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RMT tables

Learn about material types in Wise, defined in the Wise configuration manager in the RMT tables.

RMT tables are located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Items and Locations > Items > System tables.

(RMTSYS) RMT table definition  

Each material type available in your system must be defined in the RMT table. The term RMT is used throughout the Wise system to refer to material types. The classification of material types is used to define borrowing and hold policies. Material types should align with the statistical codes configured in the staff client at SCAT management

Material types are a more granular designation than media types, defined in the Wise configuration manager at (MDT) Media type. For example, a media type may consist of a format such as book, DVD, Blu-ray, etc. while a material type example would be Youth fiction books, Adult non-fiction DVDs, etc. Defining material types allows you to create specific reports on certain types of items, allow items to float, and to set up different circulation and hold policies for certain RMTs.

 Caution: OCLC does not recommend removing RMTs without consultation. Contact OCLC Support for assistance.

RMT naming conventions

Material type codes consist of up to two characters. When defining material types, the first character should indicate the primary material and the second character should indicate a sub-class of the primary material.

When creating new RMT codes, the following naming conventions should be followed:

  • Standard RMT codes should be a single alphabetic character 
  • Age group RMT designations should use an alphanumeric format 
  • Unique RMTs that do not have an age group designation should use two alphabetic characters 


RMT Code RMT type Description
B Standard Books (general)
B2 Age group designation  Adult fiction books
B3 Age group designation Adult non-fiction books
B4 Age group designation Youth fiction books
B5 Age group designation Youth non-fiction books
BB Unique Board books
BI Unique Biography

Add new RMT

When a code is created or edited in the (RMTSYS) RMT table, it is also updated in the tables (RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization and (RMT) Holds configuration per RMT.

To create or edit an RMT:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to Items and Locations > Items > System tables > (RMTSYS) RMT table definition.
  2. Click New to create a new RMT, or click Detail next to an existing material type to edit. The Settings at system level window opens.
  3. Enter RMT details. If you are editing an existing material type, click Edit to edit the details:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (RMTSYS).
    Branch Automatically populated by the system (0000).
    Material type Two-character material code.
    Description Text description of the material type.
    Magnetic medium If the material is a magnetic medium, select Yes.
    Administrative group policies This code determines how fines for the material type are represented within the system. Use the last two digits of the related Booking code from the Accounting table in this field. If no value is entered, the system default is 00.

    Example: The accounting table uses Booking code 110 to represent Overdue Book material. In the RMT table, when materials are counted as books, enter 10 in the Administrative group policies field.
    Count in checkout statistics for material group Select which material type this material is counted as for the checkout policy. If no selection is made, the material will not be included in the report.
    Count in BIS material group Not for use in US libraries.
    Count in BNL material group Not for use in US libraries.
    Statistical number for external material Enter a value from the SCAT table. When entering external material, the indicated SCAT value will be directly included in the temporary copy.
    Do not float Check this box to place a system-wide block on the material type for floating.
    Minimum days before re-floating Enter the minimum number of days a new item must stay at the owning branch before floating.

    This field is set to 0 days by default.
    Standard material

    If this material type uses the same policies as an existing standard RMT, indicate that value here. This field allows you to copy the policies of an existing RMT.

    Leave this field blank if it has its own policies.

    This is Daisy-rom material Not for use in US libraries.
  4. Click OK to save.

(RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization 

Material replacement costs and policies for the material type are configured based on your library's policies in the (RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization table.

When a new code is added to the RMTSYS table, it appears in the RMTINS table immediately so that it can be edited at the library system level. 

Replacement cost and value decrease

If your system wants to use value decrease or replacement cost, it must be configured for each RMT. If a value decrease is used to determine the residual value of an item, it must be configured in this table.

To add or edit a configuration:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and Locations > Items > System tables > (RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization.
  2. Click Open next to your organization. An RMT table appears. There are two tabs at the top of the table, Instance and System. You can only edit RMTs on the Instance tab.
  3. Click New, or to edit an existing value, click Detail in that line. The Settings at institution level window opens.
  4. Provide configuration details. If you are editing an existing rule, click Change to enable editing.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (RMTINS).
    Branch Automatically filled by the system, the location selected.
    Material type Select the RMT code to configure.
    Description A text description of the configuration.
    Replacement cost in cents This price will be used if no purchase price can be found for the item.
    Minimum replacement cost in cents

    The replacement cost to be calculated will always be at least this minimum amount (the replacement price minus the decrease value percentage).

    If the replacement is 0, there will be no calculation, no value decrease, and an amount entered here will not do anything.

     Note: If a minimum replacement cost is present, then the Decrease value by (%)Decrease value every xx daysStandard for new material, and Standard for old material fields must also be populated.

    Decrease value by (%)

    The percentage by which the price of replacement cost will be reduced every number of days specified in the Decrease value every xx days field.

     Note: If this field is populated, then the Minimum replacement cost in centsDecrease value every xx daysStandard for new material, and Standard for old material fields must also be populated.

    Decrease value every xx days

    The number of days that must pass before the value of the replacement cost is reduced by the percentage specified in the Decrease value by (%) field. 

     Note: If this field is populated, then the Minimum replacement cost in centsDecrease value by (%)Standard for new material, and Standard for old material fields must also be populated.

    Block against renewal Check this box to prevent the item type from being renewed.
    Block against public renewals Check this box to prevent the item type from being renewed in the public interface.
    Block against self-service checkout Check this box to prevent self-service checkout.
    Standard for new material

    Enter the number of months this material type is considered new. Items considered new qualify for a replacement cost value reduction.

     Note: If this field is populated, then the Minimum replacement cost in centsDecrease value by (%)Decrease value every xx days, and Standard for old material fields must also be populated.

    Standard for old material

    Enter the number of months when this material type is considered old. The item will stop decreasing in value once it has reached this age. 

     Note: If this field is populated, then the Minimum replacement cost in centsDecrease value by (%)Decrease value every xx days, and Standard for new material fields must also be populated.

    SIP2 media type Select the SIP2 media type for this material from the drop-down list. The standard SIP material codes can be used. If no value is entered, the system will pass on the material from items as standard.
    Sales code (TABBLO) Select the sales code for this material from the drop-down list. Items that are eligible for sale are provided with a sales code, based on the blocking notifications table.
    Hour-based material Select yes  to allow allow material type to be loaed on an hourly basis.
  5. Click OK to save.

Cost determination example:

A material value is reduced by 10% every 100 days. The purchase price was $10.00.

Number of days Value
100 $9.00
200 $8.10
300 $7.29

If the item is aged 220 days using these calculations, after the 200 day value of $8.10, the 20 days are pro-rated with the value of:
$8.10 - ((10/100) * (20/100) * $8.10) = $7.94


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