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Report processor

The reports that are scheduled to run on a regular basis can be found in the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Reports > Report processor.

The Reports processor displays the system reports that are generated and run on a regularly scheduled (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) basis. The Reports processor can be accessed in the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Reports > Reports processor.

Many of these reports correspond with reports available in the staff client. The report number displayed in parentheses next to the report name also displays in the header of the Overview window of the corresponding report.

The Report processor has five functions:

  • Reports
  • Procedures
  • Queries
  • Jobs
  • Results

The Report processor evaluates which reports are scheduled to be run every 24 hours, the resulting reports are saved in the folder home/bxmas/reports.

Reports tab 

All available reports display on the reports tab. These reports can be selected and scheduled from this tab.

To schedule or run a report:

  1. Click on the desired report. A Report Details box appears on the right side of the screen.
  2. Enter the parameters desired for your report. This information will vary, depending on the report selected. For more information, see Reports details. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. If you attempt to create a report without providing the required information, a notification message displays.
  3. Click Create report. A Job details box appears below the report details box.
  4. Enter job parameters. For more information, see Job details.
  5. Select an option for running the report:
    • Direct creates the report immediately. The report is open in a new tab in your browser window.
    • Queue adds the report to the queue.
    • Quit ends the process, no report is generated.

Report details 

Field type Description
Institution/Branch/SCAT/Material/Shelf fields

To include multiple values, separate the values with a pipe symbol (|).

8666 | 8665

I000 | I001 | I003

Date fields Date fields are entered in the YYYY-MM-DD format. To indicate a range of dates, use two periods (..) between the dates.

Enter the value with a capital letter. In addition to the aforementioned date fields, a fixed period can also be selected. This means that a period has a fixed period selection. (For example, the period is always daily)

 Note: The Period field does not appear in all reports. If the field is present, it will be displayed in bold. Relevant periods can be specified in the Journals overview, even if they do not display in bold. If the field is present, it must be filled in.

Period is used for Discard statistics. The monthly option is selected by default for the Discard reports. 

Enter one of the following values:

Code Definition

Daily. The entire day in which the processing is started, regardless of time.

(field BETWEEN '2019-01-25 00:00:00' AND '2019-02-01 00:00:00')


Weekly. From Monday to the end of today/start of tomorrow.

(field BETWEEN '2019-02-18 00:00:00' AND '2019-02-20' 00:00:00')

So, starting on Monday means from Monday morning to Tuesday morning, one day.



(field BETWEEN '2019-02-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-02-28')




(field BETWEEN '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-01-01 00:00:00')

Other fields

Depending on the report selected, there are more or fewer fields that need to be filled. Fields are linked to auxiliary tables when possible.

 Note: The Financial statement (81) report uses the booking code field which should be entered in using a booking code (e.g., 001..199)

The Outstanding items (86) report also uses a booking code field, but in this case, the diary code is used (e.g., Axxx or Axxx..Zyyy)

Job details 

Field Description
Export Select an output type, PDF or HTML.

Select from the drop-down list the frequency that the report will be generated:

  • Never
  • Daily
  • First day of the week
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Last day of the week
  • First day of the month
  • Last day of the month
  • First day of the year
  • Last day of the year
Folder Reports can be accessed via the Client, in Branch management > File management in the rapporten folder.
Email Enter an email address here to send the report via email. To send to multiple recipients, separate email addresses with a comma. 
Email subject Subject of the generated email message.

Procedures tab 

All reporting procedures display on the Procedures tab. This allows you to export the report in CSV format.

Procedures tab

In the table on the left (1) all BIRT report procedures are displayed with their parameters. Click on a procedure line to display a list of parameters (3) between the procedure window (2) and the job window (4). The relevant report can be used for the rules regarding the parameters. Procedure output is always CSV with the tab character as delimiter.

Click Show in the procedure window (2) to see the routine definition (the instructions of the procedure). The explanations for Reports apply to filling in the Job details (4).

Queries tab 

Queries can be entered, tested, and added to the processing list of the report processor on the Queries tab.

Queries tab

To search and display active queries, enter a value in the Active queries (2) field and click Show. A list displays in the Queries box (1).

Enter HTML in the Export [type] query (3) and click Direct to generate an HTML table that can be copied and pasted directly into Excel.

Two types of queries can be created on this tab:

  1. Single SELECT. (View only.)
    • These are SQL statements that consist of a SELECT statement (possibly nested). See SQL queries for a list of predefined queries that can be used to generate reports.
    • As a test, this type of query is performed directly on the underlying database. Manipulation commands such as INSERT, UPDATE, etc. are not allowed in this box.
    • A test assignment does not burden the database. Do not use generic selections on large tables such as items or fines posted.
    • Use of LIMIT is mandatory in a test query. The maximum number of lines allowed is 9,999. LIMIT can be removed before the query is added to the processing list.
    • In a query, the following keywords are not allowed: DROP, CREATE, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER, TRUNCATERENAME, REPLACE LOAD, START, STOP, RESET
  2. Combination of various SQL commands.
    • These are series of SQL statements that ultimately result in a result set (=query combination). For example, a combination of CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE, INSERT INTO, SELECT, etc.
    • A series of commands is recognized by two or more semi-colon characters.

Because it is not possible to execute multiple SQL statements directly as a test, the commands are first written into a temporary procedure call, which is then executed.

In a query combination, the keywords from row one, above, can only be used in combination with temporary tables and only in a mandatory syntax. Temporary tables must start with the prefix "temp_".

The only syntax allowed per keyword is:


 Note: Syntax is not case-sensitive.

Queries generated on the Queries tab can be executed in using the same process as reports generated on the Reports tab. The resulting report is saved as a CSV file and can be emailed to a recipient, or to multiple recipients by separating email addresses using commas. Click Show to retrieve an active query.

Jobs tab 

The Jobs tab displays the reports scheduled in the system. The screen displays the following details about each report job:

Column Description
Type/Name The name of the report.
Parameters The parameters for the report.
Description A brief description of the report.
Document type The chosen output of the report (CSV or HTML).

Indicates the status of the report:

Status Meaning
Ready The report was executed on the run date and will be executed again on the next period.
Waiting The report has not been processed (new entry).
Error A problem was encountered when the system tried to run the report. See the info column for details.
Run date The date on which the report was generated.
Info If there is an error in running the report, information about why the report could not be generated appears here
Period Period that was selected when the report was created.
Folder If applicable, this field displays any deviation from the standard file location (home/bxmas/reports).
Export Name of the output file. 
Email The email address that the report was/will be sent to once generated. To send to multiple recipients, separate email addresses with a comma. This field is limited to 255 characters.
Subject The subject of the email/name of the report. If no subject was entered, the name of the report will display as the subject.
Remove Check this box to remove the report from the Jobs screen. Reports remain on the Jobs screen and are executed each period until deleted.

 Note: Reports cannot be changed within the Jobs tab. To change an existing report, delete the existing report from the Jobs screen and create a new report on the Reports tab.

Results tab 

The results tab provides an overview of all generated reports from the reports folder. Click on a row to view the report in a new tab in your browser window. The following information is included for each report:

Column Description
Report The report ID.
Subfolder If a subfolder other than the default is selected, the folder location.
Date The creation date of the report, according to the system.


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