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OCLC Wise Support EN

Library organizations configuration

Learn how to configure library organizations in Wise.

Library organizations are the management units that control all activities and duties within the branches. 

Create a new library organization 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to Management organizations > Library organizations.
  2. Click New.
  3. Populate the Library organization fields
  4. Click OK to save.

Copy, change or remove a library organization 

All of the library organizations added to library organizations can be edited. To copy, change or remove a library organization:

  1. Navigate to the library organization you want to edit.
  2. Click Detail next to the Description. The library organization screen appears.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click the radio button the CopyChange or Remove.
  4. Click OK.
    1. If you selected Copy, a confirmation message appears. Click OK and a copy will be added to the list. The copied library organization appears at the end of the list. You will need to click Detail next to the new value and then Change it, if needed.
    2. If you selected Change, you will be able to make changes to the editable fields. Once your changes are complete, click OK again to save.
    3. If you selected Remove, a confirmation appears. Click OK to remove. The library organization is deleted.

Library organization fields 

Field Name Description

Every library organization is assigned a unique number.
This code is formatted as the letter I and three digits, I000 through I999.

Description Enter a name for the library organization. If a new library organization is created, the name can be chosen freely.
Short description

Short description of the library organization. 

Type of institution

Select the type of institution of the library organization:

  • BIEB - Library
  • EDUV - School
  • THEA - Theater

 Note: BIEB is currently the only sector used in US libraries. If left blank, the default value of this field is BIEB - Library.

 Main institution

If you selected EDUV for Type of institution, select the institution to which the school library belongs, for all other types, leave this field blank.

Budget process

This is a required field. Select the structure for organizing the budgets in order to monitor the media budgets in the budget process. To define your budget process, see Budget process.

Online payment process

If your library allows for online payments, define which bank transfer process must be applied.

Budget close-out with carry-over

These settings can be used to configure how overflow amounts are calculated for open orders with the transition to a new year.

  • If J - With carryover is selected, the total amount of outstanding orders is calculated and set as a separate budget amount for the next year.
  • If N - Without carryover is selected, the outstanding orders are included in the total budget.

 Note: Budget Carry over only refers to the remaining balance. Encumbrances will always be reflected in future budget reports until they are paid/closed.

Bioscode Not for use in US libraries.
Budget year start The start of the fiscal year. Select a month from the drop-down menu. This field is for informational purposes only.
Budget year end The end of the fiscal year. Select a month from the drop-down menu. This field is for informational purposes only.
Financial organization

Select the financial organization for fines and fees of customers for this library organization.

Once your library has fully implemented the Wise system, it is no longer possible to change the setting of the financial organization per library organization.

Billing for each institution

Check this box to create a single customer billing message (Message type NRF) for their fines within the library organization. If the box is checked, the financial transactions a customer generates at each branch of the institution are collected on one bill.

If the box is unchecked, billing messages will be created per branch. Customers will receive a bill from each branch that they have registered fines.

Text group

The default text group used to send messages if different text groups are used in other library organizations.

Online membership

Select a branch from the table.

When a customer registers online for a library card, the customer will be asked to select the branch they would like to register as their home branch. If the customer does not make a choice, the branch that is entered here will be the default registration branch.

Update start date inspection term

Term in days (0-365) in which a customer membership can be renewed without renewing the start date of the membership.

If the value is 0, the start date is not refreshed and the original start date is maintained. 

Minimum amount of direct debit In cents, the minimum amount that can be charged as direct debit.
Minimum amount of OLA

Not for use in US libraries.

Main branch for BNL service slot purposes (including reshelving cart) Not for use in US libraries.

Not for use in US libraries.

Amount to be ignored

A bill will not be sent to the customer if the fine amount is less than the Amount to be ignored.

Waive code for credit balance

The waived credit is booked on the code entered here. The code must be created in the 4xxx series.

Waive credit balance after xx months

The number of months after which a credit of the customer, after cancelation of a library card, is waived. The customer will no longer be entitled to a return of the funds. The open credit is set at 0 (the credit goes to the library organization).

Amounts are waived during the opening of the invoice month. The waived credits are booked on the code entered in the filed 'booking code credit'. If this field is empty, the waived credit will be booked automatically on code 4990 (code cash difference).

Waive maximum amount of credit

In combination with the previous field. The maximum amount to be eligible to be waived for a customer with status 9.

Portal port

Port ID for this library organization for use from the Wise-portal.  A choice will must be made from the defined I and P ports. The language, catalog definition, and branch are set in the port.

If those fields are completed, this setting will not only be followed from the web catalog but also for the acquisition alerts. The link in acquisitions is created from the above settings. Correct branch settings prevent that the customer will end up with all branches via the link in the acquisition email.

Collection branch

Branch that handles online orders of changing collections. For more information, see Changing collections.

Main branch for administrative purposes

If there are fees related to an invoice, it is necessary to determine the customer's main branch to determine the administrative branch. In the current setting, the main branch is copied from the role membership. This will not work if the customer belongs to another institution.

If the customer is from another institution, it must be reviewed with the institution from which the invoice is created what the value is of the Main branch for administrative purposes. If this value has been entered, it will be copied to the administrative branch. If the field is empty, the first branch of this institution will be reviewed and will then be included in the administrative branch. 

This field must be configured in order to send reminder letters for periodicals. 

National Library ILL via branch Not for use in US libraries.
Marketing branch The branch designated to act as the newsletter and marketing message distributor for customers.
FTP username (OCLC) Your organization's OCLC FTP username.
Marketing cluster A group of institutions included in the same marketing group, established in table (TABMAC) Newsletter marketing cluster, to receive newsletters.
Cooperation group If your library is part of a cooperation, select the cooperation from the drop-down list.
FTP password Your organization's OCLC FTP password. 
Header URI

The field for the header/ footer solution in the Web catalog. 

Portal via website URI Link to the hosted server for the library.
ILL-V method Not for use in US libraries.
OCLC Symbol Your system's OCLC symbol.
Count materials at home per

Count materials per:

  • S - System level
  • I - Branch level
Holds count per

Count holds per:

  • S - System level
  • I - Branch level
  • G - Cooperation group (Not currently in use in US libraries.) 
Customer may submit multiple holds at the same time from the wish list. 

Allow customers to place holds on multiple items at once using their Wish list in My account. 

When enabled, customers can add items to their Wish list and then select all or multiple titles from the list to place a hold. 

Supported RFID models 

Select the RFID model that is supported in the Wise staff client. The following options are available: 

  • Dutch RFID data model for public libraries
  • ISO 28560 (Danish data model)
  • Dutch RFID data model for public libraries, ISO 28560 (Danish data model)
  • ISO 28560 (Danish data model), Dutch RFID data model for public libraries
Use EAS for security Check the box to use EAS for security. This option is used with the Dutch data model. 
Use AFI for security

Check the box to use AFI for security. This option is used with the Danish data model.

 Note: When Use AFI for security is checked, the system option SET-AFI must be disabled. 

AFI Check out code Type the AFI check out code used when materials are checked out. The default code is C2. 
AFI Check in code Type the AFI check in code used when materials are checked in. The default code is C2.


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