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OCLC Wise Support EN

Place hold requests

Place hold requests from the catalog 

Hold requests can be made in the Wise catalog. Holds can be placed via the title/item screen or the title selections screen.

Place a hold on a title 

To request a hold on a title in the catalog:

  1. Search the catalog for the title you want to reserve.
  2. Click on the Reserve icon at the bottom of the screen. The Unprocessed hold requests screen appears. This screen displays any open holds for the item.
  3. Click Place hold request at the bottom of the screen. The Search customer screen opens.
  4. Search for the customer requesting the item.
  5. Select the correct customer and click OK. Depending on the status and location of the item, a confirmation screen may appear. Click OK or Yes, depending on the message, to proceed with the request.
  6. The Hold request screen opens with the customer information populated on the screen.
  7. (Optional) To change customer contact information, click Change at the bottom of the screen.
  8. (Optional) Customize hold details. The fields in the table below can be edited. To view descriptions of all fields, see Hold request information. 
    Field Description
    Start date The start date can be changed to a later date if the customer needs the item at a specific time. There is no guarantee that the request will be ready around the desired date.
    Expiration date

    A hold request can be canceled if it is not filled by a specific date. Once the expiration date has passed, the hold request is stopped if the item is checked in after that date and the request status is updated to Z - Processed/closed with the archive reason 4 - Open too long.

    Status Manually change the request status.
    Priority The priority of the request can be changed by selecting a different priority (0 to 9). The lower the number, the higher the priority. If there are hold requests with the same priority, the request with the oldest date is processed first.
    Hold condition

    A hold condition is used to indicate when the hold will be processed in relation to other items on hold/checked out.

    Example: A customer wants to receive volume 1 and 2 in a series. They might request both items for hold with the condition that volume 2 is not processed until volume 1 is past status A - Active/processing.

    Delivery process If your library is using Delivery processes, select the process to be used for this request.
    Costs Select Yes if costs are associated with the loan beyond standard costs for hold requests established by your institution.
    Item To select a specific copy of the title, click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list.
    Placed at

    The location where the hold request was placed, used to determine the best provider library to fill the request.

    Pick up/Deliver The pickup or delivery location for the customer.
    Comment on receipt Optional comment about the hold request.
    Notification Optional notification to the customer about the hold request.
  9. Click OK to save the request. A confirmation message appears displaying the hold request number.
  10. Click OK. The request is submitted.

Watch a video

Place a hold on a title in the Wise staff client

Run time: 5:49

This video provides an overview on how to place a hold on a title in the Wise Staff client.



Place a hold from the title selection screen

Holds can be placed directly from the title results screen in the catalog. This can be done faster than going into the title record, but it also prevents you from seeing item availability. To place a hold:

  1. Search for the title in the catalog.
  2. Double click on the title you want to reserve to open the title details screen.
  3. Right-click in the top section of the screen and select Reserve.
  4. Follow steps 4 - 10 above to complete the request.

Place a hold on a specific item

To request a hold on a specific item (or copy) of a title:

  1. Search the catalog for the title you want to reserve.
  2. Select the specific item you want to reserve and right-click on the line.
  3. Select Reserve. Follow steps 4 - 10 above to complete the request.

To select a a specific item (or copy) after a request has been made:

  1. Search for the hold request you want to change.
  2. Double click on the request to open the Hold details screen.
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow next to Reserve. A list of available items appears.  

     Note: Items with request statuses A - T, and blocked or missing items will not display as available to reserve.

  4. Choose the desired item and click OK. A confirmation message appears.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. Click OK to save the change. The request is updated and can now only be filled with this item.

When the requested item is from the customer's home branch, it becomes a branch hold request. If the item is held by another branch, it becomes an Internal ILL request.

Request materials in a sequence

Hold requests can be placed for a group of items in sequential order, so that when one item is returned, the next hold in the sequence becomes active. To create a conditional request:

  1. Place holds for each title that the customer wants to reserve.
  2. Search for the customer account and go to Customer > Holds to view the hold requests of the customer.
  3. Double click on the hold request that the customer wants to receive second in the sequence. The hold request screen opens.
  4. Click Change at the bottom of the window.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Hold condition field and select the first item that the customer would like to receive from the list.
  6. Click OK. The first item barcode is added to the Hold condition field.
  7. Click OK to save changes.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 to add additional requests to the sequence (select the third item from the sequence and enter the second item in the Hold condition field, and so on).

Each request will not be processed until the item indicated in the Hold condition field is fulfilled.


Watch a Video

Request Materials in a Specific Order

Run time: 4:14

This video provides an overview of how to request materials in a specific order in the Wise Staff client.




Place hold requests from customer administration

Hold requests can be placed and viewed from in Customer administration.

To view the current and past requests and create new requests from a customer account:

  1. Search for the customer for whom you want to view or create hold requests.
  2. In the Customer administration screen, go to Customer > ILL/Hold Requests. A list of the customer's active hold requests displays.
  3. To place a new request, click Place hold request at the bottom of the screen. A catalog screen opens.
  4. Choose the item to request and click Select in the bottom corner of the screen.
  5. The Hold request screen opens with the customer information populated on the screen.
  6. (Optional) To change customer contact information, click Change at the bottom of the screen.
  7. (Optional) Customize hold details. The fields in the table below can be edited. To view descriptions of all fields, see Hold request information. 
    Field Description
    Start date The start date can be changed to a later date if the customer needs the item at a specific time. There is no guarantee that the request will be ready around the desired date.
    Expiration date

    A hold request can be canceled if it is not filled by a specific date. Once the expiration date has passed, the hold request is stopped if the item is checked in after that date and the request status is updated to Z - Processed/closed with the archive reason 4 - Open too long.

    Status Manually change the request status.
    Priority You can change the priority of the request by selecting a different priority (0 to 9). The lower the number, the higher the priority. If there are hold requests  with the same priority, the request with the oldest date is processed first.
    Hold condition

    A hold condition is used to indicate when the hold will be processed in relation to other items on hold/checked out.

    Example: A customer wants to receive volume 1 and 2 in a series. They might request both items for hold with the condition that volume 2 is not processed until volume 1 is past status A - Active/processing.

    Delivery process If your library is using Delivery processes, select the process to be used for this request.
    Costs Select Yes if costs are associated with the loan beyond standard costs for hold requests established by your institution.
    Item To select a specific copy of the title, click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list.
    Placed at

    The location where the hold request was placed, used to determine the best provider library to fill the request.

    Pick up/Deliver The pickup or delivery location for the customer.
    Comment on receipt Optional comment about the hold request.
    Notification Optional notification to the customer about the hold request.
  8. Click OK to save the request. A confirmation message appears displaying the hold request number.
  9. Click OK. The request is submitted.

Place a hold on external ILL items

External ILL requests are processed via Items > Request items and  Items > Temporary Items. For more information, see Request items.

When a search is made via the web, the system looks for a library or organization that can supply the desired material.

The request is entered in Wise as an external hold request in Wise, via Items > Request items > New Request. This links the request to the customer. The request can be looked up by supplying institution, title, and hold request number.

When the item comes in, it is linked to the request via Items > Temporary Items > ILL Item. A temporary item number is created. The data, including a barcode to be scanned, can be printed.


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