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SQL queries

Find SQL queries that can be used to create reports in the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Reports > Report processor.

You can run the following SQL queries from the Queries tab in the Report processor. The Reports processor can be accessed in the Wise configuration manager at systemWise > Reports > Reports processor.

You can copy any of the SQL queries below. To copy an SQL query:

  1. Hover over the SQL query text box.
  2. Click the view source button (SQL view source button) in the upper-right hand corner of the query text box. The query opens in a plain text dialog.
  3. Copy the query from the plain text dialog.
  4. Click X to close the plain text dialog.

Getting to know the database

Exploring tables and fields

Knowing the names and tables in the database is critical to being able to craft your own queries or understanding other's queries. The following queries below will enable you to see the tables, fields, and pertinent information about the fields.

 Note: Not all the tables will be relevant to US customers.

Field information for all tables in use

The following query provides the table name, field, data type, key type (primary, multiple, etc.), and description for all table in use (containing data):

SQL query

              COLUMN_TYPE AS data_type, COLUMN_KEY AS key_type, COLUMN_COMMENT AS description
FROM information_schema.columns
              SELECT TABLE_NAME
              FROM information_schema.tables
              WHERE TABLE_ROWS > 0
                             AND TABLE_NAME NOT LIKE '\_%'
        AND TABLE_NAME != 'proc')
LIMIT 9999;

Example table

SQL query_field info.png

Field Information for the Actor Table

This query provides the same information but returns it for one table that you have specified:

SQL query

              COLUMN_TYPE AS data_type, COLUMN_KEY AS key_type, COLUMN_COMMENT AS description
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE TABLE_NAME = ’<$table_name>’
LIMIT 9999;


  • Replace <$table_name> with the table to be inspected.

Example table

SQL_field info for actor table.png


Checkout by Material Type

This query generates a report that displays the total checkouts by Material Type for a specified period.

SQL query

distinct(t.kode) 'Material Code',
t.omschr 'Material',
count(CASE WHEN l.aktie =1 THEN aktie END) 'Total number of checkouts'
from tabelitems t inner join loghfdnu l on t.kode = l.materiaal AND soort='RMTSYS' and l.aktie_datum BETWEEN DATE '<$startdate>' AND CURRENT_DATE
GROUP BY omschr
limit 9999


  • Replace <$startdate> with the desired Start Date for the report.
  • (Optional) Replace CURRENT_DATE with the desired End Date for the report.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

Checkout by Material Type example report

Checkout by Material Type example SQL report

Checkout Change by Material Type

This query generates a report that displays the monthly percentage of total checkouts by Material Type.

SQL query

select t.kode 'Material Code', t.omschr 'Material', count(CASE WHEN l.aktie =1 THEN aktie END) 'Total number of checkouts', concat((Count(CASE WHEN l.aktie =1 THEN aktie END)* 100 / (select count(*) from loghfdnu where aktie=1 and aktie_datum BETWEEN DATE '<$startdate>' AND '<$enddate>')), '%') 'Percentage of Checkouts'
tabelitems t inner join loghfdnu l 
on t.kode = l.materiaal 
AND soort='RMTSYS' 
AND l.aktie_datum BETWEEN DATE '<$startdate>' AND '<$enddate>'
GROUP BY omschr
limit 9999


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

Checkout Change by Material Type example report

Checkout Change by Material Type example SQL report

Collection Size - System

This query generates a report that provides a snapshot of the number of items for each branch broken out by material format for a specified period.

SQL query

distinct(t.kode) 'Material Code',
t.omschr 'Material',
l.eigenaar 'Placement branch',
l.oorsprong 'Owner branch',
(select count(distinct(t2.omschr)) from tabelitems t2 where t2.kode = t.kode) 'Number of Items',
count(CASE WHEN l.aktie =1 THEN aktie END) 'Total number of checkouts'
from tabelitems t, loghfdnu l where t.kode = l.materiaal and t.soort='RMTSYS' and l.aktie_datum BETWEEN DATE '<$startdate>' AND '<$enddate>'
GROUP BY omschr
limit 9999


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the period.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the period.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

Collection Size - System example report

Collection Size - System example SQL report


Collection Agency Check

This query generates a report that provides a count of customers who have paid their bills but are still flagged for collections.

SQL query

select func_bx_naam_actor_utf8(ade.actor_id, 'A') as patronName, aam.auth_data,  ade.recno  from actor_div_export ade, actor_auth_middel aam where ade.actor_id = aam.actor_id and aam.auth_type='PAS' and ade.actor_id in 
       (select actor_id from (select actor_id, count(actor_id) as count, adm_status from (select actor_id, adm_status, count(adm_status) from fin_posten group by actor_id, adm_status) as groupbyactorandstatus group by actor_id having count=1) groupbyactorid where adm_status='*')
limit 9999

Collection Agency Check example report

Collection Agency Check example SQL report

Patrons Transacting

This query generates a report that provides a monthly count of customers who used the library in any capacity.

SQL query

select rol as Role, COUNT(actor_id) as 'Count of Customers'
from rol where DATE(laatst_gebruikt) BETWEEN '<$startdate>'AND '<$enddate>'
limit 9999


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

Patrons Transacting example report

Patrons Transacting example SQL report

Patrons Transacting based on Membership Type

This query is based on the existing query, "Patrons Transacting," and summarizes based on Membership Type.

SQL query

select ab_nr 'Membership Code', omschrijving as 'Membership Type', COUNT(r.actor_id) as 'Count of Customers'
from rol r
LEFT JOIN rol_abonnement ra
ON r.ext_id = ra.ra_id
    SELECT DISTINCT ab_nr, instantie_id, omschrijving
    FROM abonnement_def) def
USING (ab_nr, instantie_id)
where DATE(laatst_gebruikt) BETWEEN '2022-08-01'AND '2022-08-31'
GROUP BY omschrijving
limit 9999;

Patrons Transacting based on Membership Type example report


Patron with specific phone lookup

This query generates a report that displays all patron records associated with the last four digits of the patron's phone number.

SQL query

select a.voornamen 'First Name', a.naam 'Last Name', e.e_adres 'Phone Number' from actor a, actor_e_adres e where e.soort='TEL1' and e.rol='ABON' and (replace(e.e_adres, ' ', '') like '%<$last4digits>') and a.actor_id=e.actor_id
limit 9999


  • Replace <$last4digits> with the last four digits of the patron's phone number.

Patron with specific phone lookup example report

Patron with specific phone lookup example SQL report

Active Customers

This query generates a report that displays all active customers and their total activity.

For this query, active customers include all customers whose customer expiration date falls between the first day of the current month and the last day of the last month five years from the current year (e.g., 2022-06-01 - 2027-12-31).

SQL query

select  rol_abonnement.sel_code 'Selection code', count(fin.aid) 'Customer Count', 
sum(checkouts) 'Total checkouts', sum(renewals) 'Total renewals', 
sum(fin.current_checkout) 'Total current checkouts', sum( 'Total fine amount owed'
(select rol.actor_id as aid,sum(CASE WHEN fin_posten.adm_status ='' THEN adm_bedrag END) total , curr_checkout 'current_checkout'
from bicat.rol 
JOIN bicat.fin_posten ON rol.actor_id = fin_posten.actor_id JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement on rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id
 JOIN (select actor_id as exemplaren_actor_id, count(CASE WHEN status='U' THEN status END) 'curr_checkout' from bicat.exemplaren group by actor_id) ex ON rol.actor_id = ex.exemplaren_actor_id
group by aid) fin
JOIN (SELECT count(CASE WHEN aktie =1 THEN aktie END) 'checkouts', count(CASE WHEN aktie =3 THEN aktie END) 'renewals', actor_id from bicat.loghfdnu where actor_id in (
     select distinct rol.actor_id from bicat.rol JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement on rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id where  rol_abonnement.eind_datum BETWEEN DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(CURRENT_DATE)-1 DAY) AND LAST_DAY(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL -4 YEAR))) group by actor_id) log 
     ON fin.aid = log.actor_id
     JOIN bicat.rol ON fin.aid = rol.actor_id
     JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement ON fin.aid = rol_abonnement.actor_id AND rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id
     group by rol_abonnement.sel_code
     limit 9999

Active Customers example report

Active Customers example SQL report

Active Customers based on Membership Type

This query is based on the existing query, "Active Customers", but summarizes based on Membership Type rather than Selection Code.

SQL query

select ab_nr 'Membership Code', def.omschrijving 'Membership Type', count(fin.aid) 'Customer Count',
sum(checkouts) 'Total checkouts', sum(renewals) 'Total renewals',
sum(fin.current_checkout) 'Total current checkouts', sum( 'Total fine amount owed'
(select rol.actor_id as aid,sum(CASE WHEN fin_posten.adm_status ='' THEN adm_bedrag END) total , curr_checkout 'current_checkout'
from bicat.rol
JOIN bicat.fin_posten ON rol.actor_id = fin_posten.actor_id JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement on rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id
 JOIN (select actor_id as exemplaren_actor_id, count(CASE WHEN status='U' THEN status END) 'curr_checkout' from bicat.exemplaren group by actor_id) ex ON rol.actor_id = ex.exemplaren_actor_id
group by aid) fin
JOIN (SELECT count(CASE WHEN aktie =1 THEN aktie END) 'checkouts', count(CASE WHEN aktie =3 THEN aktie END) 'renewals', actor_id from bicat.loghfdnu where actor_id in (
     select distinct rol.actor_id from bicat.rol JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement on rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id where  rol_abonnement.eind_datum BETWEEN DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH(CURRENT_DATE)-1 DAY) AND LAST_DAY(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL -4 YEAR))) group by actor_id) log
 ON fin.aid = log.actor_id
 JOIN bicat.rol ON fin.aid = rol.actor_id
 JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement ON fin.aid = rol_abonnement.actor_id AND rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id
    SELECT DISTINCT ab_nr, instantie_id, omschrijving
    FROM abonnement_def) def
USING (ab_nr, instantie_id)
 group by def.omschrijving
     limit 9999;

Active Customers based on Membership Type example report


New Customers by Branch

This query generates the number of newly registered customers by branch, where the customer created date falls between a specified start date and the date on which the report was run (e.g., 2022-05-01 - 2022-05-31).

SQL query

FROM rol r
LEFT JOIN vestiging v
ON r.hoofd_vest = v.vestiging
WHERE r.start_datum BETWEEN '<$startdate>'AND '<$enddate>'
LIMIT 9999;


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

New Customers by Branch example report


New Customers by LO

This query generates the number of newly registered customers by LO, where the customer created date falls between a specified start date and the date on which the report was run.  Note: This query is intended for consortia.

SQL query

SELECT IFNULL(i.omschrijving, 'Total') AS LO, COUNT(*) AS REGISTERED
FROM rol r
LEFT JOIN instantie i
ON r.bereik = i.instantie_id
WHERE r.start_datum BETWEEN '<$startdate>'AND '<$enddate>'
GROUP BY i.omschrijving WITH ROLLUP
LIMIT 9999;


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

New Customers by LO example report


New Customers by LO and Branch

This query generates the number of newly registered customers by LO and branch, where the customer created date falls between a specified start date and the date on which the report was run.  Note: This query is intended for consortia.

SQL query

SELECT IFNULL(i.omschrijving, 'Grand Total') AS LO, IFNULL(v.vestnaam, 'Total') AS BRANCH, COUNT(*) AS REGISTERED
FROM rol r
LEFT JOIN instantie i
ON r.bereik = i.instantie_id
LEFT JOIN vestiging v
ON r.hoofd_vest = v.vestiging
WHERE r.start_datum BETWEEN '<$startdate>'AND '<$enddate>'
GROUP BY i.omschrijving, v.vestnaam WITH ROLLUP
LIMIT 9999;


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

New Customers by LO and Branch example report


New Customers by Membership

This query generates the number of newly registered customers by membership type, where the customer created date falls between a specified start date and the date on which the report was run.

SQL query

FROM rol r
LEFT JOIN rol_abonnement ra
ON r.ext_id = ra.ra_id
    SELECT DISTINCT ab_nr, instantie_id, omschrijving
    FROM abonnement_def) def
USING (ab_nr, instantie_id)
WHERE r.start_datum BETWEEN '<$startdate>'AND '<$enddate>'
GROUP BY def.omschrijving WITH ROLLUP
LIMIT 9999;


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month or whichever range you choose.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

New Customers by Membership example report


Home Library

This query generates a report that provides customer activity broken out by home branch.

SQL query

rol_abonnement.hoofd_vest 'Selection Branch',
count(fin.aid) 'Customer Count',
sum(checkouts) 'Total checkouts',
sum(renewals) 'Total renewals',
sum(fin.current_checkout) 'Total current checkouts',
sum( 'Total fine amount owed'
(select rol.actor_id as aid,sum(adm_bedrag) total , count( CASE WHEN exemplaren.status='U' THEN exemplaren.status END) 'current_checkout'
from bicat.rol JOIN bicat.fin_posten ON rol.actor_id = fin_posten.actor_id JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement on rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id JOIN bicat.exemplaren ON rol.actor_id = exemplaren.actor_id
where rol.eind_datum BETWEEN DATE('<$startdate>') AND CURRENT_DATE
group by aid) fin
(SELECT count(CASE WHEN aktie =1 THEN aktie END) 'checkouts', count(CASE WHEN aktie =3 THEN aktie END) 'renewals', actor_id from bicat.loghfdnu where actor_id in (
select distinct rol.actor_id from bicat.rol JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement on rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id
where rol.eind_datum BETWEEN DATE('<$startdate>') AND CURRENT_DATE)
GROUP BY actor_id) log
ON fin.aid = log.actor_id
JOIN bicat.rol ON fin.aid = rol.actor_id
JOIN bicat.rol_abonnement ON fin.aid = rol_abonnement.actor_id AND rol.ext_id = rol_abonnement.ra_id
LEFT JOIN bctabel on rol_abonnement.sel_code = bctabel.kode
GROUP BY rol_abonnement.hoofd_vest with rollup
     limit 9999


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date for the report.
  • (Optional) Replace CURRENT_DATE with the desired End Date for the report.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).

Home Library example report

Home Library example SQL report

Circulation Transactions by Barcode

This query generates a report that displays circulation transactions by item, customer barcode, and timestamp.

SQL query

select CASE WHEN aktie =1 THEN 'Check out' WHEN aktie =2 THEN 'Check in' WHEN aktie =3 THEN 'Renewal' END AS 'Circulation action', aktie_datum AS 'Transaction Date', 
aktie_tijd AS 'Transaction Time', auth_data AS 'Patron Barcode' ,zebra AS 'Item Barcode' from bicat.loghfdnu log
JOIN bicat.exemplaren exem ON log.exem_id = exem.exem_id AND log.instantie_id = exem.instantie_id AND log.actor_id = exem.actor_id
JOIN bicat.actor_auth_middel auth_m ON log.actor_id = auth_m.actor_id AND auth_type ='PAS' AND log.instantie_id = auth_m.instantie_id
where aktie IN (1, 2, 3) 
order by log.instantie_id
limit 9999

Circulation Transactions by Barcode example report

Circulation Transactions by Barcode example SQL report

Unexpired Customers by Membership Type

This query generates the number of unexpired customers by Membership Type.

SQL query

SELECT ab_nr AS 'Membership Code', def.omschrijving AS 'Membership Type', COUNT(*) AS Count
FROM rol r
LEFT JOIN rol_abonnement ra
ON r.ext_id = ra.ra_id
    SELECT DISTINCT ab_nr, instantie_id, omschrijving
    FROM abonnement_def) def
USING (ab_nr, instantie_id)
WHERE ra.start_datum <= CURRENT_DATE AND ra.eind_datum >= CURRENT_DATE
GROUP BY omschrijving
LIMIT 9999;

Unexpired Customers by Membership Type example report



Items on Shelf

This query generates a report that displays item counts and their price broken out by brach and shelving location.

SQL query

select e.eigenaar as Branch, e.plaatsing as 'Shelf Code', sum(e.prijs) as 'Sum of Price', count(*) as 'Item Count' from exemplaren e where e.status in ('B', 'D', 'R', 'T') group by eigenaar, plaatsing
limit 9999

Items on Shelf example report

Items on Shelf example SQL report

Items Checked Out

This query generates a report that display all items currently checked out and the total worth of the currently checked out items per branch.

SQL query

select e.eigenaar 'Branch location', sum(e.prijs) 'Amount', count(*) 'Item Count'  from exemplaren e where e.status='U'  group by eigenaar
limit 9999

Items Checked Out example report

Items Checked Out example SQL report

Items Withdrawn

This query generates a report that displays the number of discarded items by branch.

SQL query

select omschr AS "Branch location", count(distinct ex.exem_id) AS "Count of items"  from 
bicat.exemplaren ex 
JOIN bicat.vestiging vs ON ex.eigenaar = vs.vestiging
 where substat='X' group by omschr 
limit 9999

Items Withdrawn example report

Items Withdrawn example SQL report

Last Item Discarded

This query generates a report of titles which have had the last copy discarded.

SQL query

select temp.exem_id as 'Item ID',
temp.zebra as 'Item Barcode',
temp.eigenaar as 'Placement Branch',
temp.oorsprong as 'Owning Branch',
temp.materiaal as 'RMT Material Type',
temp.status as 'Status',
temp.titelnr as 'Title ID',
temp.updated as 'Updated',
(select e.exem_id, e.zebra, e.eigenaar, e.oorsprong, e.materiaal, e.status, e.titelnr, e.updated
from exemplaren e
group by titelnr
having titelnr not in
(select titelnr from
where status in ('B','R', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'I', 'K','M', 'O', 'T', 'U', 'Z')
group by titelnr)
and status ='A')
AS temp left join titels t using (titelnr) where temp.status ='A' and temp.updated > '<updateddate>'
limit 9999;


  • Replace <updateddate> with the start date of the period you would like to display.

Last Item Discarded example report

SQL Last item discarded.jpg

Title Checkouts by Shelving Location

This query generates a report that provides a list of titles and their total circulation count based on shelf location.

SQL query

select titelnr as 'title number', exm_titel as 'title', sum(aantalv) as 'No of times loaned' from exemplaren where plaatsing in ('TFI','TFJ') group by titelnr 
limit 9999


  • To change the shelf location, replace the shelf codes ('TFI','TFJ') with your own shelf codes.
  • To pull a single shelf, use ='TFI'.

Title Checkouts by Shelving Location example report

Title Checkouts by Shelving Location example SQL report

Duplicate titles based on ISBN

This query returns ISBNs shared by multiple titles, providing an opportunity to investigate duplicate title records.

SQL query

SELECT DISTINCT m.subfields AS isbn, m.titelnrs AS 'title numbers', m.count
    SELECT recordnr, CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 1) REGEXP '^[0-8]+' THEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 10)
                    WHEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 1) = 9 THEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 13)
                    END AS subfields
    WHERE tag = '020'
        AND SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 1) REGEXP '^[0-9]+'
    ) i
    SELECT DISTINCT GROUP_CONCAT(recordnr) AS titelnrs, recordnr,
        CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 1) REGEXP '^[0-8]+' THEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 10)
        WHEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 1) = 9 THEN SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 13)
        END AS subfields, COUNT(subfields) AS count
        SELECT titelnr
        FROM titels
        WHERE titstat != 'Z') t
    ON t.titelnr = recordnr
    WHERE tag = '020'
        AND SUBSTRING(subfields,3, 1) REGEXP '^[0-9]+'
    GROUP BY subfields
    HAVING COUNT(subfields) > 1
    ) m
ON i.subfields = m.subfields AND i.recordnr != m.recordnr
GROUP BY m.titelnrs
HAVING LENGTH(isbn) >= 10 AND isbn REGEXP '^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$'

ISBNs Shared by Multiple Titles example report


Top 10 Circulating Titles per month(s) based on Material Type by Branch

This query generates the top ten circulating titles per month by material type and branch for either a single month or span of months depending on the date range that is selected. Information about the title is returned as well as the number of checkouts, lifetime circulation, and copies of the title. lifetime circulation and copies of the title are calculated up until the month that is being evaluated. Ranking is also included as a value, with the rank being assigned based on a combination of checkouts for the month and lifetime circulation used as a tie-breaker when number of checkouts are the same between titles.

SQL query

              SELECT l.oorsprong, l.titelnr, t.titel, t.deeltitel, t.auteur, COUNT(*) AS circs,
              (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM loghfdnu WHERE titelnr = l.titelnr GROUP BY titelnr) AS life_time_circ,
                             FROM loghfdnu WHERE titelnr = l.titelnr GROUP BY titelnr) DESC) AS ranking
              FROM loghfdnu l
              LEFT JOIN titels t
              USING (titelnr)
              WHERE aktie IN (1, 3)
                             AND l.actor_id NOT LIKE '-%'
                             AND l.titelnr != 0
                             AND l.aktie_datum BETWEEN '<$startdate>'AND '<$enddate>'
                             AND l.materiaal = '<$rmt>'
              GROUP BY l.oorsprong, l.titelnr, t.titel, t.deeltitel, t.auteur) ranked_data
WHERE ranking <= 10
LIMIT 9999;


  • Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date of the month.
  • Replace <$enddate> with the End Date of the month.
  • Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01).
  • Replace <$rmt> with the RMT code. If a group of material types are to be evaluated together, truncation such as 'B%' is recommended.
  • For material types that might circulate less, such as audiobooks, the 10 in the last WHERE clause in the query can be changed to be 15 or 20, making the output the top 15 or top 20.

Top 10 Circulating Titles By Branch example report


Top 10 Circulating Titles per year

This query generates the top ten circulating titles for a given year.

SQL query

SELECT t.titelnr AS `Titel ID`, t.titel AS Title, t.deeltitel AS Subtitle, t.auteur AS Author, COUNT(l.loghfd_id) AS `Total Circs`
FROM loghfdnu l
LEFT JOIN titels t
USING (titelnr)
WHERE aktie IN (<$circtype>)
AND l.actor_id NOT LIKE '-%'
              AND l.titelnr != 0
              AND (t.materiaal = ' <$rmt> ' OR t.materiaalj = ' <$rmt> ')
              AND YEAR(l.leen_dat) = <$year>
GROUP BY t.titelnr
ORDER BY `Total Circs` DESC


  • <$circtype> can only be either 1 (checkouts) or 1,3 (checkouts and renewals).

Top 10 Circulating Titles for 2022 example report

Top ten circulating titles 2022.jpg


Invoice Summary

The purpose of this query is to generate a list of all invoices created by the library.

SQL query

SELECT f.factuurnr AS invoice_id, f.leveranc AS vendor, f.factuurdatum AS invoice_date,
       CASE WHEN SUM(p.amount) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(p.amount) END AS paid,
    CASE WHEN SUM(o.amount) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(o.amount) END AS outstanding,
    CASE WHEN SUM(o.expired_amount) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SUM(o.expired_amount) END AS expired_outstanding
FROM order_factuur f
       SELECT f.ordfact_id, f.factuurnr AS invoice_id, r.leveranc AS vendor, r.orderdatum AS order_date,
             f.factuurdatum AS invoice_date, r.betaaldatum AS paid_date, ROUND(r.prijs/100, 2) AS amount
       FROM order_regels r
       LEFT JOIN order_factuur f
       USING (ordfact_id)
       WHERE r.betaalstatus = 'B') p
ON p.ordfact_id = f.ordfact_id
       SELECT f.ordfact_id, f.factuurnr AS invoice_id, r.leveranc AS vendor, r.orderdatum AS order_date,
             f.factuurdatum AS invoice_date, r.betaaldatum AS paid_date,
        CASE WHEN ex_status != 'V' THEN ROUND(r.prijs/100, 2) END AS amount,
        CASE WHEN ex_status = 'V' THEN ROUND(r.prijs/100, 2) END AS expired_amount
       FROM order_regels r
       LEFT JOIN order_factuur f
       USING (ordfact_id)
       WHERE betaalstatus = 'O') o
ON o.ordfact_id = f.ordfact_id
WHERE f.factuurdatum BETWEEN '<$start date>' AND '<$enddate>'
       AND (p.amount IS NOT NULL OR o.amount IS NOT NULL OR o.expired_amount IS NOT NULL)
GROUP BY f.factuurnr
ORDER BY invoice_date
LIMIT 9999;


•    Replace <$startdate> with the Start Date for the report
•    Replace <$enddate> with the End Date for the report
•    Dates must be entered in the following support format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-01-01)

Invoice Summary example report

Invoice Summary example report.jpg


Staff User Privileges

This query generates a report that displays current staff and their assigned roles.

SQL query

wr.wise_rol as wise_role,
wrl.omschr as role,
func_bx_naam_actor_utf8(wr.actor_id,'A') as staffName,
wr.vestiging as branch,
v.instantie_id as instance_id
from wise_rol wr,wise_rollen wrl,actor a, vestiging v
where wr.wise_rol <> ''
and wr.wise_rol = wrl.rol
and a.actor_id = wr.actor_id
and wr.vestiging = v.vestiging
order by v.instantie_id, wr.actor_id asc
limit 9999

Staff User Privileges example report

Staff User Privileges example SQL report

Staff User Privileges for a specific library

This query generates a report that displays current staff and their assigned roles by library.

SQL query

wrl.omschr as role,
func_bx_naam_actor_utf8(wr.actor_id,'A') as staffName,
wr.vestiging as branch,
v.instantie_id as instance_id
from wise_rol wr,wise_rollen wrl,actor a, vestiging v
where wr.wise_rol <> ''
and wr.wise_rol = wrl.rol
and a.actor_id = wr.actor_id
and wr.vestiging = v.vestiging
and v.instantie_id = '<$libraryid>'
order by v.instantie_id, wr.actor_id asc
limit 9999


  • Replace <$libraryid> with the library ID for the report (e.g., I000, I060, etc.).

Staff User Privileges for a specific library example report

Staff User Privileges for a specific library example SQL report


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