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SCAT Conversion table

Find information about the SCAT conversion table within the Wise configuration manager.

​The SCAT conversion table is located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Titles and SCAT management > SCAT management > SCAT conversion. The SCAT conversion table accessed by the Wise system to determine a SCAT for titles when:

  • Titles are reloaded
  • Individual titles are changed
  • Titles are merged

There are five categories within the SCAT conversion table:

  • No classification
  • Adult fiction
  • Adult non-fiction
  • Youth fiction
  • Youth non-fiction

 Note: These classifications are defined in the (TABX50) SCAT conversion classification table and can only be updated by OCLC.

See SCAT processing sequence for more information regarding SCAT processing. 

Within these sections are the conversion rules for titles. Each rule contains the following information:

Field name


 The type of SCAT. This is determined by which category the rule is entered. The type will be one of the following:

  • No classification
  • Adult fiction
  • Adult non-fiction
  • Youth fiction
  • Youth non-fiction
Media type
  • The media type for this rule
  • Defined in the MDT table
  • ZZZ is processed as all other values, it can have undesired effects
  • Leave blank or select English
  • Defined  in the TABTTL table
Age category
  • Field can be left blank
  • Defined in the TABLFT table
  • For youth, only enter a line for AJ and a linke withouth age, not for age J
State code
  • Field can be left blank
  • Defined in the TABRCD table
  • ZZ is processed as all other values
  • Field can be left blank
  • Defined in the TABAVI table
Material type
  • Field can be left blank
  • Defined in the RMTSYS table
Serial number
  • Defines how the data is sorted.
  • Click refresh to return to the default sort order of a column.
Search entry
  • Field can be left blank
  • The value depends on the installation
Search value from... to...
  • Only populate if a search entry is provided.
SCAT code
  • This is a required field if:
    • Search entry field is blank
    • Search value is provided
  • This field is optional if:
    • Found in the auxiliary table: SCAT unknown
    • Value not found in the auxiliary table
      • SCAT filled in this line: SCAT known
      • SCAT blank in this line: keep searching in the next line


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