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Item details screen overviews

The Item details screen has two overviews which pull information from the item's history log.

Item details screen overviews menu

Print overview from log history 

To print an overview from log history:

  1. In the Item details screen, go to Overviews > Print overview from log history. The Item log history window opens.
  2. Enter the period for the overview. By default, the overview will provide information from the past three months.
  3. Select Yes to include customer details or No to omit customer details.
  4. Click Print to run the report. The report is opened in your web browser.

The Overview from log history displays the following information:

  • Branch - the code of the branch where the last action occurred on the item
  • Date and time - the date and time of the last action
  • Customer - the account number of the last customer to interact with the item
  • Source - the method of circulation
  • Material type - the material code of the item
  • Action - the last action performed on the item

Screen overview from log history

Within the Item details screen, select Overviews > Screen overview from log history to view the Log history details of the item.

The top section of this screen displays the log of actions performed on the item. The order displayed on the screen can be adjusted by clicking the top of each log column to filter. To view details of each action, click on an action line. The lower section of the screen displays detailed information about the selected action.

Although the fields in the bottom portion of the screen appear to be editable, changes made on this screen cannot be edited or saved.

Log columns

Header  Description

Item actions are stored in two different logs, but are presented together in this table. The LOG column indicates from which log the action is displayed:

  • lh - actions caused by customers (For example, circulation actions at a service desk, self-service actions, etc.)
  • l2 - any other action that occurs to the item, outside of the service desk or self-service stations (For example, automatic renewals, cataloging actions, etc.)
RECNO If multiple actions are performed at the same time, these are sorted by RECNO (record number).

Actions with the LOG type l2 include an action code which consists of letters, and a corresponding REASON. See Item action codes for more information. 

Actions with the LOG type lh have a number with a fixed meaning:

  • 0 - Sale
  • 1 - Lending
  • 2 - Check-in
  • 3 - Renew
  • 4 - Change date
  • 5 - Check-in again
  • 6 - Cancel loan
  • 7 - Cancel return
  • 8 - Cancel lending
  • 9 - For perusal (checked out to a special borrower)
REASON REASON displays for actions with the LOG type l2. Details for the reason can be viewed in the lower portion of the screen when you click on the action line.

The SOURCE field displays the Menu option used to perform the action. The following options are available:

  • B - Service desk
  • D - Double Loan Period
  • E - Bookmobile
  • I - Internet
  • L - National lending
  • N - Emergency lending
  • S - Sip2
  • P - Pubcat
  • X - If Shift+F6 is chosen at the service desk, a free check-out/check-in is registered
  • Z - Self-service
DATE TIME The date and time that the action was logged. One or more actions can be logged for one event.
CUSTOMER_ID The Customer ID of the person who performed the action. If 0 is displayed in this column, the action was performed by library staff. If asterisks are displayed in this column, the customer has chosen not to save borrowing history.
INL_DAT Return date.
OWNER The owning branch number.
ORIGIN The originating branch number.

Item action codes 

Actions with log type l2 include one of the following codes: 

Code Description
AFB Discard block
AFC Discard canceled
AFS Discarded
ALM Checked out via delivery process
BIA Check in exception
BST Order
CLO Include in collection
CLR Route number change
CLV Disconnected from collection
CLW Collection change
EIG BCB: to owner
GEU Guest ex. lending
GEV Guest ex. renewal
GGC Not for use in US libraries.. Reported to BNL/GGC
GIN Guest ex. return
HLK Relocated (change of owner + placement)
HLP Relocated (change of placement)
HRL Relocate
IBL Transport in connection with ILL
KOP Linked
MGZ To warehouse
MIS Declared missing
MRT Shortage return
MSU Substatus missing
MUT Item changed
NBE as Ordered ex
NFC NBD invoice
NGB NBD received
NOT Bill created for item
OIG Received and posted
OML Change zebra/relabel
PLK Put on holds shelf
SPE Loan to special borrower
SRT Sort when ingested
STM Missing
SUM Substatus missing
TRP  Put on transport
VKP Link up (different title)
VRK Sale
VRT Missing return
ZEB Zebra


Service desk log types can be filtered. To view only lh log types (For example, circulation actions), click the Service desk transactions radio button. To view only l2 log types (For example, changes to item status and details), click Other logging. Click Show all to view all transactions. 



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