, Organization, System) which contain the same fields.

Users with the ability to edit RMT configuration can select the Bulk changes option from the top of the screen to view the Bulk changes [RMT] screen. From this screen users can make bulk changes using the following workflow:

  1. Select the branches or organizations you want to edit from the top drop-down menu and click Add.
  2. Select the value you want to change from the Organization drop-down menu. The available configuration options display based on the criteria selected.
  3. Choose the setting you wish to apply to the selected locations and click OK.
  4. A confirmation message displays, click OK to confirm changes, or Cancel to cancel the action.

 Note: If a configuration already exists for an RMT, the row in the table will appear as blue in the production instance of the Wise configuration manager. This allows you to quickly check the table to see which material types have special settings for hold requests. 

Field Description
Type Automatically defined by the system - RMT
Branch The branch associated with the hold configuration.
Material type

Select a material type associated with the hold configuration from the drop-down menu. Material type is defined at (RMTSYS) RMT table definition.

If default is chosen, the settings in the configuration row will apply to all material types.

Description Description of the material type.
Local networks
Search strategy (B, N, O, R, I)

Determines how holds can be searched once the request is placed. Type in the hold level codes in the order in which you would like the system to search them. If certain hold levels should not be searched, do not include the code. (For example, BNI)

Hold level options: 

  • B - Only items from the branch are made available 
  • N - All items within the network are made available
  • O - Not for use in US libraries.
  • R - Not for use in US libraries.
  • I - Items from all participating branches and organizations in the Wise system are made available 

See About holds and ILL configuration for more information.

Default priority Select a priority level from 0-10 from the drop-down menu. 0 is the highest priority, 10 is the lowest.
Search in local network Select a search network from the drop-down menu. This is the network that will be searched for N level hold requests. See (G_NET) Networks for more information on configuring networks.
Search in other networks, public Not for use in US libraries.
Search in other networks, staff Not for use in US libraries.
Network pickup branches - local holds

Used for B and N level holds. Select a hold pickup network from the drop-down menu. The branches defined in this network are where customers can choose to pick up hold requests. If customers can only pick up hold requests from their own branch, leave this setting empty. 

See (G_NET) Networks for more information on configuring networks.

Search in region network

Not for use in US libraries.

Network pickup branches - other networks

Not for use in US libraries.

Add home branch

If Yes is selected, the customer's home branch will always be a pickup option for a hold request, even if the branch is not in the pickup network. If no pickup network is defined, the pickup location will always default to the customer's home branch. 

If No is selected, only the branches in the defined pickup network will be offered as a pickup location. If the customer's home branch is not included in this pickup network, it may not be selected as a pickup location.

 Note: If no pickup network is defined and No is selected, the branches in the search network will be used instead.

Network pickup branches - local ILL

Select a network from the drop-down menu. The selected network defines pickup locations for I level hold requests. 

See (G_NET) Networks for more information on configuring networks.

Network pickup branches - holds in other networks Not for use in US libraries.
Pick up at local branch only

If Yes is selected material type will be blocked from transport but can still be placed on hold for pickup at the item's owning location. Select No to deactivate this block.

 Note:  Only applies to block 7 (Block own network)

Other networks
Search strategy (B,N,I) Not for use in US libraries.
Network pickup branches - other holds Not for use in US libraries.
Network pickup branches - other ILL Not for use in US libraries.
Other settings
Block available items for pubcat holds Select Yes to block available items from being placed on hold from the pubcat.
Block available items against webcat holds Select Yes to block available items from being placed on hold from the web catalog. 
Delivers to region Not for use in US libraries.
Deliver directly to region Not for use in US libraries.
Does this branch participate in the regional network? Not for use in US libraries.
Direct delivery for region Not for use in US libraries.
Place multiple holds on titles

Select Yes to allow a title to be placed on hold multiple times from the pubcat or web catalog. 

Term for B holds (local library)

Enter the number of days after which a B level (branch) hold request should be changed to an N level (network) hold request.

Term for N holds (network)

Enter the number of days after which a N level (network) hold request should be changed to an I level (system) hold request. 

Term R-reservation Not for use in US libraries., define as 0.
Term for ending hold request

Enter the maximum number of days that a hold request should remain in Status A (Active/Processing). 

After a hold request exceeds this number of days, it closes and moves to Archive reason 4 (Open too long.) 

Alert that item held has not been picked up

Enter the number of days that a hold request should remain on the hold shelf for the customer in Status B (Message sent). 

 Note: The calendar is taken into account when determining the "Ready through" date. If the last pickup day falls on a closed day according to the calender, the next day the library is open will be chosen.

Pickup reminder Enter the number of days you want to pass before the pickup reminder (RSB) message is sent. This is the number of days after the holds pick up (RSO) is sent.

Select a block option from the drop-down menu:

  • 0 - No block
  • 2 - Block on external ILL
  • 4 - Block on external ILL B2B
  • 5 - Block on library system hold
  • 6 - Block on other network
  • 7 - Block on local network
  • 8 - General block (blocks all hold requests)
Delivery process at this branch Not currently in use. 
Windowtime for date received B Enter the number of days from the purchase of an item that it is blocked for B level (branch) hold requests. This prevents holds on new items.
Windowtime for date received N Enter the number of days from the purchase of an item that it is blocked for N level (network) hold requests. This prevents holds on new items.
Windowtime for date received I Enter the number of days from the purchase of an item that it is blocked for I level (system) hold requests. This prevents holds on new items.
Window time for receipt date R Not for use in US libraries.
Windowtime for date received E Not for use in US libraries.

Can a hold be placed on ordered items?

Yes, items on order may be reserved.

Select from the drop-down menu for ordered items. 

Item statuses:

0 = No
1 = Linked instances (instance status TN)
2 = Delivered and linked instances (instance status TA and TN)
3 = Ordered, delivered and linked instances (instance status I, TA and TN)

Transport costs based on age for title Transport costs will be charged for this item if the age is less than the number of days specified in this field. 
This branch delivers to IBL-V Not for use in US libraries.

(RESIBL) Settings hold administrators

For each branch, a management location must be selected for handling hold requests. A different branch can be chosen for various types of requests. This can be set at the branch or system level. 

Field  Description
Type Automatically defined by the system - RESIBL
Branch Select a branch from the drop-down menu.
Material type Select a material type from the drop-down menu. 
Description Description of the management location.
Administrator of holds (B, N) Choose the branch from the drop-down list to manage B and N type hold requests. 
Administrator ILL (I, E) Choose the branch from the drop-down list to manage I and E type hold requests.


Default ILL settings can be defined for each branch. When creating a new ILL item in the Wise staff client, SCAT codes and RMT codes can be pre-defined based on the configuration set in this table. 

Field Description
Type Automatically defined by the system - IBL
Branch The branch associated with the ILL configuration. Select an option from the drop-down menu.

Select 1 - ILL settings from the drop-down menu.

Description Description of the ILL configuration. 
SCAT Select a SCAT code from the drop-down menu. This SCAT code selected here will automatically populate when creating an ILL item
RMT Select an RMT code from the drop-down menu. This RMT code selected here will automatically populate when creating an ILL item
Status Select a Status code from the drop-down menu. This Status code selected here will automatically populate when creating an ILL item.
Cost Select "Yes" to enable a default cost. This will automatically populate when creating an ILL item


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