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OCLC Wise Support EN

Search for customers

Learn how to search for customer accounts in the Customer administration section of the Wise staff client.

Customer accounts can be searched in several ways in the staff client. 

Search customer

The Search customer screen can be accessed in the following ways:

Search customer via customer details

Search customer via customer details.jpg

Any of the fields in the Search customer via customer details screen can be used to look for a customer account.  Enter customer information into the customer fields and then press enter or click Search to view results.

Field Description

Scan or type the library card number. This field can also be used for searching by first/last name, search name, or external number. 


The customer's name. Searching is configured as follows:

Last name + comma + space + first name

The name field can also be used to search by Customer tag, which is set on the Address details tab in the customer account. This field might be used for special accounts, such as "nursing home" so that a search for "nursing home" returns all nursing homes in the system.

When retrieving a set of data, results are limited to 1,000 results to prevent system performance issues.

Preferred name Both the customer's legal name and preferred name (if using) will display in the search results.
Street Search by street name.
ZIP code Search by ZIP code.
Street number Home address. Can only be used in combination with one or more additional address details.
City Search by city.
Date of birth Search by date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY).
External number

Search by a customer's external number (e.g., student ID number or card number from a different system).

If there are multiple customers with an identical external number and self-checkout is being used, the card will not be accepted. A general message will display requesting that the customer take the card to the service desk so that materials can be checked out manually.

Bank account number Not for use in US libraries.
Email Search by email address.
Invoice ID Search by the invoice number; membership fee invoices and other types of invoices.

Search by Customer ID, the fixed number by which the customer is saved in the Wise system. The Customer ID number is assigned by the system and cannot be changed. 

The Customer ID number appears in the customer account at the top of the Customer administration screen in brackets to the right of the library card number. 

State ID State ID number.
Message number Search by any message number, found on messages to the customer about items. 

 Note: Not all messages include a message number. 

Library-at-home customers Check the box to display library-at-home customers assigned to the staff account signed in to the Wise client. 

 Note: This option only appears when signed in using an account with the BAHBEH1 role. 

Phone number

Search by phone number. 

 Note: The phone number search for customers with phone numbers that begin with the numbers entered in the search. 

Membership Displayed, but cannot be used to perform a search.

Check the box of the sector for which you want to search. This selection defaults to BIEB, but other sectors can be selected and searched.

  • BIEB - library customers
  • THEA - Not for use in US libraries.
  • EDUB - Not for use in US libraries.
  • EDUV - Not for use in US libraries.
  • NBRF - Newsletter only customers
  • DONA - Not for use in US libraries.
Local/Network/All branches

Check the radio button for the level for which you want to search. 

  • Local - Searches only the current branch
  • Network - Searches the customer database of your configured network
  • All branches - Searches the entire system 

     Note: These search options might not all be available depending on your staff role.

Tips for searching

  • Use a combination of fields when searching, the more information you are able to provide, the more specific your search results
  • The entire term does not have to be entered, just the first part of the word can be used
  • Search fields are not case sensitive
  • You can move between fields using the tab key

The search results are displayed in the section on the right. Customers who appear in red font do not have a current membership. Click on a customer line once to view details of the account in the Customer details fields. The Barcode field displays the customer barcode, along with the customer status in parentheses.

Double-click on a customer line to view their details in the customer administration screen.

Use the arrow keys to browse through the results. If a selection is longer than the results pane, you can scroll to the right. Click Restore to clear displayed data, but the search term you entered is not deleted. Your search can be refined or changed.

Do not show removed customers

In the Manager, the system option NOAFVLN can be turned on so that removed customers are no longer shown in the customer search screen after 24 months.
However, the customer can still be searched for via the direct search entries actor_id, card number, external number, and invoice.

Search customer via item number

Use Search customer > via item number to look up a specific customer through an item. The customer who checked the item out most recently displays. Scan or type the item number or item ID and click OK or press enter. The associated customer's information appears.

Search for Family members

Use Search customer > Family members when a customer account is already accessed. This selection will search for other customers with a family relationship to the active customer. For more information, see Relationships.

Search for customers at the same address

Use Search customer > Same address when a customer account is already accessed to search for customers at the same address as the selected customer. The system will search for all other customers with the same address as the active customer. If there are multiple customers living at the same address, a list of results is displayed containing number, name, date of birth and status. To select the customer, click on the customer name and then click OK.

The following codes are used to display the additional information for individuals at the same address to the active customer:

Code Status Details
Fm Family relationship

Indicates if there is a family relationship. 

  • K - child
  • H - head of family
  • D - invalid membership
At Attention J indicates that there is a message for this customer
St Status Membership fee status of the customer
Rg Registrations (Fees)

How many outstanding fees the customer has:

  • C - membership fee owed
  • R - registrations
Rs Reservations Number of reservations still not handled; the number of reservations that have come in is between brackets.
Ex Items Number of items checked out; the number of items that are already overdue is written in the brackets.
Customer Customer ID The identification number assigned to the customer.

If no customers are found, a message appears, "No other customers found."

Search customer (directly)

A customer search window is opened with this option. It bypasses the Search customer via... selection menu.

Find customer (via previous list)

This search option displays the results list from the last search performed, as long as the Customer administration window was not closed.

Previous customer

This option retrieves the last customer account that was accessed. When a customer session is closed, the customer record can be reopened again by going to Customer > Previous customer, as long as the Customer administration window had not been closed.


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