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OCLC Wise Support EN

Public desk

Display text for Wise self service can be defined in the Wise configuration manager at Public desk.

Settings related to self-service texts are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Desk management > Public desk.

Self-service stations are configured so that library customers can complete transactions independently in the library. Self-service configuration takes place in both the staff client and Wise configuration manager. Refer to the information below to set up the text that displays in self-service workstations. For more information, see Library self-service.


Customer terminal texts

Text that appears on the screen within self-service is defined in the manager at OCLC Wise > Desk Management > Public desk > Customer terminal texts

Field Description
Branch The branch associated with the text. To define for the entire system, select 0000.
sub_nr Subscription number

The type of action associated with the text. Choose from the drop-down menu:

  • I - Check in
  • U - Check out
  • B - Pay
Text The text that appears on the screen.

Screen text language 

Screen text language is defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Desk management > Public desk > Self-service > Screen text language. Text sets in other languages are variations of the standard text sets. In order to offer other languages in self-service, the manager must have:

  • the correct language icons
  • custom text sets in the desired language in system notifications and screen texts

The presence of a language icon is required in order to create corresponding text sets and notifications in the (WSM) System notifications table.

Create a new Screen text language

To create a new screen text language:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Desk management > Public desk > Self-service > Screen text language. English, Dutch and German languages are included in Wise.
  2. Click New at the top of the screen. A Language script screen appears.
  3. Enter a NameLocale, and Image for the new language. The image must be uploaded to the Resources folder in File management and the file name must be entered exactly as it is saved. The selected Locale will determine the source language of the defaults provided in this set.
  4. Click OK to save the Screen text language.

The table will display in the (WSM) System notifications table, (WSS) Screen texts library, and in the staff client on the Library self-service tab within Branch management > Workplace management > Configuration.

(WSM) System notifications 

Self-service system messages are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Desk management > Public desk > Self-service > (WSM) System notifications. By default, the system messages that are displayed in the staff client are directed at library staff. In the self-service interface, these messages are adapted for customers. The self-service interface uses the standard system messages, unless alternative text is created in the WSM table.

There are two basic sets of system messages included in the system, but your library can create your own default or variant of these messages:

  • WSM Wise messages, aimed at adults
  • WSM School messages, aimed at children/students. These notifications are only used for the schoolWise module

 Note: A WSM table must be created, even if there are no changes to the texts.

Create a WSM table 

To create a new WSM table:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Desk management > Public desk > Self-service > (WSM) System notifications.
  2. Click New at the top of the screen. The Text sets screen appears.
  3. Select the text set to be used as the base for this table from Type table:
    • 1 - Empty
    • 2 - Wise messages
    • 3 - School messages
  4. Select the base Language from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter a Description of the text set.
  6. Click OK to save the table.

If you do not want to customize the notifications, no further steps should be taken. For more information, see Default system notifications.

To customize the system notifications:

  1. Click on Open next to the table with text notifications to edit. The table opens to display all of the notifications that can display in self-service.
  2. Click Detail next to the notification message you want to change.
  3. Select Change at the bottom of the screen. The Value field is now editable.
  4. Make changes to the Value text.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

(WSU) Screen texts school

Not for use in US libraries.

(WSS) Screen texts library

The (WSS) Screen texts library table is used to define screen texts for self-service machines within the library. These texts are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Desk management > Public desk > (WSS) Screen texts library.

Field Description
Type table Select the text set to be used as the base for this table:
  • 1 - Empty
  • 2 - Wise messages
  • 3 - School messages
Language The language of the screen text
Owner Select the branch to which the screen text belongs
Description Enter a description for the screen text.

Argos workplace management

Argos worksplace management is a module within the Wise Client that allows libraries to manage the use of public computers and printers. 

Argos printers

An unlimited number of printers can be set up to use with Argos. These printers are defined in the Wise configuration manager at Desk Management > Public desk > Argos workspace management > Argos printers. 

Add a printer definition

Printer definitions are used to group together printers that use similar settings. To add a printer definition:

  1. Within the Wise configuration manager, navigate to Desk Management > Public desk > Argos workspace management > Argos printers.
  2. Click New. The Argos printer definitions window opens. 
  3. Define the following fields: 
    • Type
    • Code
    • Description
  4. Click OK to save.

Add printers 

After the printer definition has been added, individual printers can be configured. To add printers:

  1. Within the Wise configuration manager, navigate to Desk Management > Public desk > Argos workspace management > Argos printers.
  2. Choose the appropriate printer definition from the list and click Open
  3. Click New. The Argos printers window opens.
  4. Define the following fields: 
    Field Description

    Automatically defined by the system. The selected printer definition displays. 

    Description Description of the printer.
    Rate Define the cost per page (In USD) for printing. 
    Book code Define the booking code associated with printing costs. 
    Color Check the box if color prints are allowed. 

    Select the paper size from the drop-down menu. The following options are available:

    • A4
    • A3
  5. Click OK to save.

Argos charges

Rates for internet use are defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Desk Management > Public Desk > Argos workplace management > Argos charges. Rates defined in this area are added to Membership definitions. 

Field Description
Table Enter a code to define the table. 
Description A description of the Argos charge profile. 
Printer definition Select a printer from the drop-down menu, defined in Argos printers. 
Internet rate The flat rate cost associated with internet usage.
Rate per xx minutes The cost, per minute for internet usage. 
Book code The booking code associated with Argos charges. 
Free internet minutes The number of free internet minutes available for this charge definition. 
Free Internet minutes per D/W/M

The frequency that the free internet minutes are given. Select an option from the drop-down menu:

  • D - Day
  • W - Week
  • M - Month
  • E - Once only
  • V - Today
Maximum amount of fines The maximum amount of fines that a customer can accrue before being blocked. 
Blacklist code Not for use in US libraries.

(ACU) Argos screen text 

Default screen texts that appear on Argos workstation computers are configured at OCLC Wise > Desk Management > Public Desk > Argos workplace management > (ACU) Argos screen text.

(G_IWC) Argos clusters

Clusters of workstations can be created to divide subsets of workstations within a branch. This allows groups of workstations to be controlled simultaneously to simplify management. Argos clusters can be defined in the Wise configuration manager at OCLC Wise > Desk Management > Public Desk > Argos workplace management > (G_IWC) Argos clusters.

Once a cluster is defined, it can then be linked to a port

Field Description
Type Automatically populated by the system - IWC
Branch The branch associated with the cluster.
Sequence number cluster  
Description Description of the cluster. 


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