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Fee tab

Learn how to view and edit customer fee information, change membership types, and deactivate accounts in the Customer administration section of the Wise staff client.

Customer fee fields

The third tab in the Customer administration screen contains information about the customer's account type.

Field Description
Registration date Date when the customer was added to the system.
Library cards

All library cards that the customer uses appear in this field. Past library card accounts are also visible here.

The following information is displayed for each card:

  • Institution/Branch number
  • Start and end date of the current library account
  • Membership type
  • Status of the account
    • Status 1 - New
    • Status 2 - Billed
    • Status 3 - Reminder
    • Status 4 - Payment overdue
    • Status 5 - Normal (customer has paid)
    • Customer 6 - Registration via internet, phase 2: customer is registered and verified, but the customer hasn't paid yet. Card is blocked
    • Status 7 - Registration via internet, phase 2: customer registered online, the registration process is still pending and the account is not verified.
    • Status 8  - Invalid: Banned
    • Status 9 - Invalid: Cancelled
  • Cost (if any) of the library card
  • Sector

 Note: A new line is added for each library card period (if there is an expiration period).

Library card types are changed using this table. See Change library card type for more information.


To deactivate a library card, select when you would like the card to expire. See Deactivate a library card for more information.

Reason for deactivation

Select a reason from the drop-down list for deactivating the card. See Deactivate a library card for more information.

Iban Not for use in US libraries.
Bic Not for use in US libraries.

Change membership or extend a membership

A library card type can be changed on this tab.

  1. Click Change at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click Change membership below the Library cards table. A confirmation message appears: Membership will be changed. Start directly?
    • Click Yes to start the change immediately. The Library card type list appears.Select the desired account type and click OK.
    • Click No to allow the change to take effect once the current card expires.
  3. The Membership window opens. Select the membership type that will replace the current account type and click OK.
  4. Click Save to save changes.

Deactivate a library card

A card can be deactivated at the service desk or online by the customer if enabled in My Menu method.

When a customer chooses to deactivate their card online, the change will not take effect until the card expires. To deactivate immediately, the change must be made at the service desk.

 Note: Deactivated customers will still appear in search results within the Client. Deactivated accounts appear in red within the search results screen. 

To deactivate a card:

  1. Click Change at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the library card you wish to deactivate from the Library cards table.
  3. Select a cancelation option from the list:
    • Deactivate account now: Deactivates the card immediately. The card is assigned the status "Deleted". If there are costs associated with this account type, the amount is calculated and reimbursed immediately.
    • Deactivate card from <expiration date>: The card is deactivated at the end of the expiration month. If there are costs associated with this account type, the reimbursement is not calculated until after the date that the card is deactivated.
    • Deactivate the card from <selected date>: Select a date from the drop-down list. If there are costs associated with this account type, the reimbursement is not calculated until the card after the date that the card is deactivated.
  4. Select a reason for deactivation from the Reason for deactivation drop-down list. This reason will display in the blue bar at the top of the customer information screen.
  5. Click Save. If the customer has outstanding items on the card, a message will appear with information.

Deceased customers

When a customer is deceased, their account can be removed from Wise by selecting the option to Deactivate account now and choosing Deceased as the Reason for deactivation. When this action is performed, it is important to also:

  • Ensure that the items they checked out have been returned
  • Process any fines/fees
  • Delete any family relations
  • Deactivate the membership effective immediately

Once this action is performed, Wise will update the account so that:

  • An asterisk (*) is placed in front of the customer's name
  • When searching by name, the deceased customer will not be returned in search results
  • The message preferences for the account are deleted
  • The email address is deleted

 Note: The customer will still appear in search results when searched by street address or zip code. Deceased customers will not appear in a name search. 

Customers deleted for non-payment

Customers who have not paid for their account is assigned status 4 = Payment overdue after a number of months. If the payment is not received after a longer period, the status is changed to 9 = Deleted. The terms of these statuses are defined in Wise configuration manager.

Banned customers

A customer can be banned by selection the option to Deactivate card now and choosing Banned as the Reason for Deactivation. This status is defined in Wise configuration manager. Banned customers are assigned the status 8 = Banned. Customers with this status will not be removed from the system. If a customer wants to register again in the future, the banned status will show in their account.

Reactivate an account

To reactive an account for a customer who is no longer active in the system, go to Customers > Search customer or scan the customer's old library card barcode. A message appears with the option to use the existing customer data. You can view the information before using it.

Even after a customer's account has been deleted (status 9), it can be reactivated in the system.

If you are issuing a new card, based on name, ZIP code and date of birth, Wise will check for duplicate accounts before the new account is created. If an existing account is found, a confirmation message will appear.

Click Yes to go to the existing customer account.

Once the account is opened, you will see if there are outstanding fees or items in the customer's possession. Click Reregistering at the bottom of the screen. You will be prompted to select a membership type. From here, the account can be reopened, and registration fees (if applicable) paid.

Permanently delete customer data

Customer data can be deleted from Wise. Once a month, Wise automatically purges customers who have been unregistered for more than five years.

To manually delete a customer:

  1. Cancel the customer's library card by following the steps above.
  2. Ensure that all fines and fees have been settled.
  3. Click Change at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click Delete at the bottom of the screen.

 Note: Only staff with authorization are able to permanently delete a customer account. Once an account is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Merge duplicate customers

It is possible within the Customer tab to merge duplicate accounts.


Learn how to view and merge duplicate customer accounts in the Wise client.

The Duplicate customers overview displays a list of all unexpired customer accounts that share a last name, address, or date of birth in the system. This overview can be used to check for and remove duplicate customer accounts.

 Note: In order to use the deduplication functionality, the system option ONTKCLI must be activated.

Run the Duplicate customers overview

To run this report, go to Customers > Overviews > Duplicate customers.

Wise checks for duplicates of unexpired accounts using all of the following match criteria:

  • Last name
  • Address
  • Date of birth

 Note: Each field must be an exact match to find a duplicate. For example, a field containing the address 123 Main St. would not be a match to the address 123 Main Street. If an account is expired, it will also not be selected as a match. 

This report can take several minutes to run. To continue working in the staff client, click Background in the Execute task window. The report is transferred to the job manager.

The overview provides a list of duplicate customers including the following information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Account type

Review and merge duplicate customer records 

To review and merge duplicate customer records:

  1. Search for the customer that is duplicated.
  2. Click Change to edit the customer record.
  3. Click Deduplicate at the bottom of the screen. If there is a possible match, the Deduplicate window opens.
  4. If needed, click Move 'primaries' to change which record is Primary. The record in the top box is the primary record and will be kept, the bottom record will be merged into this record.
  5. Check the box Deduplicate to remove the duplicate customer and merge existing data to the primary customer. This action cannot be reversed. If this option is selected, the following data will be merged to the primary customer:
    • Checked out items
    • Holds
    • Loan history
    • Membership

       Note: The primary account membership will be carried over as the active membership. Memberships from the merged account will be deactivated and retained for reference. 

    • Financial details
    • Library card numbers
    • Email addresses 
  6. Click Process to complete the process. 


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