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Newsletter configuration

Learn how to configure newsletter settings in the Wise configuration manager.

Newsletter configuration settings are available in the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter.

(TABMAC) Newsletter marketing cluster

Marketing clusters can be created so that newsletters can be sent to multiple locations at the same time. Clusters are only necessary when there are multiple library organizations on a Wise system. Once established in the table, a Marketing cluster can be added to an institution in Management organizations > Library organizations in the Marketing cluster field.

To create a new marketing cluster:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > (TABMAC) Newsletter marketing cluster.
  2. Click New. The Marketing cluster window opens.
  3. The Type field is automatically populated with the code MAC. Enter a unique Code and Description of the cluster.

     Note:  We recommend starting all marketing cluster codes with C (e.g. C100)

  4. Click OK to save.
  5. Update the Marketing cluster field in Management organizations > Library organizations.

Newsletter definition

Your library can offer a variety of newsletters to fit the interests or demographics of your customers, based, for example, on where they live, education, age, and areas of interest.

Newsletter definitions determine which newsletters are available per organization or per cluster, and under which conditions.

To create a newsletter definition:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > Newsletter definition.
  2. Click New. The Newsletter definition window opens.
  3. Enter the following information about the newsletter definition:

    Field Description
    Newsletter code A unique code for the newsletter.
    Description A description of the newsletter definition.
    Marketing cluster Select the marketing cluster that this definition applies to from the drop-down list.
    Active Check the box if this definition is active (available).
    Register via My Menu Check the box if the customer has the option to select this newsletter type from My Account.
    Unregister via My Menu Check the box if the customer has the option to opt out of this newsletter type from My Account.
    Explanation This field is not currently in use.
  4. Click OK to save the Newsletter definition.

Newsletter per organization

Newsletter per organization determines which Newsletter definitions are available to each organization. These definitions are available for the customer to sign up for when they register to receive newsletters and are also available as a selection in the Wise client.

To select newsletters for organizations:

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > Newsletter per organization.
  2. Click Open next to the organization to which you want to add newsletter selections.
  3. Click New. The Layout of the newsletter for each institution window opens. 
  4. The Organization field is automatically populated with the selected organization. Select the Newsletter code from the drop-down list. Enter a Sequence number to establish the order in which the selection appears.

     Note: The newsletter with the lowest sequence number will display as the default newsletter selection. If a customer registers to receive a newsletter and does not select a different newsletter, they will receive the default newsletter.

  5. Click OK to save.

Newsletter link formats

Newsletter link formats provide the path for links frequently included in your library newsletters. There are five types of link formats:

  • T - Title detail
  • K - Ticket sales
  • S - Set
  • W - Website of the organization
  • O - Other

Using these link paths, it is possible to count how often a link of each type has been clicked. When these links are included in a newsletter, use the following formatting around the links:


A format can be created whether it is intended for a specific branch or by the entire system. This allows you to use the same link formats for multiple organizations.

For more information about creating newsletters and adding link formats, see Newsletter texts.

Create link formats 

To create a new link format:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > Newsletter link formats.
  2. Click New. Enter information for the following fields:
    Field Description
    ID Automatically generated by the system.
    Organization Select the organization or cluster that will have access to this link format.
    Type Select a link type from the drop-down list.
    Description Select a link type from the drop-down list.
    Link Enter the URL for the link
  3. Click OK to save the link format.

You can use this table to create links to the pages where customers manage their subscriptions or unsubscribe to newsletters. These links are automatically generated and take the customer to the page where they can manage their customer labels or unsubscribe to the newsletter. These links can be added to a text box within the newsletters.

Query link clicks 

A report of the link clicks can be generated in the Query browser.

To create an overview of used link formats, enter this text into the query browser:

SELECT*FROM newsletter_linkformats n;

To create an overview of used links (with counter and network), enter this text into the query browser:

SELECT*FROM newsletter_links n;

Newsletter types

Newsletter types are filters that can be used when creating a newsletter. The type allows you to filter text items for a specific newsletter type so that you do not have to scroll through irrelevant text items. A newsletter type can be created for a specific network or for the entire system.

To create a newsletter type:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > Newsletter types.
  2. Enter type information. The ID field is automatically populated by the system. Select a Network from the drop-down list and enter a Description.
  3. Click OK to save the Newsletter type.

Newsletter sender addresses

A newsletter can be sent on behalf of an email other than the default address established on the Branch address details tab. If a sender email address is selected when creating a newsletter, messages will send from the selected address. Additional addresses can be created for a specific system or network, or for the entire system.

To create a newsletter sender address:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > Newsletter sender addresses.
  2. Click New. The Newsletter sender addresses window opens.
  3. The ID field is automatically populated by the system. Select a Network from the drop-down list and enter the Email address. The email address can be formatted in two ways:
    • Simple email address:
      The email address is displayed as the sender.
    • Description and email address: Your library, Library system  <>
      Only the description (before the brackets) displays as the sender.
  4. Click OK to save the address.

If an address is removed from the table but still appears in a newsletter that has not yet been sent, a message will appear when the unsent newsletter file is opened.

Newsletter item layout

You can assign a color to text items. This allows staff members building newsletters to assign a specific color to each audience type. The selected color appears in article titles and hyperlinks in the newsletter. To create color options for your newsletters:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to systemWise > Marketing > Newsletter > Newsletter item layout.
  2. Click New at the top of the screen. The Newsletter item layout window opens.
  1. Enter information:
    Field Description
    ID An ID is automatically assigned to the color code.
    Network Select the newsletter network from the drop-down list. To allow the color to be used throughout the system, select 0000.
    Description Enter a description for the text type assigned this color. 250 character limit.
    Color code

    Enter the hexidecimal color code (do not include the hashtag (#) at the start of the code).

  2. Click OK to save.


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