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Customers system tables

Customer related details are defined in the Customers system tables.

Customer-related details are defined in the Customers system tables.

(LBLPAS) Library cards

This setting is used by Wise when creating barcode numbers for customer accounts. Barcode numbers in Wise must be between 10 and 14 characters long. The structure of the barcode number must be supported by scanning methods. Each branch can have its own library card configuration.

Scanning process 

The scanning process indicates how Wise creates the barcode number. The options offered align with the variations available at most libraries.


Value Description
VVVV (label) Location number
nnnn serial number
ooo unique basic library code, based on the ISIL
c Check digit (according to the chosen configuration)

Barcode structures 

Scanning process Description
1 - Standard Wise process

Structure: 14 digits with check digit

2 + VVVV + nnnnnnnn + C

2 - 13 character process

Structure: 13 digits without check digit

sector EDUB – schoolwise
VVVV + ooo + 9 + nnnnn

sector BIEB
VVVV + nnnnnnnnn

3 - Elf test (Plessey) process

Structure: 11 digit with eleven test
VVVV + nnnnnn + C

4 - CBD process

Structure: 11 digits with eleven test
VVVV + nnnnnn + C

5 - BiblioByte process

Structure: 12 digits without check digit
VVVV + nnnnnnnn

6 - Datapoint/Tobias process

Structure: 10 digits wtihout check digit
VVVV + nnnnnn

8 - Concerto process

Structure: 11 digits with eleven test
VVVV + nnnnnn + C

 Note: The check digit calculation is different for each scanning process.

Create or modify library card configuration 

To create or modify a library card configuration:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customer > System tables > (LBLPAS) Library cards.
  2. Click New to create a new configuration, or to edit an existing configuration, click Detail. The Library cards window opens.
  3. Enter Library card details. If you are editing an existing configuration, click Change to modify fields.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (LBLPAS)
    Branch Select the branch to which this configuration applies from the drop-down list.
    Description Free text description of the configuration.
    Scanning process Enter the scanning process code for this configuration.
     Description Enter the label to be printed on the library card, if the card is produced by the system.
    Label for branch Enter the code of the branch issuing the library card.
    First available customer number This number is the last issued sequence number (nnnnnn) according to the selected scanning process. This number will be increased by the system when the next barcode is issued.
    Barcode prefix If a specific prefix is included in the barcode number, enter it here.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

(TABB1B) Book-1-Book 

Not for use in US libraries.

(TABLAN) Country-coding 

The Country-coding table is used by Wise when including a country code in the customer address. It is also used in the Central vendor table.

Country codes have a 2-digit numerical value. If a country code is added to a customer, the system will present the address, according to the address specifications applicable in that country after looking up the relevant customer.

 Note: This table should only be edited by OCLC staff.

(TABPTM) Registration notifications 

The Registration notifications table can be used to create a registration notification for customers within a specific zip code area.

(TABKCL) Customer classification 

The classification codes included here can be linked to a customer in the registration record. This can be selected for customer selections. The classification code is a maximum of 3 alphanumeric positions.

(TABLKC) Age classification subscription fee 

Customers are assigned to a statistical category when they register for an account. The statistical category is recorded in (TABSCL) Statistical category customers table.

If the customer statistical category is age-dependent, the system can leverage this table to determine the first and second position of the statistical category code.

(TABLML) Customer notifications 

Standard notifications are default texts that can be saved in this table to be entered in a customer record in the staff client. Customer notifications have a 60 character limit. For information about how customer notifications are used, see Customer notifications.

When the text in this table is changed, the update is visible in the staff client the next day.

(TABRDL) Reason for unsubscribing 

A reason can be provided for unsubscribing customers. A standard reason can be included when a customer account is unsubscribed. The standard reasons are defined in this table. The code for this reason is limited to 7 alphanumeric characters. If a reason is specified when an account is canceled, the reason will appear in the Customer account on the Account changes tab.

Default reasons for unsubscribing 

Wise offers some predefined reasons for unsubscribing. These reasons must remain in the system because they are tied to automated functions. However, the description can be changed to fit your library. These reasons can also be selected manually by staff deactivating a membership. For more information see Deactivate a library card.

These are the system provided reasons for unsubscribing:

Code Description


Removal of youth customer (inactivity)


Removal of customer (not paid)


Removal (incomplete) internet registration




Cancelled, dissatisfied






Removal (reason unknown)


Cancelled account


Cancelled, not enough time


Removal of temporary account

Create or edit Reasons for unsubscribing 

Additional values can be added to the Reasons for unsubscribing table and existing values can be adjusted to suit your library.

To change or add a reason for unsubscribing:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customers > System tables > (TABRDL) Reason for unsubscribing.
  2. Click New to add a new reason to the table, or click Detail to edit an existing reason. The Reason for unsubscribing window opens.
  3. Enter information. If you are editing an existing value, click Change in order to edit fields.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically populated by the system (RDL)
    Code Enter a code for the reason. The code should be 3 alphanumeric characters.
    Description A text description of the reason for unsubscribing. This description displays in the staff client and Wise console. This field is limited to 60 characters.

    Select Yes if the cancelation reason is due to death of the customer. When this is selected, customers are made invisible in the staff client and Wise console. The first name is then replaced with an asterisk (*). As a result, the customer can no longer be searched by name. Message preferences are emptied and the email address is deleted.

    Marketing module: outflow customers with reason Deceased will not be selected for marketing campaigns.

    Display in portal

    Select Yes if you want this reason to display in the customer web portal. Customers who can cancel their memberships via the web portal can select this reason when they cancel.

     Note: Reasons display in the web portal in alphabetical order of the code, not the description.

    Marketing trigger Select Yes if this unsubscribe reason causes a marketing trigger
  4. Click OK to save changes.

(TABSEL) Customer selection codes 

Customer selection codes included in this table can be linked to a customer in their account. This can be selected for customer selections.

The selection code is a maximum of 3 alphanumeric characters.

(TABSCL) Statistical category customers 

Each customer is assigned a statistical category based on their library card membership. The customer's statistical category is included in every loan and in lending statistics. It can be generated in combination with the (TABLKC) Age classification subscription fee table.

A statistical code is assigned to each Memberships definition in the Statistical code field. If the statistical code for the membership should include the age of the customer (this is recommended for reporting purposes), enter the code with the first and second values set as "xx". This indicates to the system that it must refer to table (TABLKC) Age classification subscription fee. The third value indicates which type of membership the customer is assigned to.

For example, the code XXJ could represent a juvenile membership. The system will look at the customer's date of birth and check it against (TABLKC) Age classification subscription fee to assign the correct statistical category. If the child is seven years old, the assigned statistical category will be 07J.

(TABTGL) Counting groups customers 

Every customer with a membership is automatically assigned a statistical category by the system. In order to count customers in different categories for reporting purposes, customers can be counted in groups. Those groups are defined in the (TABTGL) Counting groups customers table. For each statistical category (TABSCL) Statistical category customers, it must be specified in which counting group a statistical category will be counted.

(TABVDT) Visitor group customers 

The (TABVDT) Visitor group customers table is used to split the customer count (generated in the staff client under Branch management > Enter visitor count data.)

To add a new Visitor group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customers > System tables > (TABVDT) Visitor group customers.
  2. Click New. The Visitor groups customers window opens.
  3. Enter group information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (VDT)
    Code Enter a 2-digit code for the group
    Description Text description of the group, this is how the group will appear in the staff client
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABTIT) Form of address coding 

A salutation/title code can be created for customers. When creating a new customer account in the staff client, these forms of address are available in the Title field for selection.

For more information, see Add new customer.

To add a new form of address (title):

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Customers > System tables > (TABTIT) Form of address coding.
  2. Click New. The Form of address coding window opens.
  3. Enter Form of address coding information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (TIT)
    Code Enter a 2-digit code for the group
    Description Text description of the title, this is how the title will appear in the staff client
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABKLH) Customers with reading disabilities 

If your library has a special notation for customers with reading disabilities, those reasons are created in the (TABKLH) Customers with reading disabilities table. This indication can be selected when creating a new customer in the staff client. For more information, see Customer notifications.

To create a new reading disability:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Customers > System tables > (TABKLH) Customers with reading disabilities.
  2. Click New. The Customers with reading disabilities window opens.
  3. Enter reading disabilities information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (KLH)
    Code Enter a 2-digit code for the reason
    Description Text description of this reading disability, this is how the label will appear in the staff client
  4. Click OK to save.

(TABWTL) Wise languages 

This table can only be edited by OCLC staff. The table controls the customer's language preference and the presentation of the staff client and the Wise configuration manager. Available languages are created in this table. When a language is set to Yes - Use for the public, customers can select their preferred language in My Account or with help from staff in the Client.

 Note: To send messages in languages other than English, you must configure the message texts in the desired language. For more information, see configure multiple languages

To update available languages:

  1. In the Manager, navigate to Customers > Customer system tables > (TABWTL) Wise languages.
  2. Click Detail next to an existing language to edit or New at the top of the screen to create a new language option. The Wise languages window opens.
  3. Configure the following options:
    • Type: Automatically filled by the system
    • Language code: A unique 5 character code
    • Description: Text description to display in the interface
    • Sorting order: In which position this option will appear in selection lists
    • Use for the public: Select Yes
    • Use alternative address: Select No
    • Flag code: Select No
    • This is the default language: Select No
  4. Click OK to save changes.


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