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OCLC Wise Support EN

Prepare notifications for printing

Learn how to prepare customer billing notifications to be printed from the Wise staff client.

When a new notification is generated during the nightly routine, it is added to the Notification file and given status 0 - Not yet processed. As soon as the notification is correctly processed, the status is updated to B - Notification.

Before a print notification can move from status 0 to status B, it must be prepared for printing. 

 Note: If bills are sent via email, print preparation steps are not necessary. Email messages are processed during the next run of the notamail job

To prepare notifications for printing:

  1. Go to Notifications > Prepare notifications for printing. The Prepare notifications for printing screen opens.
  2. Click the check boxes of the types of notifications to prepare for printing:
    • Holds
    • Return requests
    • Notifications
    • Bills
    • Theater notifications
    • Fees
    • Donations 
  3. Click Refresh. Available messages appear on the screen with the following details: 
    Column Description
    Branch The branch for which the notification will be printed
    Group Branches can belong to an Aggregate Group. This means that printing is done in the same manner for a group of branches (layout, size, etc.). the code is that of the branch that is designated as the aggregate branch.
    Type The type of notification
    Number The number of items included in the notification
    Description The description of the type of notification
    Oldest notification The oldest selected item (no notification sent yet)
    New notification The date on which the last item is selected
    Status If a notification is not prepared for printing, conflicts and issues appear as an alert here
  4. The final column in the notification list is a check box. Click the checkboxes of the messages you want to prepare for printing, or click Select all

     Note: After selecting lines, the line will change colors depending upon what stage the notification job is in. 

    • Purple - The notification is selected for printing
    • Yellow - The job is running
    • Green - The job is complete
  5. Click Prepare for printing. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Click Yes to confirm. An additional notification appears, Go to menu choice Print notifications to print.
  7. Click OK. Do not close the screen, instead click Refresh to confirm that the line is removed, it will be moved to the print queue. If the line is not removed, it could mean that:
    • Something is wrong with the layout of the message. If this happens, contact your system administrator.
    • Name and address details were not entered in the Address details tab. If this happens, navigate to the tab and update the branch's information.

    Once the line disappears from the screen, the notifications can be printed.


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