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Policy definition configuration

Find information about policy definitions in the Wise configuration manager.

The Policy definition table is where policy settings are displayed, as defined in the (TABPRO) Policy groups table. The conditions under which materials can be checked out are defined in the Policy definition. Examples of these policies include lending period, overdue process, fining, renewals, etc, and are defined in Policy configuration. These policies are each configured per material type within Policy definition. 

 Note: Changes to the policy tables require an overnight process to update.

Once the main policy is opened, all of its defined lines are displayed.

Create a new policy definition

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services >  Policies > Policy definition.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Click New at the top of the screen.
  4. Provide information for the Product groups fields.
  5. Click Ok to save.

Product groups fields 

Field name Description
Type Automatically defined by the system - PRO
Product group Code associated with the product group.
Description Text description

Once a product group is created, you can configure the details by group material.

Define a material group 

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to Products and services >  Policies > Policy definition.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Open the policy you want to change or define.
  4. Click New at the top of the screen.
  5. Provide information for the Policy definition fields.
  6. Click Ok to save.

Policy definition fields 

Field name Description
Policy table Populated by the system, the system to which the policy applies.
Product Select the applicable product group.
Sector The sector this line applies to. Select BIEB, the other options are not used in US libraries. 
Material type The material type to which the policy applies. See RMT tables for more information.
Valid from/Valid until The period to which this policy applies. Multiple policies can be included for each table, sector, product, or material. The periods must line up.
Fining process Select a fining process from the drop-down menu which will be applied when checking out items. Fining processes are defined in the Fining process table.
Renewal process Select a renewal process from the drop-down menu which will be applied when checking out items. If no method is entered, the corresponding material cannot be renewed. Renewal processes are defined in the Renewal process table.
Overdue process Select an overdue process from the drop-down menu which will be applied when checking out items. Overdue processes are defined in the Overdue process table.
Hold request process Select a hold request process from the drop-down menu which will be applied when checking out items. If no method is entered, the relevant material cannot be placed on hold. Hold request processes are defined in the Hold request process table.
Lending process Select a lending process from the drop-down menu which will be applied when checking out items. Choose from one of the defined methods. Lending processes are defined in the Lending process table.
Vacation loan process

Loan process according to an alternative policy for vacation loan periods. The processes must be defined in the Lending process table. The alternative lending methods for this material type are configured in this field.

This feature can also be adjusted at the branch level, via Vacation loan period in Branch Management within the Wise staff client.

If the vacation lending method is turned on or off via one client, it immediately applies to the entire branch. When turned on, it is noted at the top of the screen.

 Note: When renewals are made via the web catalog, renewals follow the rules of the branch from where the item was checked out.

Transport costs Amount, in cents. This amount is charged when an item is returned to a different branch than the one from where it was borrowed.
Renewable Indicate whether or not these types of materials can be renewed.
Maximum renewal Maximum number of renewals per loan.
Free renewal(s) The number of free renewals. If for example, the first renewal is free and the following renewals must be paid for; 1 can be entered here.
Count in home total How many materials a customer can check out at once can be configured in the membership definition. Whether this material must be counted towards this total must be configured in this field.
Count in home group If a material type must be counted in a group at home, the relevant home group must be indicated here.
Maximum number exceeded.
Additional cost required (home_max)
Amount in cents that is charged when the maximum number of check-out items is exceeded.
Type of rewards points Not for use in US libraries.
Number of rewards points Not for use in US libraries.
Free rewards points Not for use in US libraries.


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