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OCLC Wise Support EN

Service desk profiles

Learn how to assign or change the service desk profile for a workstation. The service desk profile determines the starting screen for the client and how receipts are printed from the workstation in the Wise staff client.

Service desk profiles are managed in the staff client in Branch management > Workplace management > Configuration, on the Service desk profiles tab. Profiles can be used across branches, which allows multiple branches within one library organization to use the same profile.

The Service desk profiles tab displays which profiles are used by the branch and by the entire library organization. Click the column headers to change the sort order of the profile lines. If the service desk profiles do not display on the tab, check the ID on the Port properties tab sheet.

 Note: If the Profile ID displays a -1, check the details of the profile to make sure all required information is provided. You must restart the staff client to view changes.

If menu options for Service desk profiles appear in grey and cannot be accessed, contact your system administrator. For more information, see Access codes and authorizations.

Assign a service desk profile 

Service desk profiles can be assigned or changed when a user is logged into the staff client.

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Workplace management > Configuration and click on the Service desk profiles tab. A list of available profiles displays. Below the list, the system indicates which profile is set for the user after Service desk profile set on this client:. 

     Note: If this is a self-service machine, select a self-service profile from the SSS profile drop-down list.

  2. Right-click on the profile you wish to assign to the workstation and select Set for this client. The profile is assigned and the message at the bottom of the screen updates to display the selected profile.

  3.  Note: You must restart the client for changes to apply.

Create, copy, and edit service desk profiles 

To create a new service desk profile:

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Workplace management > Configuration and click on the Service desk profiles tab.
  2. Right-click in the table and select Create new. The profile window opens.
  3. Enter profile information on the Basic properties and Service desk procedures tabs.
  4. Click OK to save.

To edit an existing service desk profile:

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Workplace management > Configuration and click on the Service desk profiles tab.
  2. Right-click in the table and select Details. The profile window opens.
  3. Edit profile information on the Basic properties and Service desk procedures tabs.
  4. Click OK to save.

To copy an existing service desk profile:

  1. In the staff client, go to Branch management > Workplace management > Configuration and click on the Service desk profiles tab.
  2. Right-click in the table and select Create copy. The profile window opens.
  3. Edit profile information on the Basic properties and Service desk procedures tabs.
  4. Click OK to save.

Basic properties 

The following details can be viewed and edited on the Basic properties tab:

Column Description
Profile Numerical code assigned to the profile. This number is automatically generated by the system, this field cannot be changed. 
Description Text description of the profile.
Start with The screen that appears when the staff client is opened.

The system (0000) can be an owner or an institution, but not a branch. All profiles within one Wise system are displayed on the tab. If configured, profiles within other institutions also display.

All PCs can use all profiles. The owner can change a profile via the staff client.

The system profiles of owner 0000 cannot be changed, these are colored gray and can only be changed via the Wise configuration manager.

Procedures The service desk procedures configured for the profile. Displays in numbers/letters.
BBM If checked, the book return slot is used for check-in.

Service desk procedures (Configure receipts)

The service desk procedures tell the workstation how to behave when the profile is logged in. The following settings are controlled on this tab:

Procedure Make a selection
Paying with check-in
  • 1 - With cost session
  • 2 - With costs/registration
  • 3 - No paying
Receipt procedure for check-in
  • 1 - No receipt
  • 2 - Asking for receipt
  • 3 - With paying
  • 4 - Always a receipt
  • 5 - On request (F11)
Receipt type for check-in

If option 3, 4, or 5 is selected for Receipt procedure for check-in, select:

Selection receipt includes
1 - Transaction receipt
  • Just returned/checked out
2 - Payment receipt
  • Just returned/checked out
  • Closed accounting items
3 - Paying/status receipt
  • Just returned/checked out
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Closed accounting items
  • Hold requests
4 - Status receipt
  • Open accounting items
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Hold requests
5 - Status receipt/registration
  • Closed accounting items
  • Open accounting items
  • Credits
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Hold requests
6 - Transaction receipt/status
  • Just returned/checked out
  • Closed accounting items
  • Open accounting items
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Hold requests
7 - Choice After each check-in session, select the receipt option
Paying with lending
  • 1 - With cost session
  • 2 - With costs/registration 1st x
  • 3 - With costs/registration
  • 9 - No paying
Receipt procedure for lending
  • 1 - No receipt
  • 2 - Asking for receipt
  • 3 - With paying
  • 4 - Always a receipt
  • 5 - On request (F11)
Receipt type for lending
Selection receipt includes
1 - Transaction receipt
  • Just returned/checked out
2 - Payment receipt
  • Just returned/checked out
  • Closed accounting items
3 - Paying/status receipt
  • Just returned/checked out
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Closed accounting items
  • Hold requests
4 - Status receipt
  • Open accounting items
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Hold requests
5 - Status receipt/registration
  • Closed accounting items
  • Open accounting items
  • Credits
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Hold requests
6 - Transaction receipt/status
  • Just returned/checked out
  • Closed accounting items
  • Open accounting items
  • Materials checked out ("in your possession")
  • Hold requests
7 - Choice After each check-in session, select the receipt option
Receipt procedure paying Cash drawer
  • 1 - No receipt
  • 2 - Asking for receipt
  • 3 - Always a receipt
Hold receipts
  • 1 - No receipt
  • 2 - Asking for receipt
  • 3 - Always a receipt
Receipt type for hold requests
  • B - Receipt printer receipt
  • P - A4 receipt (default printer)
Transport receipts
  • 0 - No receipt
  • 1 - Asking for receipt
  • 2 - Always a receipt
Transport receipt type
  • B - Receipt printer receipt
  • P - A4 receipt (default printer)
Blocking receipts
  • 0 - No receipt
  • 1 - Asking for receipt
  • 2 - Always a receipt
Blocking receipt type
  • B - Receipt printer receipt
  • P - A4 receipt (default printer)
ILL-recipient type
  • B - Receipt printer receipt
  • P - A4 receipt (default printer)
Delivery receipt type
  • B - Receipt printer receipt
  • P - A4 receipt (default printer)


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