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OCLC Wise Support EN

Customer count report

Generate a report of the count of registered customers for your library in the Wise staff client.

The Customer count report counts the number of customers registered at the library based on specified criteria. Counts are always made on the basis of the customer database content at the time of counting.

Generate a Customer count report

  1. Go to Customers > Overviews > Customer count report. A selection window appears.
  2. Provide the details for the report. Fields marked with an (*) asterisk are required. 
    Field Description
    Institution System for this report
    Main branch Main branch for the report
    Branch Home branch for the report
    Count per group*

    Select how you want the data to be counted per group:

    • Institution (system)
    • Main branch
    • Branch
    Count per type*

    Select how you want the data to be counted per type:

    • Membership type
    • Membership number
    • Report group 

       Note: Report groups are defined in the table (TABKRG) Customer report group within the Wise configuration manager. 

    • Statistical code
    • Count group
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated and opens in your web browser. 


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