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Items system tables

Find information about defining settings related to items in Wise such as RMT.


​Items system tables are located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables

(RMTSYS) RMT table definition 

(RMTSYS) RMT table definition is used to define material types in Wise. For more details, see RMT tables

(RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization 

(RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization is used to define material replacement costs and policies based on material types. For detailed information, see RMT tables.

(LBLEXM) Label numbers 

Wise allows libraries to generate item labels at various locations. Labels must be configured and maintained in the (LBLEXM) table. These settings are maintained per location.

To edit or create a label process:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables > (LBLEXM) Label numbers.
  2. Click New to create a new process, or click Detail next to an existing process to edit. The Scanning process for item label series window opens.
  3. Provide Label number details. If you are editing an existing process, click Change to enable editing.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (LBLEXM).
    Branch Automatically filled by the system, the location selected.
    Description Text description of the Label number process.
    Scanning process

    Select the scanning process to use to generate the item number.

    • 1 - Default Wise
    • 2 - Default Wise without verification number
    Label description Text printed on the label for the branch.
    Label for branch Branch number.
    Unrestricted item number Used for printing free numbers.
    Order item number Order number from the acquisition.
    Item number for periodicals Can be used by the serials administrator.
    Linking process

    The default linking process for linking items in the staff client. Enter the code for the preferred process. The code is constructed of the letter or number code for each selection in the Linking process screen in the Link screen of the staff client:

    The first drop-down list displays barcode linking options:

    1 - Scan own number
    2 - Generate own number
    3 - RFID, Scan national number
    4 - RFID, Generate national number
    5 - RFID, Scan own number
    6 - RFID, Generate own number

    The second drop-down list displays printing options for the barcode:

    G - Print label for generated numbers
    N - Do not print label
    P - Print direct label

    The third drop-down list displays options for RFID:

    0 - Turn off RFID security bit
    1 - Turn on RFID security bit
    N - Do not write RFID security bit


    Example: If you want the system to generate its own barcode number, automatically print the label and not use RFID, enter the code 2PN in this field.

    EDI linking process The default linking process for EDI linking. Follow the process used to define the Linking process described above.
    Label format

    Select a label format from the drop-down list:

    • 0 - LETTER
    • 1 - LEGAL
    • 2 - A4
    • 3 - CUSTOM
    • 4 - CARD
    • 5 - DYMO_99010
    • 6 - DYMO_11352
    • 7 - DYMO_11352
    • 8 - BROTHER_DK11201
    • 9 - BROTHER_DK11209
    Barcode prefix If your library uses a prefix for item barcodes, enter it here.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABAFR) Discard reason 

When an item is discarded in the staff client, a discard reason can be selected. The discard reason is a 1-character code.

Standard codes are included in the system:

  • A - Discard
  • B - System use only 
  • C - Duplicate Copy
  • D - System use only
  • L - Lost
  • M - Missing
  • O - Outdated
  • R - Replaced
  • S - Superseded
  • T - Other
  • Z - Zero/Low circulation

Other reasons can be created for your system. To create or edit a discard reason:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables > (TABAFR) Discard reason.
  2. Click New to add a new discard reason or click Detail next to an existing value to change it. The Reason for discard reason window opens.
  3. Enter Discard reason information.
    • If you are adding a new reason, enter a 1-character Code and text Description.
    • If you are editing an existing reason, click Change and edit the Description.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABBIJ) Attachment notifications 

In combination with RFID tags, most self-service machines can lend items with RFID attachments, based on RFID tags. If attachments do not have their own RFID, an attachment code can be included per title and/or per item.

Attachment codes are defined in this table. An attachment code is 1-character and includes a text description. To create or edit an attachment notification:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables > (TABBIJ) Attachment notifications.
  2. Click New to add a new attachment notification or click Detail next to an existing value to change it. The Attachment notifications window opens.
  3. Enter Attachment notification information.
    • If you are adding a new attachment notification, enter a 1-character Code and text Description.
    • If you are editing an attachment notification, click Change and edit the Description.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABBCL) Special collections 

Special collections are created in (TABBCL) Special collections with a 3-character code. This code can be used to determine the budget and placement for materials belonging to a special collection.

To create or edit a special collection:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables > (TABBCL) Special collections.
  2. Click New to add a new special collection or click Detail next to an existing value to change it. The Origin window opens.
  3. Enter Special collection information.
    • If you are adding a new special collection, enter a 3-character Code and text Description.
    • If you are editing an existing special collection, click Change and edit the Description.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABBLO) Blocking notifications 

If an item must be blocked from circulation, a blocking notification can be included with the item. Blocking properties can be included in the block code. Blocking notifications can also be applied to multiple items using Batch changes

To create or edit blocking notification:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables > (TABBLO) Blocking notifications.
  2. Click New to add a new blocking code or click Detail next to an existing value to change it. The Blocking notifications window opens.
  3. Enter Blocking code information.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (BLO).
    Code A 1-character code to indicate the reason the item is blocked.

     Note: Code O has special functionality in Wise. Avoid using this code.

    Description Text description of the blocking notification.
    Show notification at check in Check this box to display the notification when the item is checked in.

     Note: The reason appears only when the item is checked out and then checked in. It does not appear on subsequent check ins.

    Remove reason for blocking after check in Check this box to remove the reason for blocking after the item is checked in.
    Reason blocks holds Check this box to block holds on items with this blocking status.
    Display reason at checkout Check this box to show the reason for blocking the item at checkout.
    Show additional message details Check this box to show the additional message details at checkout.
    Check in requires staff check in Check this box so that when an item is returned, it is given stats D – Self-service machine. This indicates that staff need to check the item in again and handle the block.
    Discard cost in cents Price, in cents. The price is displayed in the staff client as a debit option when To sale is checked. For more information, see Discard items.
    Discard reason Select a Discard reason from the drop-down list. Discard reasons are configured in (TABAFR) Discard reason.
    Wise client receipt Check this box to print a block slip for the item when it's checked in on the staff client.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABSAN) Reason for change 

Not for use in US libraries.

(TABLRM) Checkout privileges material groups 

Material types can be grouped if they share the same policies so that policies do not need to be defined for each material type in the (RMTINS) RMT configuration per organization table. For example, if the lending policy for Adult fiction books is the same as for the Book material type, they can be grouped using a group code defined in this table.

To create or edit a checkout privileges material group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Items and locations > Items > System tables > (TABLRM) Checkout privileges material groups.
  2. Click New to add a new Checkout privilege material group or click Detail next to an existing value to change it. The Checkout privileges for materials window opens.
  3. Enter Checkout privileges material groups information.
    • If you are adding a new group, enter a 1-character Code and text Description.
    • If you are editing an existing group, click Change and edit the Description.
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABBIS) BIS material group 

Not for use in US libraries.

(TABBNL) BNL material groups 

Not for use in US libraries.

(TABWLC) Items action list codes 

Contact OCLC Support to request changes to this table.

The text instructions that appear in Items action lists generated in the client are defined in (TABWLC) Items action list codes. For more information, see Items action list.

(NBCMAT) NBC + materials 

Not for use in US libraries.


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