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OCLC Wise Support EN

Branch affinity factor


What is a branch affinity factor? 

Hold requests are managed in the order that they are placed. This prioritization can be influenced based on a configured branch affinity factor. This setting is configured in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Branches. See Branches for more information.

Wise applies the branch affinity factor if an owned item is assigned to a hold request at another branch at the time of check-in. Wise checks to see if there are any hold requests for the owning branch with a date that is no more than a few days from the branch affinity factor after the hold requests date of the hold request for which Wise wants to place the item on transport. If so, the owning branch request takes priority.  

The branch affinity factor can limit unnecessary back-and-forth of items, as well as the waiting time caused by unnecessary transport. A general branch affinity factor can be entered for all days of the week, or a factor for each day of the week. A weekly pattern allows you to be optimally connected to the transport days. 

For more information about holds configuration, see Holds and ILL.


A windowtime can be established in the Wise configuration manager for top or new materials. A windowtime helps to prevent situations where your own frequently requested materials immediately go out the door again quickly after they are checked in to be able to honor hold requests from other branches in your network.

The timeframe works using the received date of items. The date received is entered after the invoice is loaded. A few days may pass between loading and linking and transport, causing a portion of the windowtime to pass.

That is why the received date can be updated if necessary to create a “fresh” windowtimee when libraries get and check in their items.

For more information about holds configuration, see Holds and ILL.



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