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OCLC Wise Support EN


The Dashboard within systemWise is used to view information about jobs running within Wise.

Within Wise, multiple jobs are initiated daily to perform a variety of tasks. Specific jobs are designated for a nightly run, some are processed once a month, and others are processed several times a day. There are also certain jobs that only start when activated by an administrator. 

If a job was not successful, it can be restarted in some cases. The Dashboard displays jobs along with the status of the run and reports relating to the job. 

Job lines

The Job lines tab displays information about jobs run within Wise. 

Field Description
Job number The number of the job that was run.
Branch The branch associated with the job. System-wide jobs appear as 0000.
Name The name of the job.

The status of the job. The following statuses appear:

  • Gestart - Started
  • Wachtrij - Queued
  • Pauze - Paused
  • Klaar - Finished
Description Description of the functions the job performs. 
Next/completed The next time the job will run. 
Last run The last time that the job was run. 
Notes Notes about the job. 

Job types

The following job types are available within the Dashboard:

Messages jobs

For more information regarding how messages are configured and sent, see systemWise messages

Job Run frequency Function
ATTENT Once a month

Automatically sends new arrivals messages.


The BALRSV job checks the system for hold requests received (Hold request status O, received by the pick-up branch) over the past hour that have messages that will be sent to the customer via email or mobile. 

bouncer Once every 24 hours at 7 AM The bouncer job collects bounced emails and takes action on them as needed. See Email bounce setup and workflow for more information.
HERVZM Once every 24 hours at 6 AM

The HERVZM job performs a check on all checked-out items to determine which ones qualify for overdue notifications, return reminders, and billing messages. The job collects these messages prior to sending them to the customer.

When this job is run, OCLC Wise performs the following checks on all items on loan:
•    Are valid policies linked to the loaned item?
•    Is the loaned item linked to an existing actor ID?

During this job, OCLC Wise checks the due date of all items on loan:
•    Is the item due soon (Courtesy reminder)?
•    Is the item overdue (Overdue reminder)?
•    Should the item be invoiced?



LNRFINHER Once every 24 hours

The LNRFINHER job searches for customers whose fines have almost reached their limit, and prepares to send the PFA message type

LNRINBOX Once every 24 hours

The LNRINBOX job collects unread inbox messages. 

MAILER On demand

As soon as formatted messages are ready to be sent, the MAILER job becomes active. This job passes the formatted messages to the local mail server, which then sends the messages. 

NOTAMAIL Once every 24 hours The NOTAMAIL job sends messages that were collected by the NOTVZM job.
NOTVZM Once every 24 hours

The NOTVZM job collects messages related to fines and fees. 

The unprocessed lines are prepared in the Prepare notifications for printing function within the Wise staff client.

NWSBRFA On demand Used for newsletter messages. Collects and sends BSA and BKA message types
NWSBRFM Hourly Used for newsletter messages. Collects and sends BSM and BKM message types.
PUBMLD Once every 24 hours

The PUBMLD job picks up unread inbox messages collected from the LNRINBOX job and sends an email or text message to the customer. If the customer does not have an email address or mobile number in their account information, no action will be taken. 

PUBVZM Constantly 

The PUBVZM job searches for and sends public messages (Message class P) to customers. Once a message is found, the message is sent immediately. 

RSRVZM Once every 24 hours.

The RSRVZM job checks the system for hold requests received (Hold request status O, received by the pick-up branch) from the past 24 hours that the customer has requested to receive a message via a form. 

Hold messages can be printed in the Wise staff client at Notifications > Prepare notifications for printing and Print notifications.  

mobile On demand

As soon as formatted mobile messages are ready to be sent, the mobile job becomes active. The job passes the formatted mobile messages to the provider that sends the mobile messages. 

VSTVZM Once every 24 hours

The VSTVZM job collects messages that the customer sends to the library. This includes VAV and VVA message types

Messages are sent to the email address specified in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Branches in the Address details tab. 

Circulation jobs

Job Run frequency Function
autorenew Daily If automatic renewal is activated at the membership level, this job automatically renews checked out items. 
vullenberekendetabellen Daily, at 10:30 PM Checks if a vacation loan period is set for the following day, and enables it. 

 Collections jobs

Job Run frequency Function
BCBJOB Once a week 

The BCBJOB analyzes all data in the context of the BCB and route collections once a week. The analysis results in the instances action list. There is no report associated with this job. 

By default this job runs on Sundays at 5 AM. If you would like to schedule this job for a different time, contact OCLC Support

bestel-communication-cleaner Daily Updates budgets for BCB ordering. 
rcbupdater Twice a week Not currently in use in US libaries. The RCB analysis is run twice a week. The results are visible in the Client when ordering with RCB configuration. 

 Finance jobs

Job Run frequency Function
LNFCTR Monthly Prior to version 8.0.0., this job controlled the Open Period and Invoicing Fees steps within Monthly customer account maintenance. Following the release of 8.0.0 these steps are now controlled by the LNFCTROPEN and LNFACTUREREN jobs.

As of version 8.0.0, this job is started when manually running the open period process as part of the Monthly customer account maintenance process on both test and acceptance environments.



As of version 8.0.0, this job is started when manually processing invoicing fees as part of the Monthly customer account maintenance process on both test and acceptance environments.

openenfacturering Monthly

Automatically opens the monthly billing period. See Monthly customer account maintenance for more information.

OPPOST Monthly This job begins during the Invoicing processes (Open items) step of the Monthly customer account maintenance process. 

 Titles and items jobs

Job Run frequency Function
aanbod2catalogus On demand

This job is initiated when Update catalog is selected from the Order requests screen

bestel-import-marc21 On demand

This job is initiated when MARC data is imported into Wise. 

BLDAAN Nightly The BLDAAN job updates the new acquisitions list. 
BLDCPV Nightly

The job BLDCPV updates CPV collection profiles. This is not currently in use in US libraries. 

BLDTOP Monthly

The BLDTOP job builds top lists. This job runs by default at 6 AM on the first Sunday of the month. If you wish to start this job at a different time, contact OCLC Support.

exmupdkast Nightly

The exmupdkast job updates shelf descriptions in items. 

ill-request-cleanup On demand

Deletes temporary ILL items. This job runs when an ILL item is checked in. 

MRCUPD   Every five minutes The MRCUPD job is a queue to update MARC data for titles when MARC21 is used in Wise. 
RECMST Monthly

The RECMST job builds reading recommendations on a monthly basis. The job can also be started manually in systemWise > Dashboard > Dashboard > Jobs tab.

The construction of lists is based on the past year.

TITUPD Every five minutes The TITUPD job is a queue for updating titles.
wise4all Daily Syncs information about titles to Community

 Ordering and acquisitions jobs

Job Run frequency Function
bestel-advies-cleanup Weekly This job is not for use in the US.
bestel-update-budget Daily Updates all budgets. 

Third-party export and import jobs

Job(s) Run frequency Function




Daily Runs every day. Creates exports sent to Collection HQ.






Daily Imports files from Communico. 
innreach-patron-extract-export Daily Exports files to INN-reach. 





Daily, 6:50 AM Exports files to i-tiva. 
unique_export Daily

Runs nightly at 11 PM local time. Creates a file for new customers sent to collections, and a file of customers who were previously in collections but paid their fee. 

 Maintenance and miscellaneous jobs

Job Run frequency Function
dojobsstarter Daily Ensures that recurring jobs are initiated. 
logdag Every ten minutes Updates birthdays, ages, and last date of activity for customers. Also updates item transaction information. 
nachtrun Nightly

Performs required nightly cleanup routines. 

PRINTR On demand Runs every time a print is requested within the Wise client. 
varcacherefreshtoday On demand Runs whenever a system cache refresh is requested from the Wise client or Wise configuration manager.
varcacheinit Daily Clears the system cache.
wise-system-notification Every 30 minutes Triggers system notifications within the Wise client. 


Within the Reports tab, reports relating to jobs can be found. To view a brief summary of a report, click the name of the report and the summary will appear on the right side of the screen. 

To view the full report, click the Report button. A BIRT report will open in a new tab. 

 Note: Reports older than one month are purged. 

Filtering reports

Reports can be filtered by date and notification type. 

To filter by date, type a date (DD-MM-YYYY format) into the Please select reports until: text box and click Search. Only reports generated up to that date will appear.

To filter by notification type, click the Select notification type drop-down menu and choose an option. Click Search


The Jobs tab contains the following jobs:

Compile Reading Recommendations

The Compile Reading Recommendations (RECMST) job is performed once a month automatically, but can also be manually run here. 

To manually run the Compile Reading Recommendations job:

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Dashboard > Dashboard > Jobs.
  2. Click Construction Reading Advice. The Compile Reading Recommendations window opens.
  3. Select a Start date and an End date.
  4. Click OK to run the job. 

Report Invoice Period (Open and Invoice)

This job can be run to request an Open Period report, in which the report lines are grouped per location in the report. The parameter is the report identifier as it is shown in the Dashboard > Reports.

To run the Report Invoice Period (Open and Invoice) job:

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Dashboard > Dashboard > Jobs.
  2. Click Report Invoice Period (Opening and Invoicing). The Report Billing period (opening and billinb) window opens.
  3. Enter the report identifier found on the Reports tab.
  4. Click Create report to run the job. 

Warnings and Reminders

The procedure for delivery alerts and reminders (HERVZM) collects a lot of log data in Table BCBIRT, including important alerts. These warnings are rarely checked because they are indistinguishable from other log rules. With this new report (report120), the warnings are now written out with the label WARN in Column 5 of table BCBIRT.

The logged alerts in BCBIRT consist of pid, establishment (column1), alert (column2) and data (column3 and column4). The data depends on the warning and can therefore not be interpreted uniformly via a column name.

To run the job:

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Dashboard > Dashboard > Jobs.
  2. Click Alerts, Submission Alerts and Reminders. The Alerts, Submission Alerts and Reminders window opens.
  3. Select a date for the job.
  4. Click Create report to run the job. 



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