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OCLC Wise Support EN


Learn about the options available within the Holds menu in Customer administration.

To see a list of materials a customer has on hold or to place hold requests, go to Customer > Holds.

A summary of checked out items displays with the following data:

Column name Description
Priority A hold request is given a priority (this can be configured for each material type in the Wise configuration manager in Policy material (RMT)). If there are hold requests with the same priority, the hold request with the oldest date comes first.
Hold request Date that the item was requested in the format YYYY-MM-DDDD.######. The number at the end of the date represents the order that requests were made when multiple holds are placed on the same date.

The hold request type. See Hold request types and statuses for more information.

Code Type
B Branch hold request
N Network hold request
I System hold request
E External ILL
O Other
Title Title of the item requested.
Placed at The branch where the title has been reserved. If this field is blank, a specific branch was not selected and the request will apply to all branches.
Status Status of the hold request. See Hold request types and statuses for more information.
Code Status
A - Active/Processing The hold request has been placed, but not yet filled with an item.
B - Message sent

The hold request is at the pick-up branch, and the customer has received the message.

Depending upon the customer preference, messages can be sent by text message, email, or mail.

Hold requests with the status Message are displayed in red.

O - Received by the pick-up branch The hold request is in, but the customer has not yet received a message. The date of receipt is displayed.
R - Return to the supplying branch The customer has returned the item; the item is en route back to the branch that supplied it. Check-in changes the status of the item to R.
T - Transport to pick-up branch

If the hold request is placed at a different branch and this supplying branch has checked in the item, the status is automatically changed to Transport.

The hold request is on its way to the requesting branch.

U - Checked out to the customer The item is now in the customer's possession.
The title can be looked up both in the overview of checked out items (F9), and in the overview of (outstanding) hold requests (ALT-I).
Z - Processed/closed

The item has been checked in or has been checked in at the supplying branch after transport. The hold request has now been completely processed and is no longer on the list of (outstanding) hold requests.

The processed hold requests (stating the reasons for processing) can be found for the borrower via the “History” button. A total overview of status Z can be generated via Hold Requests > Overviews > Overview of Hold Requests.


Pickup at/Delivery Pick up or delivery location.
Hold condition If the customer has placed a condition on the hold that it should be filled after another hold request has been fulfilled, it will be displayed here. This can be used to place hold requests sequentially. 
Group number If the hold request is part of a group request, the group number will display here.
Sector The sector associated with the hold.
Position If the option is active, the place in the waiting list will be displayed. 

 Note: Place in the waiting list does not indicate delivery time.

Hold start date The starting date of the hold request.
Pause begin date The date the hold request was paused.
Hold resume date The date the paused hold request will be re-activated.

At the bottom of this screen are the following options:

Option Description
Place hold request Opens the catalog so that a new request can be created.
Cancel Cancels holds that have a pending status. Holds with a different status must be removed under the Borrowed items view.
History Shows list of previous hold requests.
Quit Closes ILL/Holds view.


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