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OCLC Wise Support EN

Monthly customer account maintenance

Monthly customer account maintenance is used to review, update, and deactivate customer accounts in Wise.

Monthly customer account maintenance is located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Finance > Invoice and debit > Monthly customer account maintenance. The Monthly customer account maintenance process triggers the Wise system to review all customer accounts and update or deactivate customer memberships, based on Membership definitions. This process is performed at the first of each month. This process keeps memberships current and keeps the customer database in sync.

The Open period step is automated during the implementation process, but OCLC recommends that it is performed manually for three to four months after your migration to Wise. During the process, the system analyzes the membership type and expiration date, and the customer's date of birth to determine whether to update, cancel or change the membership type. The Monthly customer maintenance process can prompt membership-related messages to be sent to customers. See Messages for configuration information. 

The customer maintenance process must be run on the first of the month for every branch in the system. The process can be run at the branch or system level, depending on the configuration of your system.

Access Monthly customer maintenance 

 Note: This process can only be completed by library staff with proper authorization and access to the function. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Finance > Invoice and debit > Monthly customer account maintenance. A Search Customer By Name window opens.
  2. Log in with an account that has permission to perform this function.
    1. Enter your access code or name and click Search.
    2. Select the account from the results list. Branches associated with the selected account display in the invoice screen.

The invoice screen displays four tabs, Open Period, Invoicing Fees, Invoicing Processes (Open Items), and Payments.

Monthly customer account maintenance

Monthly customer account maintenance process

The Monthly customer account maintenance process can be completed in four steps. 

 Note: Steps 1 and 2 are required for all libraries. Steps 3 and 4 are only required if your library will be generating and sending automated invoice messages to customers. 

1. Run the open period process 

The Open period process (LNFCTROPEN) allows the Wise system to review all customer accounts and identifies accounts that either need to be updated or deactivated. The Open period process can be run for one or more branches at a time.

 Note: The Open period process must be run on the first of the month.

This process is automated during the implementation period. To manually run the open period process:

  1. Follow the steps above to access Monthly customer account maintenance.
  2. On the invoice screen, select the Open Period tab. A selection block displays.
  3. Select the branch(es) for which you want to run the process.
  4. The Run date is automatically filled by the system. Remember, this process must be run on the first of each month.
  5. Select a Report type.
    • Full report - displays all changes made to customer accounts during the process
    • Only error messages - displays only errors encountered during the process
  6. Click Start. A confirmation message appears indicating the number of branches selected for the process.
  7. Click OK. A status line appears below the selection block.
  8. After the Open period process has completed, view the results of the Open period report to ensure there were no errors or unexpected changes. See View Monthly customer maintenance reports.

2. Process invoicing fees 

The Invoicing fees process (LNFACTUREREN) reviews all customer accounts and prepares actions for upcoming months. Invoicing fees must be manually processed prior to the last day of the month. It is recommended to run this step after processing Open period.

To process invoicing fees:

  1. Go to OCLC Wise > Finance > Invoice and Debit > Monthly customer account maintenance.
  2. SearchCustomerbyName pop-up appears. Click Stop
  3. Select the Invoicing Fees tab.
  4. SearchCustomerbyName pop-up appears. Log in with an account that has permission to perform this function.
    1. Enter your access code or name and click Search
    2. Select the account from the results list. 
  5. The invoice fees box appears. Populate the following fields:  
    1. In the Branches* field, select all branches from the list.
    2. In the Services field, select the default, BIEB
    3. In the Run date* field, select the current year and month from the calendar widget. 
    4. In the Correction* drop-down box, select No.
    5. In the Report type* drop-down box, select Full report
  6. Click Start.
  7. A pop-up confirming the number of selected branches appears. If the number is accurate, click OK
  8. The process will now run. This may take several minutes. When it is complete, the status field at the bottom of the page will change to klaar (complete). 
  9. Click Finished
  10. Once the job is complete, see View Monthly customer maintenance reports for more information regarding viewing the results of the job.

3. Invoicing Processes (Open items)

After processing invoicing fees, the Invoicing Processes (Open items) step can be run. Step 3 creates invoices and triggers invoice messages to be sent to customers. This step is only required if your library wishes to generate invoices and trigger invoice messages. 

 Note: This step should only be run once per month. If it is run again, it will generate a new invoice. 

Prior to running this step in the process for the first time, the following settings should be checked:

Run Invoice Processes (Open items)

To run the Invoice Processes (Open items) step of the Monthly customer account maintenance process:

  1. Navigate to OCLC Wise > Finance > Invoice and debit > Monthly customer account maintenance.
  2. Click the third tab, Invoice Processes (Open items)
  3. Populate the following fields: 
    Field Description
    Organization* Automatically defined by the system if step 1 and step 2 have been completed. 
    Book code*

    Automatically defined by the system if step 1 and step 2 have been completed. 

    Full report Select Yes.
    Select debt collection - membership fee Select No. Direct debit is not currently in use in the US. 
    Select debt collection-registrat.   Not currently used, leave blank
    Book date debit entries Select No
    Invoice membership fee

    Select Yes.

    Pay for

    The date that the fee must be paid before. This date will display in the email to the customer. After this date, the account will soon expire. It is recommended to set this date to around a week before the expiration date to give the customer time to pay the fee. 

    The date can be selected using a calendar entry. If manual entry is used, the date must be entered using the DD-MM-YY format.

    Select notifications

    Select Yes to send a second invoice notification for membership fees. 

     Note: If Yes is selected, the CNH message type must be configured. 

    Pay for

    The date on which the payment must be received. The date can be selected using a calendar entry. If manual entry is used, the date must be entered using the DD-MM-YY format.

    Summary invoices

    Leave blank. Not for use in US libraries.

    Reselection of lines Not currently used, leave blank
    Reselection from Not currently used, leave blank
    Advance notice Not currently used, leave blank
    Debit date Not currently used, leave blank
    Select fee alert

    Select Yes to send a fee alert.

    Fee alerts are sent to customers who did not pay their membership fee before the 21st of the month. This message is an alert without an invoice. To send a fee alert, the CAF message type must be configured.  

  4. Click Start to run the job. 

     Note: Once the job starts running, do not exit the Invoice processes (Open items) screen until the process is complete. 

  5. Once the job is complete, see View Monthly customer maintenance reports for more information regarding viewing the results of the job.

4. Send invoice messages to customers

After steps 1-3 have been run, invoice messages can be sent to customers. This step is only required if your library wishes to send invoice messages.

 Note: Prior to sending messages, it is recommended to check that the Verwerk Contributies job in step 3 was run successfully to ensure that the appropriate customers receive invoice messages. See View Monthly customer maintenance reports for more information.

To send invoice messages to customers:

  1. Navigate to systemWise > Messages > Messages
  2. Within the Messages tab, click Fees. The Fees window opens. 
  3. Populate the fields with the following values:
    • Branch(es)* - % (Entering the percent sign (%) selects all financial and customer records from all branches.)
    • Type - NF
    • Format - Email
  4. Click OK
  5. See View Monthly customer maintenance reports for more information regarding viewing the results of the job. 

     Note: The results of this job can also be viewed within the Wise client at Branch Management > File management within the berichten folder.

Process status 

When the Monthly customer maintenance process is executed, the system displays a running status of the process. A table appears below the selection block. The table displays the following information about the status of the job:

Column Description
serial# Series number assigned to the process being run.
name System name of the process being run.
status Status of the process. If an error is encountered, it will appear in this column.
description Description of the current action being performed.
counter Count of how many customer records have been processed.
max Total number of customer records to be processed in this job.
extra Indication of the status of the line
run time

Time when the report was executed.

finished Time when the report process finished.

When the process is complete, the finished column will display "OK". Click Finished to complete the process.

Monthly customer maintenance results 

The Monthly customer maintenance process results in the system performing the following reviews and actions:

  • Verify customer membership information
  • Check and customize the lender category based on the definition in the membership definition
  • Expire customer accounts if the membership term has ended without the possibility of renewal
  • At the start of a new membership term, check for changes to the membership policies
  • Customers with a membership status of 6 (canceled internet memberships) are expired
  • If your library charges customers annually for any accounts, paid memberships will be charged
  • Messages types relating to renewals and account expirations are sent to the customer

View Monthly customer maintenance reports 

The results of the Monthly customer account maintenance reports can be accessed via the Wise configuration manager.

  1. Go to systemWise > Dashboard > Dashboard.
  2. Select the Reports tab.
  3. To view the report information:
    • Click on the appropriate report.
      • The report detailing the results of step 1 is called Open period.
      • The report detailing the results of step 3 is called Verwerk Contributies.
      • The report detailing the results of step 4 is called Fees.
    • The data appears in a light grey box to the right of the reports table. Here, you can quickly scroll through and review the output.
    • Click report to view the information as a BIRT report in a new browser tab.

Open period BIRT report results

When viewing the Open period BIRT report, the following details are shown: 

  • Financial organization ID
  • Branch
  • Date (the report was run)
  • Customer ID (barcode - customer number)
  • Comment - indicates what change(s) were made to the customer account. Examples of possible changes include updates to membership rates, changes to customer categories, and account expirations. 


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