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Borrowed items

Learn how to view information about a customer's borrowed items within Customer administration.

These menu options are also available from the circulation Check-in and Check-out screens. To view borrowing information, first Search for the customer for whom you want to view borrowing information.

Borrowed items

To see what materials a customer has checked out, go to Customer > Borrowed items or press F9. 

A summary of checked out items displays with the following data:

Column name Description
Checkout date The date that the material was checked out to the customer.
Due date Standard sorting order. If the date has passed, the due date will be shown in red.
Title/author Information about the title and author.
Material type The code for material type.
Checked out Material is borrowed (and/or renewed) by the customer
Borrowed Material was checked out during the current session
Amount due

Indicates the outstanding fine on the item. When the item is returned, borrowed, or renewed, the total amount will display. The following charges will be shown, if they are defined in your library's policies:

  • Fines
  • Lending fees
  • Invoice
  • Holds costs
  • ILL costs
  • Costs for renewing materials over the phone
  • Costs for renewing materials online
  • Costs for exceeding the maximum number of items borrowed

Details surrounding the loan and notifications for borrowing/lending:

  • Reminder (and date that message was sent)
  • Bill sent (and date that the bill was sent)
  • Hold
  • Other branch, etc.
Barcode The item's barcode
Changing collection When the item is returned, the collection code for items from changing collections is shown.

Manage checked out items

From the checked out items view, you can perform a number of actions by right-clicking on the line you want to change.

Action Description
Cancel This allows you to undo a loan or return if it was made in the current session.  Overdue fees will be refunded.
Check in Return materials.
Administratively check in Return items without processing a fine.
Renew loan period Extend the lending period of the material.
Create replacement cost bill Creates an invoice for reimbursement of the item. See Create a replacement cost bill for more information.
Register current fine Update the fines for items that have not been returned.
Change date Allows you to change the date of return. This function is only available for items that were checked out on the current date. The date can only be extended beyond the original due date, it cannot be set to an earlier date. 

 Note: The date must be set before items are checked in. This does not renew/extend the borrowing period.

To details of this line Shows details on the status and lending/return dates of the item.
To details of the item Shows comprehensive information on items (status, material type, statistical category, order date, owner, possible blocks, number of loans, etc.)
To title for item Opens the catalog record for the item.
Read details guest item If the item is owned by another system (ILL), details about the item display.

Line item details

From the checked out items list,  you can view line item details by double-clicking on a barrowed item.

Item status Indicates items status (example: Checked out)
Item barcode The item's barcode
Title Item's title
Material type Item's materials type
Checkout date Date the item was checked out
Due date Date the item is due
Renewals left Number of renewals reamaining for customers' checked out items.  Note: If the checked out item is place on hold by another customer, the item may not be renewed, so remaining renewals is subject to change.
Running fine Current amount the customer owes for the current item, if it is overdue and your library charges fines.
Comment Item status

Create a replacement cost bill 

Replacement cost bills are created to bill for lost or damaged items. A line item can be added to a bill from the Borrowed items screen.

Add items to the customer's bill

  1. Select the item that has been lost or damaged and right-click. 
  2. Select Create replacement cost bill.
  3. The Material cost bill window appears. Provide information for the fields and click OK
    Field Description
    Copy The copy number for this particular item. This information is automatically populated and cannot be changed.
    Title The title of the item. This information is automatically populated and cannot be changed.
    Customer Customer's last name. This information is automatically populated and cannot be changed.
    Cost of item The cost of the item that the customer will be responsible for repaying. This field is automatically populated based on your library's book replacement policy, but the amount can be changed in this screen.
    Include fine Select Yes or No to add an additional fine to the cost of the item. This might be a cost for processing materials.
    Fine Amount of the additional fine.
    Notification A message about the bill.
  4. A confirmation message appears, Invoice created. Click OK.
  5. An additional confirmation appears, Directly print invoice(s) for this customer?
    • Click Yes to print the invoice(s) now.
    • Click No to print the invoice(s) later.

Generate the bill

  1. In the Customer administration menu, go to Customer > Print customer materials > Replacement cost bill.
  2. A selection menu opens, Print invoices for. If the selected customer has other accounts, such as family members, associated to the account, options will appear in the drop-down menu:
    • Current customer
    • Previous customer
    • Look up customer
  3. Click Print to print the invoice. A PDF copy of the bill will open so that it can be saved and printed multiple times, if necessary.

Regular billing procedure 

Wise can also be configured to automatically generate customer bills. When the system runs its scheduled check, invoices are printed.


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