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OCLC Wise Support EN

Unprocessed hold requests screen

Learn about options available on the unprocessed hold requests screen.

The Unprocessed hold requests screen opens when a hold request is made via the Catalog. This can be accessed using the Reserve the title bell icon (Bell icon) on the bottom of the Title details screen within the Catalog. This screen displays the unprocessed holds for the selected item.

Unprocessed hold requests screen

Column display 

Column Description
Priority A hold request is given a priority (this can be configured for each material type in Wise configuration manager). A default value can be entered for all hold requests of an organization. You can also change the default by selecting a different priority (0 to 9). The lower the number, the higher the priority. If there are hold requests  with the same priority, the request with the oldest date is processed first.
Hold request

Hold requests are assigned a number in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.######. The number following the date is the number of the request, in order of when the request was place on the date.

Example: 2019-05-22.00012 would represent the 12th request placed on May 22, 2019.


The hold request type.

Free requests, or titles which are not available in the catalog, cannot be submitted via the system anymore. These titles can be requested from the library via email or external ILL request.

Customer The customer who made the request. The customer name will not appear on the screen unless the Show customer name checkbox is selected. 
Placed at The branch where the title was reserved.

The hold request status.

Pickup at/Delivery The branch where the customer will pick up the requested item.
Hold condition

If a condition has been set for the hold, it will display here. A hold condition is used to indicate when the hold will be processed in relation to other items on hold/checked out.

Example: A customer wants to receive volume 1 and 2 in a series. They might request both items for hold with the condition that volume 2 is not processed until volume 1 is past status A - Active/processing.

Group number If the request is being processed as part of a group request, it will display here. For more information, see Group requests.

The sector where the hold was placed:

  • BIEB - Library
  • EDUB - SchoolWise
  • EDUV - MediatheekWise
  • THEA - Theater
Position If configured, the position of the hold request in relation to the older holds on the item.
Date of entry The starting date of the hold request.


The bar at the bottom of the Unprocessed holds request screen contains actions that can be performed on this screen.

Place hold request 

Click Place hold request to place a hold on the selected title. Place the request.


Hold requests with the status A - Processing can be canceled using the Cancel button:

  1. Select the request from the list and click Cancel. A confirmation message appears.
  2. Click Yes. The request is canceled and no longer appears on the screen. If configured, holds costs already paid will be refunded. The archive reason is then set to 9 - Delete hold

To cancel (or delete) a hold request with any status other than A - Processing:

  1. Go to Hold requests > Show hold requests.
  2.  Double-click on the hold request you want to delete. The hold request screen opens.
  3. Go to Options > Settle. The Settle menu opens. See Settle a hold request for more information.
  4. Select 9 - Delete hold and click OK. The hold request is deleted and any related costs for placing the hold are removed.


Click History to view the holds history of the selected title. 

Show customer name

Checking the Show customer name checkbox displays the names of customers in the Customer column. If the box is unchecked, customer names will not appear on the screen. 


Exit the Unprocessed hold request screen.


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