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Products and services system tables configuration

Learn how to configure system tables in the Products and services section of the Wise configuration manager.

Products and services system tables are located in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Products and Services > System tables

(TABXBG) Text groups 

Within each Wise system, 99 different text groups can be defined. Text groups are used to send different message texts to specific membership types per message type. For example, a different message text can be created to send to youth customers with bills using a text group. The code 01 should be used as the default text group. The maximum number of characters that can be used for the code is 7 characters. 

For more information about using text groups to send unique message texts, see Configure unique message texts per membership.

(TABSTR) Punch card types 

Not currently in use by US libraries.

(TABPRO) Policy groups

The main policies that can be used must be configured at the system level. The content of a policy is defined (per RMT) per Policies table. The product group is a 2-digit alphanumeric code and a description must be entered per product group. Product group codes are used in the Policy definitions table.

(TABREG) Product linking 

This table only needs to be populated if multiple institutions are used and customers are able to check out items to other institutions. Product linking is used to define which policy must be used for customers of other institutions. These customers do have to be known in the relevant Wise system. 

(TABRGL) Policies table 

This table is used to define codes for policies that are indicated per branch. The code must be 2 characters long. 

(TABKRG) Customer report group 

Customer report groups can be created to categorize specific membership types into a reporting group. The Customer report group code can be added to membership types within Membership definitions. These groups are used for reporting within the Customer count report in the Wise client. 

The customer report group code can be a maximum of 7 characters. The description defined in this table appears in the Customer count report. 

(TABCON) Membership fee table 

The membership fee table defines the membership rates that are in use. The membership fees used must be indicated per branch.

(TABCRE) Membership fee state 

Not currently in use in US libraries.

(TABKST) Event types 

This table is used for defining event types (lectures, workshops, courses, etc.) associated with the Tickets module in the Wise client. The events type code character limit is 7.

(TABKL1) Event branches

This table is used to define the locations where events can take place. This can be at branches as well as the locations of third parties, such as a theater or a school. The events branches code character limit is 7.

The location codes are also used in determining the correct Google map. 

(TABKL2) Event room

Rooms within a location used for events are defined in this table. Examples include conference rooms, children's department, etc. It is recommended to keep descriptions as general as possible so that they can be used for multiple locations. The events type code character limit is 7.

(TABABL) Customer blocks 

With this table, it is possible to add a block to a customer account that is only visible in the branches that belong to the selected customer. For information about applying a customer block, see Customer administration – Properties tab.

The default value in the table is 0000 so the one-in-one block will be shown in all instances.

Field Description
Type Automatically filled by the system (ABL)
Code A unique code for the block. Limit 7 characters.
Description A description of the block, this displays in the staff client. Limit 50 characters.
Range At which level of the Wise instance this block can be used.


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