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Manage campaigns

Find information about managing campaigns within the Wise marketing workbench.

Campaigns are managed and organized on the Manage campaigns screen. Campaigns are designed to systematically reach out to a specific group of customers with a specific purpose.

The following types of campaigns can be created:

Campaign Audience
Welcome back Customers who re-enroll as library members
Welcome New customers
Retention Customers with declining use
Recovery Reclaiming registered customers
Custom Custom campaign defined by your library

For each campaign, you can configure which messages are sent over time and how far apart (in days) the messages are sent. Customers can be enrolled into campaigns manually as a customer set, or automatically with marketing triggers. The following options are available from the Manage campaigns screen:

Manage campaigns

Campaign overview 

The Campaign overview screen shows all of the campaigns that have been created. Use the Filter field to limit the results based on words in the title or description of the campaigns. Click the Active box to view only active campaigns, or select a campaign type from the Type drop-down to see campaigns of a certain type.

Click on a campaign title to open and edit the campaign.  Click on the trash can button (campaigns_delete.jpg) to delete a campaign.

 Note: Only authorized staff have the ability to delete campaigns.

New campaign 

To create a new marketing campaign:

  1. Click New campaign at the top of the screen. The Campaign screen opens.
  2. Enter the following information about the campaign:
    Field Description
    Description* Short description of the campaign (used for selections and overviews)
    Campaign type*

    Select a campaign type.

    Start date* Enter the date when the campaign will begin
    End date Enter the date when the campaign will conclude. If left empty, the campaign will remain open infinitely. If an end date is provided, the campaign will conclude on the indicated date. Once the end date has passed, customers cannot be enrolled in the campaign.

    Select a status for the campaign:

    • Active - customers can be enrolled in the campaign
    • Inactive - customers cannot be enrolled in the campaign
    Other conditions

    If additional conditions are required in order for the customer to be enrolled in the campaign, check the box:

    • Must be a theater member
    • Must be a library member
    Text for opt-out link*

    Enter custom text to  be included in the campaign for the unsubscribe link,

    Example: If you do not want to receive these messages anymore, click here.

    Customer may return to campaign Check the box if customers can be enrolled in this campaign more than once. If the box is checked, enter the number of days that must pass before the customer can be enrolled in the campaign again.
  3. Click Save to save the campaign.

Edit campaigns

From the Campaign overview screen, click on a campaign title to open and edit the campaign. To activate or deactivate a campaign or email, click the respective Active (campaign_active_icon.png) icon. To edit the information about the campaign or email, click the respective Open (campaigns_open_icon.png) icon.

The screenshot below is an example of a campaign for new library customers. 


After xx days setting

The After xx days setting controls the number of days following a campaign sign-up that an email is sent. To adjust the number of days, type a number into the box or adjust manually using the up and down arrows. 

Add existing email

To add an existing email to a campaign:

  1. Click the + Add existing email button. The Choose an email window opens.
  2. Select an existing email from the drop-down menu. 
  3. Click Finished. The email is added to the campaign. 

Create new email 

To create a new email within the Manage campaigns screen: 

  1. Click the Create new email button to create new email messages. The Create and edit email screen opens. 
  2. Provide email information:
    Field Description
    Description Enter the name/description of the message
    Notification settings

    Select notification settings. For details about the selected setting (General or Custom), click on the information button next to Notification settings. For more information, see Notification settings.


    Select a status for the message:

    • Active - the message can be selected and sent
    • Inactive - the marketing action cannot be selected
    Percentage of receivers of message B (Optional) 0%

    This field is not currently in use.

  3. Click Save to save the settings. The Edit message screen appears.
  4. Enter marketing message information:
    Field Description
    Message format Select a desired layout from the drop-down list
    Subject line Enter the subject line that will appear in the customer's email
    Title in message (Optional) Enter a title for the body of the message.
    Message field

    Enter the desired text content of the message. Use the editing toolbar to format the message. To add text variables to the message, select a value from the #..# button in the tool bar.

    Choose image

    (Optional) To add an image to the message:

    1. Click Choose image to select an image on your computer to add to the message. An image screen opens.
    2. Click Choose image again and a file browser window opens.
    3. Select an image to add to the message and click Open.
    4. Use the image guide to frame and crop the selected image.
    5. Click Finished to add the image to the message.
  5. Click Save to save the message.
  6. (Optional) To preview the message in your web browser, click Preview. To preview the message and send a test email, click the arrow next to Preview and select Preview and send mail.

 Note: The following must be true in order to preview messages:

  • Preview functionality must be enabled in your message settings. For more information, see Message rule configuration.
  • The message must be saved and all of the required fields must be filled before a preview will be generated. Attempting to preview the message without saving results in an error message
  • The pop-up blocker on your browser must be disabled in order for the preview to display


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