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OCLC Wise Support EN

Customer import

Customer import settings are used to import customer data to create library accounts.


Customer import settings are used to import customer data. Depending on the import method specified by your system, when importing student data, a membership to the library can be automatically created and a barcode number can be issued immediately.

Each branch in your organization should be assigned one import method. There are two import methods available for student data:

  • Type P: Card number import (free) - This method registers all students as library customers. During import, the system looks at the card number in the file and in the database to determine whether it needs to:
    • Create a new customer
    • Create a new customer and issue a card number (when no card number is present)
    • Update an existing customer and their membership
  • Type L: Licensed import - This method registers students as library customers or renews memberships for existing students. During import, the system looks for duplicate accounts and issues a card number when no card number is present. This import method should be used when a school is a branch in the Wise system.

Licenses for student import

The licenses below must be enabled in order for the library to use customer import. For assistance, contact OCLC Support.

    • Main group: 0 - System
    • Group: R - System licenses
    • Main group: E - Wise client
    • Group: B - Service desk

Access authorizations 

Library staff must have access to the system functions below in order to import customers. For more information, see Wise role functions.

  • ACTOREN (Allowed to change customers)
  • ACTOREN_CONTRIBUTIE (Allowed to change customers fee lines)
  • ACTOREN_BEHEER (Central borrower administration)

Card number import registration process 

Set library branch table to P 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Branches.
  2. Click Open next to your system.
  3. Click New to create a new branch, or click Detail next to an existing branch to make changes. The Branch window opens.
  4. From the Branch window, click the Customers tab and, if editing an existing branch, click Change at the bottom of the screen in order to edit.
  5. Set the following values:
    • Management branch - Select the branch from which importing is allowed from the drop-down list.
    • Import type - Select P - Cards from the drop-down list.
    • Registration process - Select the registration process that must be used from the drop-down list.
    • (Optional) School number - Select the School number from the drop-down list.
  6. Click OK to save changes.

Set import registration settings 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Customers > Customer import > (LNRIMP) Customer/student import registration.
  2. Click Open next to your system.
  3. Click New to create a new method, or click Detail next to an existing method to make changes. The Customer/student import registration process window opens.
  4. From the Customer/student import registration process window, set the following values. See Customer/student import registration process fields > LNRIMP for descriptions of all available fields. If you are editing an existing value, click Change at the bottom of the screen in order to edit.
    • Description
    • Registration process
    • (Starting) Membership
    • Expiration month configuration
    • Fixed expiration month (between 01 and 12)
    • (Fixed) Statistical category
  5. Click OK to save changes.

Licensed import registration process 

Set library branch table to L 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Branches.
  2. Click Open next to your system.
  3. Click New to create a new branch, or click Detail next to an existing branch to make changes. The Branch window opens.
  4. From the Branch window, click the Customers tab and, if editing an existing branch, click Change at the bottom of the screen in order to edit.
  5. Set the following values:
    • Management branch - Select the branch from which importing is allowed from the drop-down list.
    • Import type - Select L - Students from the drop-down list.
    • Registration process - Select the registration process that must be used from the drop-down list.
    • School number - Select the school number that must be used from the drop-down list.
  6. Click OK to save changes.

Set import registration settings 

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Customers > Customer import > (LNRIMP) Customer/student import registration.
  2. Click Open next to your system.
  3. Click New to create a new method, or click Detail next to an existing method to make changes. The Customer/student import registration process window opens.
  4. From the Customer/student import registration process window, set the following values. See Customer/student import registration process fields > LNRIMP for descriptions of all available fields. If you are editing an existing value, click Change at the bottom of the screen in order to edit.
    • Description
    • Registration process
    • (Starting) Membership
    • Expiration month configuration
    • Identification of new customers
  5. Click OK to save changes.
  6. In the Wise configuration manager, navigate to OCLC Wise > Customers > Customer import > (LNRANI) School numbers.
  7. Click New to create a new method, or click Detail next to an existing method to make changes. The Customer/student import registration process window opens.
  8. From the Customer/student import registration process window, set the following values. See Customer/student import registration process fields > LNRANI for descriptions of all available fields. If you are editing an existing value, click Change at the bottom of the screen in order to edit.
    • Determination of card number
    • Accept LIBR membership
  9. Click OK to save changes.

Customer/student import registration process fields 

(LNRIMP) Customer/student import registration process

Field Required Description
Type   Automatically filled by the system (LNRIMP)
Organization   Automatically filled by the system with your selected organization
Process   Enter a 2-digit code for the registration process
Description x Text description for the type of import (e.g., Customer import)
Registration process x Select a registration process from the drop-down list:
  • C - According to fee table
    Based on age, the correct membership is assigned to the student.
  • A - Fixed account
    If the customers/students to be imported must always be registered as a fixed membership.
(Starting) Membership x The membership assigned to the imported accounts. Select a membership type from the drop-down list.
Expiration month configuration x Select an expiration month process from the drop-down list:
  • V - Fixed expiration month
    Select for expiration process A - Fixed membership
  • L - Current month
    Select for expiration process C - According to fee table
Fixed expiration month (between 01 and 12) x Only enter if the expiration month process is V - Fixed month
(Fixed) Statistical category x Select the statistical category to assign to the imported customers.

The customer's statistical category is included in every loan and in lending statistics. For more information, see (TABSCL) Statistical category customers.
Teacher membership   Enter the membership number that teachers receive as a standard. Only use if the teacher information is imported in addition to student information. Only select a free membership, paid memberships are not supported for this process.
Product code
Maximum number at home   If you want to use a number different than the default 5 items, enter that number here
Maximum number at home (webshop)  

Not for use in US libraries.

Max. number of webshop orders
Max. number of holds   For each import process, a number can be entered here to deviate from the default 5 item limit.
Identification of new customers x
(Licensed import method only)
Not relevant to school files. Used to validate customer counts. If Yes is selected, the newly created accounts will be created as blocked until the customer presents proof of identification at the service desk.
Fines and fees maximum amount   If the fines and fees maximum amount is different for the uploaded customers than what is established for the membership, enter the amount here.

(LNRANI) School numbers

Field Required Description
Type   Automatically filled by the system (LNRANI)
Branch   Automatically filled by the system with your selected branch
School number   Automatically filled by the system with your selected school number
Description   The name of the school/institution.
Determination of card number x Select a card generation process from the drop-down list:
  • J - Generate card if new
    Only generate a library card number for new students who were not yet known in the system (and therefore were not members of the library). Generated card numbers are labeled EDUB.
  • A - Always generate a card if there is not one yet
    Always generate a card number if a student does not have a card or only a card issued in the library. The card numbers obtained in this way are labeled EDUB.
  • N - No card number
    Imported students will not have a card number unless they were already members of the library and already had a card.
Check duplicate customers   Select whether you want the system to check for duplicate customers.
  • Yes
    The system checks for duplicate accounts based on:
    • Last name (first six positions)
    • Initial if present
    • Birth date
    • Individual/Institution (i.e., Male, Female, Organization, N/A)
    • Barcode

    You can only deduplicate with customers who have a valid membership, not deregistered customers.
  • No
    The system does not check for duplicate accounts and adds the student as a new customer

 Note: If the system option DUPNABO is active, deduplication is disabled.

Label branch (existing branch)   If the field Determination of card number is set to Yes, the location code must be entered in this field to determine the card number.
Scanning process   If this field is not filled, we will work with the 1st position of the existing scan method, only fill in if the scan method differs.
Generate PIN code  

If yes is selected, a random PIN code is generated. If no is selected, the default PIN code for the system will be used.

Selection code   If desired, the selection code can be entered in this field (4 characters max). This code is entered directly in the Selection code field during reading. The selection code is on the Properties tab within Customer administration.
Accept LIBR membership x If a student already has a library membership, possibly even with another library, should this membership be replaced by the membership from LNRIMP?

 Note: This setting is only relevant if the students might have existing library cards. You must select Yes for Check duplicate customers in order to use this setting.

  • Yes
    For schools with a regional function, students can be a library member of various library locations.

    The student import does not change anything in existing valid student memberships.
    • Only new students who were not yet members of the library will receive the designated library membership from the LNRIMP.
    • Students who are deregistered from the library at the time of import are re-registered.
  • No
    All imported students receive the designated library membership from the LNRIMP, regardless of whether they were already members and perhaps had a different library membership.
Remove duplicate with a different institution   This setting can be configured using system option DUBNABO which deactivates duplication, regardless of what is indicated in this field.

 Note: This setting is only relevant for OCLC Wise instances with multiple library systems.

The default value for this field is No.


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