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OCLC Wise Support EN

View items

Wise catalog item screen

Items appear on the Catalog screen below title information. To view items at a specific location, use the Group buttons at the bottom of the screen. To view the details of a specific item, double-click on the item line.

The Item screen displays information about the selected item. For more information about this screen, see Items.

Right-click options

Actions can be performed on items by highlighting the selected item, right-clicking, and selecting an option from the menu.

Selection Action
Detail Select detail to open the item details window. For more information, see Item details.
Customer The Customer function opens the Customer administration screen for the current or most recent customer to borrow the selected item. For more information, see Customer administration.
Reserve Select Reserve to place a hold on the selected item. For more information, see Place hold requests.

The Status function opens the Loan data window for the selected item. Here, you can view:

  • Item
  • Status
  • Customer
  • Loan date
  • Borrowed from (branch)
  • Loan counter
Missing Select Missing to report the selected item as missing. A confirmation message appears, select Yes to confirm. The status of the item is updated to Missing. If the item is found later and checked in, the status will return to normal.

Delete orders

The Delete orders function allows you to delete items on an order. Select the lines you want to delete, or hold ctrl and click to select multiple items. The associated order lines are set to zero and the budget is not charged and the items do not appear in the Discard overview report. Items with a status besides I (on order) are not processed.

 Note: To delete unordered items from an order, see Order requests screen – Remove.

Count loans

Not currently in use.

Location The Location option opens the Place item screen. Information on this screen indicates where the item belongs in the system. To update item placement information, click Edit placement. The Edit placement screen opens and shelving information can be updated. Click OK to save and OK to close the Place item window. For more information, see Items.

Use the Relabel option to create a different barcode for the selected item. Items with the following statuses cannot be relabeled:

  • I - On order
  • T - Transit
  • A - Discarded
  • V - Sale
  • U - Checked out
  • M - Missing

However, items with the status TN - Transit (new) can be relabeled. For more information, see Relabel.

 Note: Changing the label is not the same as linking a title.

Change link

The Change link option allows you to update the title that an item is linked to.

To change the link for multiple items select the desired items, right-click, and choose Change link. The Items to other title window will appear, allowing you to search for a title to link the item to and determine if the items should receive the Scat of the new title, the Policy material (RMT) of the new title, and if the location should be recalculated.

 Note: Changing the link for an item is only possible if the status of the items is not I, A, V, M, or U.  When linking copies from another location, you must be authorized to change copies from other branches (this authority is configured in the VSM group in the Manager)

Batch changes The Batch changes option enables you to change information about one or more item at one time. Hold ctrl and click to select the items to be changed. The Batch change items window opens. For more information, see Items.
Damage note Damage notice allows you to include a note about damage to the item. This information will display at the service desk when the item is checked in.

Select Layout to change the column display in the item panel. The most recently selected layout is stored with the login.

To configure layouts, see Item Lines.

Copy Item ID Use Copy Item ID to copy the barcode of the selected item to your computer. The barcode can be pasted into other fields in Wise using Ctrl+V.


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