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OCLC Wise Support EN

State classification

If configured, customers can be classified by region. The layout and designation of the regions can be defined by your library system.

If configured, customers can be classified by region, based on their zip code. The layout and designation of the regions can be defined by your library system. Based on settings, a state code will be determined for each customer. The state code is stored when the customer registers for an account. For each loan, the state code of the customer will be included when logging the loan. This allows your library to create detailed borrowing reports, by region/state.

These classifications can be used throughout the system, including:

  • Selections/customer counts
  • Part of customer segmentation
  • Analysis of the use of collections

This information must be defined before your library begins using Wise and all of the tables in this section must be populated. The system option WK-CODE must also be defined prior to use.

(TABPTT) Zip code areas 

The starting point for determining the state code is the zip code of the customer. The zip code field is limited to 7 characters. Wise searches on the first 6 digits, if no match is found, the system will search on the first 4 digits.

To define Zip code areas:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customers > State classification > (TABPTT) Zip code areas. If other zip code areas have been configured, they will appear in the table.
  2. Click New to add a new zip code, or click Detail to edit an existing value. The Zip code areas window opens.
  3. Provide Zip code area details. If you are editing an existing value, you must click Change to edit the fields.
    Field Description
    Type Automatically populated by the system (PTT)
    Code Zip code
    Description Free text to describe the area of this zip code
    State code In which state this zip code exists. Select a value from the drop-down list. State codes are defined in (TABWYK) State codes.
    Message number when registering Optional message to display in the staff client when a customer is registered in this zip code area. Messages are defined in (TABPTM) Registration notifications.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

 Note: International zip codes should not be included in this table. Customers who live in another country keep their international zip code, but belong to the location where they are registered.  If no entry is found, the main zip code will be selected as the region code.

(TABWYK) State codes 

States are defined in this table. This table is populated by OCLC. A State code and description must be provided for each state. The state code has 4 positions and uses the following naming convention:

Position Description
1-2 Region group (US)
3-4 State initials

To adjust State codes:

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customers > State classification > (TABWYK) State codes.
  2. Click on Detail next to the code you want to edit. The State codes window opens.
  3. Click Change.
  4. Make changes to the fields:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically populated by the system (WYK)
    State Code Automatically populated by the system, this cannot be changed
    Description Free text description of the state field
    Fee state

    It is possible to assign a different membership fee for customers based on zip code. The Zip code table must be populated in order to use this function.

     Note: The code for the region must be defined in (TABCRE) Membership fee state.

    Main branch A main branch can be assigned per zip code. When a main branch is assigned, the customer is not counted or reported based on where they are registered or where they live. If this option is enabled, the customer's location will be evaluated during invoicing and counted in the zip area where the live and not where they registered.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

(TABHWK) State groups 

In State groups, your region groups are created and described.

To define state groups:

  1. In Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Customers > State classification > (TABHWK) State groups.
  2. Click on Detail next to the code you want to edit. The State groups window opens.
  3. Click Change.
  4. Make changes to the fields: 
    Field Description
    Type Automatically populated by the system (HWK).
    State group State group code.
    Description Description of the state group.
  5. Click OK to save changes.


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