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OCLC Wise Support EN

Customer correspondence

Learn how to view customer messages, invoices and other correspondence in the Customer administration screen of the Wise staff client.

Customers may receive automated notifications from Wise for a number of reasons. Notifications can be viewed from the Customer > Customer correspondence menu.

A series of message tabs appear in the customer administration screen, if your login has access to them:

  • Notifications
  • Bills
  • Holds
  • Return reminders
  • Alerts
  • Fee
  • Customer interactions
  • Newsletters
  • Public notifications
  • Inbox
  • Donations
  • Documents

On each tab, you can view a log of messages that have been sent to the customer.

Correspondence details

Each tab displays information about the messages that have been sent. Depending on the tab, different information is displayed.

Column Appears on
Message number Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification, Donations
Type Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification, Inbox, Donations
Owner Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification
Item ID Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification
Title Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Mailings, Public notification
Status Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification, Inbox, Donations
Date Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Customer contacts, Public notification, Donations
Format Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification, Donations
Info Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification, Donations
Select Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return notifications, Alerts, Fee, Public notification
Invoice ID Bills
Topic Customer contacts
Date complete Customer contacts, Inbox
Total number of sequence lines Customer contacts
Created Mailings
Sent Mailings
Email recipient Mailings
Total number of items Mailings
Description Inbox, Donations
Date read Inbox

Notifications, Bills, Holds, Return reminders, Alerts, and Fee

The first six tabs in the Customer correspondence screen contain notifications that are automatically generated by Wise. These notifications are sent based on customer preferences, defined in customer administration. The information on these tabs include recently sent notifications, as well as the history of notifications to the customer. Actions can be taken on these tabs to resend, view, and update notifications.

 Note: If there are no messages available on any of these tabs, a pop-up notification will appear that says No messages found

Resend a notification

It is possible to resend a customer notice if delivery is unsuccessful on the first attempt. This might happen if the customer's account is set to receive communications via email, but no valid email address was provided. In this case, you may need to mail a notice to the customer. If the message cannot be regenerated in the system, the status can be set as closed.

To resend a notice:

  1. Go to Customer account > Customer correspondence > select the notice type to resend.
  2. The Info column will indicate if no notice was sent because no email address exists.
  3. Check the box in the Select column of the message you want to send.
  4. In the blue task bar at the bottom of the screen, click Resend. A confirmation message appears.
  5. Click Yes to send the message again. The message status changes from B to 0 status and from M (email) to F (postal mail).
  6. To print the message, go to Notifications > Print notifications. For more information, see Notifications.

 Note: A message can only be resent using this method if the system encountered an error the first time it was sent or if the message has not yet been sent.

Close a notification

If a message was not successfully sent and you do not want to print and resend it, it can be closed. To close a notice, highlight the message and click Settle at the bottom. The message status is updated to A - Closed.

View notification history

Messages that were sent longer than six months ago are moved to the archive on the second day of each month. To view archived messages, select History at the bottom of the screen.

Customer interactions

You can manually save customer interactions on the Customer interactions tab. This might include a telephone conversation or face-to-face interaction. Notes recorded on this tab are not visible elsewhere in the system. 

You can create different conversations, or subjects, per customer. Each conversation can consist of multiple notes on successive lines.

To create a customer interaction:

  1. Click New at the bottom of the screen. A New notification window appears.
  2. The system automatically populates the Date and Time fields. Provide a Topic, select the communication method from the Via menu, and add details in the Note field.
  3. (Optional) Add the name of the employee who is managing the communication in the Processed by field.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To close the screen, click Quit.

To delete a customer interaction, highlight the line and click Delete at the bottom of the page.

To print a customer interaction, highlight the line and click Print at the bottom of the screen. A form will open in your web browser that can be printed or saved.

To complete a customer interaction, highlight the line and click Close at the bottom of the page. The text in the line changes from red to black. Closed interactions are purged from the customer's account when their account expires. If there are open conversations for a customer, a notice displays in the customer information block, below the customer address.


On the Newsletters tab, you can view the list of newsletters sent to the customer. The number of stories included in the newsletter appear in the Total number of items column. Double click on a line to view the text contained in a newsletter.

Public notifications

On the Public notifications tab, you can view a history of messages sent to the customer with the notification type of Public messages.


To send a direct message to a customer's My Account inbox:

  1. Select the Inbox tab.
  2. Click New at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Provide a Message subject and Message text.
  4. Click Send to send the message.

As long as the message status is Unread, the message can be edited. Double-click on the message line, make changes, and click Send.

To resend a message, highlight the message line and click the Resend button at the bottom of the screen.

When the customer logs in to My Account, they will see that they have one unread message in their inbox. If the customer deletes a message from their inbox, it will no longer appear within My Account. Messages deleted by the customer are still visible within the Wise staff client and have the status Deleted. 


Not for use in US libraries.


This tab only displays if a document has been added to the customer account. To view documents and authorizations attached to the customer account, select Documents. The View customer documents window appears. The window includes any documents or authorizations that have been attached to the account using Import customer document. If a customer has only added an authorization (for example, a reading disability), no file is attached, the line simply indicates that authorization has been given.

The following details are displayed:

Column Description
ID Identification number for the attached document/authorization.
Date Date that the file/authorization was attached to the account.
Type Type of file/authorization.
Replaces ID If the file is replacing another identification method, the method being replaced displays in this column.
Comment Comment about the file. This is automatically populated by the system. For example, if an authorization is added without a file, the system displays "Processed without upload".

View a file

To view an attached file:

  • Select the line you want to view and click the View file button.
  • Right-click on the line you want to view and select Show file.

Delete a file

To delete a file, right-click on the line you want to delete and select Delete record. A confirmation message appears, click Yes to delete the file. 

 Note: The file must be inactive in order to be deleted. 


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