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OCLC Wise Support EN

Development customer count (fixed period or choose period)

Generate a report of number of new and ended customer accounts for your library in the Wise staff client.

Count of a fixed period

The Development customer count of a fixed period overview provides insight into the number of customers in the library sector of each system over a certain period. For each main branch, a count is done for each membership type for each customer account.

Generating a Count of a fixed period

To generate the report:

  1. Go to Customers > Overviews > Development customer count (fixed period). A selection window opens.
  2. Provide details for the report. Fields marked with an (*) asterisk are required. 
    Field Description
    Institution* Select an institution (system)
    Main branch Select the main branch for the report. Only select a main branch when a report for a specific branch is desired. The enter main branch must be part of the institution (system) selected.

    Select a report type:

    • 1 - Membership type
    • 2 - Report group
    • 3 - Membership number

    If 1 - Membership type is selected, the customer will be counted by System/Main Branch/Membership Type/Membership number. All customers with a membership are counted (free, paid according to age, youth, etc.).

    If 2 - Report group is selected, the customers will be counted by System/Main Branch/Report group/Membership number. Only customers with a membership for which a reporting group has been included in the membership definition will be counted here.

    If 3 - Membership number is selected, the customers will be counted by System/Main Branch/Membership number. All customers with a membership are counted.

    Count group*

    Run the count on:

    • 0 - Main branch
    • 1 - Institution

Count of a fixed period report output

For each main branch, a counting line is displayed for each membership type and membership for the selected main branches. The number of customers that existed at the start and end of the period are displayed per counting line. Changes during the period are not reported.

The report columns display the following information:

Column Description
Start of period Number of customers at the start of the period. This is always counted from 01/01 of the current period.
Incoming A new customer to this system, or a new role membership created for an existing customer.
Outgoing The number of customers with memberships that ended or the customer role ended and a new role began during this period
End of period The number of customers at the end of the period. This is always the last day of the month in which the report is requested.

The totals are printed for membership fee type and branch for each main branch. A total line is also printed per system.

The numbers increase as the year continues. All customers are included in the count. If a customer continues to a subsequent period, the customer is counted as follows:

  • Outgoing from old role
  • Inflow to new role

If the customer cancels their membership, the customer is counted once as an outgoing customer. If the customer is new in the period, the customer is counted as an incoming customer. If the same customer cancels the membership after a few months, the customer has come in one time and gone out one time in the period 01/01 to the current month.

Count of a selected period

The Development customer count (per period) report provides insight into the development of the number of customers in the library per system over a period you define. A count is made per main branch for each membership type for each customer (number).

Generating a count of a selected period

To generate the report:

  1. Go to Customers > Overviews > Development customer count (choose period ). A selection window opens.
  2. Provide details for the report. Fields marked with an (*) asterisk are required. 
    Field Description
    Institution* Select an institution (system)
    Main branch Select the main branch for the report. Only select a main branch when a report for a specific branch is desired. The entered main branch must be part of the institution (system) selected.
    Period up to and including

    Period for which the report must be generated. Enter to/from date. The ending date is the starting date of the next period.


    • Overview January: period 01/01/2012 to 02/01/2012
    • Overview February: period 02/01/2012 to 03/01/2012

    This prevents changes in the membership fee lines causing deviating counts. Changes in membership fees are automatically updated when switching to a different month.


    Select a report type:

    • 1 - Membership type
    • 2 - Report group
    • 3 - Membership number

    If 1 - Membership type is selected, the customer will be counted by System/Main Branch/Membership Type/Membership number. All customers with a membership are counted (free, paid according to age, youth, etc.).

    If 2 - Report group is selected, the customers will be counted by System/Main Branch/Report group/Membership number. Only customers with a membership for which a reporting group has been included in the membership definition will be counted here.

    If 3 - Membership number is selected, the customers will be counted by System/Main Branch/Membership number. All customers with a membership are counted.

    Count group*

    Run the count on:

    • 0 - Main branch
    • 1 - Institution
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated and opens in your web browser. 

Count of a selected period report output

For each main branch, a count line is displayed for each membership fee type and membership for the selected main branches. The number of customers there were at the start of the period and the end of the period is counted per counting line. Changes in the period are not reported.

The data in each column have the following meaning:

Field Description
Start of period Number of customers at the start of the period
Incoming Number of new customers to the system
Outgoing Number of customers whose membership have ended
End of period Number of customers at the end of the period

The totals are displayed by membership fee type and branch for each main branch. A total line is also displayed per system


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