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OCLC Wise Support EN

Hold request types and statuses

Find definitions of hold request types, statuses, and archive reasons.

Request types 

Wise can be configured to handle the following hold request types:

Code Type Description
B Branch hold requests The system checks first to see if the item is available in the branch where it is being requested. A timeframe can be configured for each branch to determine how long the customer must wait for a result at the branch where it was requested.
N Network hold request When configured, the system checks to see if the item is available within the network. If it's not, the system looks in the Internal ILL network.
I System hold request The system checks the Internal ILL network if no results are found in the branch or network.
O Other Other networks connected through your Wise system. You can also work with other institutions to arrange hold requests.
E External ILL Your library can use an external ILL system to supply hold requests when all other options are exhausted.

Request statuses 

As a hold request is processed through the Wise system, it can cycle through the following statuses:

Code Status Definition
A Active/Processing The hold request has been placed but not yet filled with an item.
B Message sent

The hold request is at the pick-up branch and a notification message has been sent to the customer.

Hold requests with the status B - Message sent are displayed in red.

O Received by the pick-up branch The hold request is in, but the customer has not yet received a message. The date of receipt is displayed.
R Return to the supplying branch The customer has returned the item. It is en-route back to the branch that supplied it.
T Transport to pick-up branch If the hold request is placed at a different branch and this supplying branch has checked in the item, the status is automatically changed to Transport.
U Checked out to the customer The item is in the possession of the customer. The title can be looked up in the overview of checked out items and in the overview of outstanding hold requests.
Z Processed/closed

The hold request has been canceled, and the item has been checked in at the pickup branch. The item has been routed back to the placement branch and will not display as Available until checked in.

The hold request is completely processed and is no longer on the list of outstanding hold requests.

The processed hold requests (stating the reasons for processing) can be found for the borrower via the History button. A total overview of status Z can be generated via Hold requests > Overviews > Overview of hold requests.

Archive reasons

Code Status Description
0 Not archived If the item is still being processed, it is not yet archived. This archive reason is automatically applied. 
1 Copy delivered The item was delivered to the pick-up location. This archive reason is automatically applied upon delivery. 
4 Open too long The request was not fulfilled before the number of days configured in the Term for ending hold request field within the Policy material (RMT) table. This archive reason is automatically applied. 
5 Customer removed The borrowing customer is no longer in the system. This archive reason is automatically applied.
6 Title / copy removed The last available title or item requested was deleted. This archive reason must be manually applied. 
7 Due date exceeded The specified due date has passed. This archive reason is automatically applied after the date is exceeded.
8 Not picked up The item was not picked up by the customer. This archive reason is automatically applied.
9 Delete hold The request was manually deleted by staff. This archive reason is automatically applied when a request is canceled via the customer's hold list. 
A (XRA) Hold request for archive Not currently in use. 
E Canceled by lender (ILL) The request was canceled by the ILL lender. 
I Canceled via OPAC The request was canceled by the customer via My Account. This archive reason must be manually applied.
K Supplied by other (ILL) The request was supplied by another library via ILL. 
N Out of stock (ILL) The item was out of stock via ILL. 
P On shelf, canceled by customer The request was canceled by the customer. This archive reason must be manually applied. 
W Delivery refused (ILL) The delivery of the item via ILL was refused. 


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