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Budget structure

Sub-budgets can be defined within Budget structure in the Wise configuration manager.

In Budget structure, you can create sub-budgets for your system and determine how the system determines the budget per order.

(TABBDC) Budget processes 

Budget processes can be set at the system or institution level.

To create a new budget process:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Budgets > Budget structure > (TABBDC) Budget process.
  2. Click New. The Budget Process window opens.
  3. Enter a Budget process code, this can be the same as your Institution code. 

     Note: The Budget process code must be 4 characters long.

  4. Enter a Description for the budget.
  5. Click OK to save.

(TABBDO) Allocation of funds 

Sub-budgets are assigned to your Budget process in the Allocation of funds table. Each budget process can have up to 99 partial budgets, using codes 00-99. Sub-budget 01 must always be created and set as the Total line for the budget. You can define a budget number for everything that needs to be split from the total. The sub-budgets can be allocated when ordering via Wise based on rules created in the Budget conversion table.

If there are split budgets, sub-budget 01 - Total contains the remaining funds.

 Note: If a new sub-budget is created during a current year, you must update the budget structure in order to activate the change.

To create or edit a sub-budget for allocation of funds:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Budgets > Budget structure > (TABBDO) Allocation of funds.
  2. Click Open next to your Budget process.
  3. Click New to create a new sub-budget, or click Detail next to an existing sub-budget.
  4. The Allocation of funds window opens. If you are editing an existing fund, click Change. Provide fund information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically supplied by the system (BDO)
    Budget process Automatically supplied by the system, the selected 4-character budget process code
    Code If you are creating a new allocation of funds, enter a 2-digit numerical code. If you are editing an existing code, this field cannot be changed.
    Description Enter a text description of the sub-budget
    Average price (in cents) Select a value from the drop-down list. This list is generated in (TABGBP) Average fees.
    General ledger Select a general ledger number from the drop-down list. Ledger numbers are defined in (GRBREK) Ledger bank account numbers.
    Sorting group Not for use in US libraries.
  5. Click OK to save.

Budget conversion 

In the Budget conversion table, you can configure how Wise links sub-budgets to orders, based on Budget process selected for your system.

Add a new rule to the Budget conversion table to indicate how items should be budgeted. For each order processed, the budget conversion table is evaluated from top to bottom (default sorting) up to three times, looking first at material type, and then at the other criteria configured. The process stops as soon as a rule is found that complies. That budget is then assigned to the item.

To create or edit a budget conversion rule:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Budgets > Budget structure > Budget conversion.
  2. Click Open next to the budget process you want to manage.
  3. Click New to create a new budget conversion rule, or click Detail next to the rule you want to edit. The Budget conversion window opens.
  4. Enter Budget conversion information. If you are editing an existing rule, click Change. One or more criteria can be assigned, a Budget must be selected to which the criteria apply.
    Field Description
    Table Automatically filed by the system with the budget process code selected
    Material type If this budget conversion rule applies to a specific material type, select the material type from the drop-down list
    Vendor If this budget conversion rule applies to a specific vendor, select the vendor from the drop-down list
    Medium type If this budget conversion rule applies to a specific media type, select the medium type from the drop-down list
    Special collection If this budget conversion rule applies to a specific special collection, select the special collection from the drop-down list. To create a special collection for budgets, see (TABBCL) Special collections.
    State code If this budget conversion rule applies to a specific state code, select the state code from the drop-down list
    NDB category Not for use in US libraries.
    Sequence number Enter a sequence number to instruct the system in which order to evaluate the Budget conversion lines. This allows you to create a prioritized list for budget conversion rules.
    SCAT from/to

    If this budget conversion rule applies to a specific range of SCAT codes, enter the SCAT codes in the SCAT from and SCAT to fields.

    To use a single SCAT code, add the same code in both the SCAT from and SCAT to fields. 

     Note: The Scat to field must be populated in order to close the range. If this field is not populated, the range will extend to the end of the list of SCAT codes. 

    Budget Select the budget to which this rule applies from the drop-down list
  5. Click OK to save the budget conversion rule

Additional charges map

Wise also supports additional invoice-level charges on EDI invoices. Charges configured for EDI invoices will apply at the invoice level and will be attributed to the 1111 Acquisitions branch.

There are currently four implemented EDI vendors:

  • Baker and Taylor (B&T)
  • Midwest Tape (MWT)
  • Brodart
  • Ingram

The example Additional charges map below illustrates the mapped charges for the four currently implemented EDI vendors:


 Note:  EDI vendors must also be defined in the Central vendor table and Vendors by institution under Management organizations > Addresses.

To create an entry for a charge supported by your organization's EDI vendors :

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Order and link > Budgets > Budget structure > Additional charges map
  2. Click New at the top of the screen to create an entry for a new charge. Each additional charge will need a new entry.
  3. The Additional charges map window will open. Provide information for the following fields:
Field Description
Organization (already populated - not editable) The organization of the budget process
Vendor EDI vendor
Charge identifier Code in the EDI invoice associated with the charge type
MOA identifier Code in the EDI invoice used to identify the charge type
Budget Budget defined for this type of charge
  1.  Click OK to save your changes.


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