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OCLC Wise Support EN

Route collections

Wise provides the ability to send the items of a collection to a number of branches in a controlled pattern. Route collections are collaborative collections. The management of a route collection is done by a staff department or branch of the following type:

  • F - ILL branch
  • J - Youth staff
  • S - Staff department
  • X - Central warehouse

A route is characterized by a chain of what are known as "containers". Each container is a branch on the route. A branch can be assigned one or more containers for each route.  The total number of items is divided over the various containers on the basis of the institutions.

Each container has a serial number (3 characters) on the route. The following information is also indicated for each container:

  • Number of weeks the item will stay in the container
  • whether duplicate items are permitted

Rotation occurs weekly, on the basis of the Items action list, an action list for each branch. The action list contains the items to be sent along to the next branch on the route.

There is a transfer date for each item. As soon as an item passes the date, the system will place the item on the Item action list to be transported to the next container. The next container is determined by the number of items in the route collection, according to the route or to the container with the fewest items.

Each branch that is included on a route must create and process the Items action list at least once a week. The items must be taken from the shelf and checked in. Wise then removes the item from the working list and the item is sent on transport to the next branch. Any hold requests are automatically included on the route once the request is processed.

At central processing, there is a special collection for a route collection by a staff branch or staff department. When ordering materials, staff can indicate the specific local branch on the route that the item will be sent to.

New items are inserted by the staff department/branch one at a time via Items > Batch changes. The location is determined by number of items in the collection per branch, if no specific branch is indicated at the time of ordering (owner and local branch are the same).

For more information regarding the configuration of route collections, see Rotating/Changing collections.

Create a route collection

To create a route collection:

  1. Go to Items > Changing collections.
  2. Click New collection. The New collection for... screen opens.
  3. Select ROU - Route collection from the Subject drop-down menu.
  4. (Optional) Provide a serial number. If no number is entered, the system will automatically generate one.
  5. Select Route collection or Rotating collection from the Type drop-down list.
  6. Click OK. The new collection appears in the Collections window.

Include temporary shelf with route items

You can create a temporary shelf location for your route collection:

  1. Create a temporary shelf with the property Blocked for reclassification in the collection's owning branch.
  2. Assign the route collection to the shelf in In temporary shelf.

The effect of this is that the route items are assigned this temporary shelf placement after they are checked in at the library on the route. When the item is checked in at a self-service desk, the item is assigned status D. An alert appears on check-in notifying the user that the placement is temporarily in the library.

Routing processes

There are two processes that can be used for route collections. The process determines how route items are transferred.

Route process

The route process is the conventional method of transferring items in a route collection and follows a fixed rotation pattern. Items follow the route according to the configured containers (from container 001 to container 002, to container 003, etc.). Each container is configured to contain approximately the same number of items. If the containers are set up correctly, an equal number of items flow to the next container each period.

If there is a disruption to the flow, it has to be corrected manually. A disruption may occur if:

  • a branch does not deliver or pass on items
  • the institution uses the "skip duplicate titles" option

All containers on the route are the same size. Differentiation according to size  is only possible by assigning multiple containers on the route to larger branches.

Level process 

When the level process is employed, items do not travel a fixed route. Instead, they are routed to the container with the fewest items. When using level rotation, both the number of items and the duration of stay can vary per container. This eliminates the need to include multiple containers for one branch on a route. This process is triggered by the Relative number field.

The following must be true in order for this process to function:

  • Assigning method to items must be at level (lowest number)
  • Consistent completion of the new parameter "relative number" for every container on the route

Once configured, it is possible to set a maximum number for one or more containers. This is only intended for exceptions, for a branch that has insufficient space.

This process offers more opportunities to determine the size of the collection for each branch and requires less management because the system manages the flow of items.

Configure route processes 

Once a collection is created the details of the collection is defined.

  1. Go to Items > Changing collection and search for the collection you want to configure using the filters at the bottom of the window.
  2. Right-click on the collection and select Details of this collection. The Collection details window opens.
  3. Provide the following information:
    Field Description
    Description Name of the collection
    Type Select Route collection
    Comment (Optional) Comments about the collection, only visible to your branch.
    Show level

    Select the level at which the collection is maintained (Branch, Institution or System).

    Depending on the institution, the route collection is or is not visible on the client workstation.

    Process for assigning items
    Process Description

    An item that is eligible for transfer will be moved to the next container in line on the route. New items in the route collection will always be inserted in the container with the fewest items.

    Exception: Items that have been assigned a specific branch during ordering are placed in that branch.

    Level (lowest quantity)

    An item that is eligible for transfer will be moved to the container with the fewest items on the route at the time of counting. New items are inserted to the container with the fewest items.

    Exception: Items that have been assigned a specific branch during ordering are placed in that branch.

    Return to owner in months

    Establish the period of time when items must be returned to the organization managing the collection for evaluation/repairs.

    • Number of months until the items should be returned
    • If items are returned to the rotating collection after they are evaluated, the next period of time until it will be reviewed again

    For more information, see Repair collection items.

    Calendar configuration

    The rotation of items takes the calendar method into account. One calendar can be designated for each route collection. This usually applies to schools that are on the same vacation calendar as the library.

    If this field is left blank, Wise takes into account vacation closures in each branch.

    In temporary shelf A collection can be assigned to a temporary shelf. The temporary shelf is used by each receiving branch as soon as the items are scanned upon arrival. For more information, see Include temporary shelf with route items.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Return to the Collections screen by going to Items > changing collection.
  6. Search for the route you want to configure.
  7. Right click on the route and select Route for this collection. The Route collection window opens.
  8. Click New route. The New route window opens.
  9. Provide information for the container, depending on your process selection:
    Field Route Process Level Method
    Collection The code for the collection (automatically populated). The code for the collection (automatically populated).
    Route serial number This is the number of the container in the route sequence. Leave room between serial numbers in case additional containers need to be added at a later date. Limit 3 digits. This is the number of the container in the route sequence. Leave room between serial numbers in case additional containers need to be added at a later date. Limit 3 digits.

    Select the branch from the drop-down list. 

    Select the branch from the drop-down list. 
    Weeks Number of weeks an item must remain in a container before it can be transferred to the next container. We recommend a minimum of 13 weeks. This period should be the same for all containers in the route. Number of weeks an item must remain in a container before it can be transferred to the next container. We recommend a minimum of 13 weeks. This period should be the same for all containers in the route.
    Skip duplicate titles Leave blank. This field is not applicable to Route method collections.

    Select Yes to avoid placing duplicate titles in a container. If the next container already has a copy of the title, it will move on to the following container. If all containers have a copy, the title will move to the container with the fewest items.

    We recommend you select No for this option if the collection and/or number of containers is small.

    History period (in months) Leave blank. This field is not applicable to Route method collections. (Optional) Enter the number of months to wait before sending a title back to a branch. This option is only possible if history is turned on.
    Relative number Leave blank. This field is not applicable to Route method collections.

    A relative number allows the system to distribute items more evenly for a route with different sized branches.

    • If no relative number is provided, the number of items is divided equally between all containers on the route.
    • If relative numbers are used, all containers on the route must be assigned a number.

    This number represents the ratio of materials each container should receive.


    Your collection contains 12 items and 3 containers. The containers are assigned numbers 1, 2, and 3.

    • Container 1 receives 2 items
    • Container 2 receives 4 items
    • Container 3 receives 6 items.
    Maximum number Leave blank. This field is not applicable to Route method collections.

    (Optional) Set a maximum number of items for one or more container. Only use this field if the branch has limited space. This field can only be used in combination with a relative number.

    Once the maximum number of items is reached, the container will be skipped during allocation.


    Your route includes 3 containers with relative numbers 1, 2, and 3. Container 3 has a maximum number of 10 items.

    If there are 12 items in the collection:

    • Container 1 receives 2 items
    • Container 2 receives 4 items
    • Container 3 receives 6 items.

    If there are 24 items in the collection:

    • Container 1 receives 4 items
    • Container 2 receives 8 items
    • Container 3 would, by calculation receive 12 items, but since it has a maximum number of 10, the remaining 2 items will be distributed between containers 1 and 2.
  10. Click OK. The container is added to the route.
  11. Repeat this process to add additional containers to the route. 

 Note:  When using the route process, all of the containers on the route are the same size. To allow more items to be held at a single branch, for example, larger branches, create additional containers for the branch. Do not put these containers together in sequence.

Rotating collections   

Rotating collections are similar to route collections, except that they specify a fixed period of time in which items remain at a container. In a rotating collection, all items in the collection shift to their next route container at the same time. The time of transfer is determined when the transfer date of the item has passed.

Rotating collections are created and configured in the same manner as route collections. Rotating collections must use the route process and the collection details are configured with the following information:

Field Description
Collection The code for the collection (automatically populated).
Route serial number This is the number of the container in the route sequence. Limit 3 digits.

Select the branch from the drop-down list. 

Weeks Enter the number of weeks. This is the duration of the stay of the items in the container. All containers must use the same number of weeks.
Skip duplicate titles Leave blank. This field is not applicable to rotating collections.
History period (in months) Leave blank. This field is not applicable to rotating collections.
Relative number Leave blank. This field is not applicable to rotating collections.
Maximum number Leave blank. This field is not applicable to rotating collections.

Manage containers 

Add a container to an existing collection 

New containers can be added to a route at any time, following steps 7 through 11 above. Keep in mind that the route serial number determines the sequence in which collections with fixed rotations travel. Leave space between the serial numbers so that additional routes can be added in the future.

For collections using the level method, you will also need to update the relative number when new containers are added.

Remove a container and relocate items 

When a container is removed from a route, the items can be relocated to other containers on the route. To remove a container:

  1. Open the Collections screen by going to Items > changing collection.
  2. Search for the route you want to configure.
  3. Right-click on the route and select Route for this collection. The Route collection window opens.
  4. Right-click on the container that you want to remove and select Delete container. A confirmation message appears and notifies you that the items in the container will be distributed among the other containers and should be checked in at the desk.
  5. Click Yes. A report is generated and opens in your web browser. This report displays the items were redistributed. When the items are checked in, the system will direct staff as to where they should be transported.

Add items to a new container 

When a new container is added to an existing route, you can add items to it manually.

 Note:  It is recommended that this process is only used to add items to a new container in an existing route. If it is used to populate containers in a new route, it can disrupt the system operation.

  1. Go to Items > Batch changes > Route collections.
  2. Enter the route code of the route you want to update, or select the route from the list.
  3. Activate branch choice: this function is intended for filling a new empty container on the route. The system will indicate where each item needs to go either with a transport slip or alert. A list of items inserted into the new container displays in the left panel of the screen.

Once items have been inserted, you can change the transfer date without closing the Route collections window.

Remove items from a route collection 

Only the owner of the collection has the ability to remove items from a collection.

  1. Go to Items > Batch changes > Route collections.
  2. Select Remove items from collection.
  3. Click Start scanner.
  4. Scan the item barcodes to remove them from the collection. The removed items appear in the left panel of the screen.
  5. The owner of the collection must check in the items. A confirmation message appears notifying that the item has been placed on transport to the appropriate branch.
  6. Select No. The unlined items are transported to the owner of the item.

Route collection overview 

An overview of one route collection is available to library staff.

  1. In the Collection details screen, go to Collection > Print > Print collection. The Print collection window opens.
  2. (Optional) Select display options and a specific branch (container).
  3. Click Print. An overview opens in your web browser.

 Note:  This overview is intended for the staff department or branch that is responsible for the administration of the collection. This should not be confused with the Item action list.

Repair collection items 

A time period can be entered in the Return to owner in months field of the collection details to indicate the number of months after which the items must be returned to the owner (of the route collection) in for evaluation and repair. The number of months must be entered into both fields so that if the item is returned to the collection, the system will know when to evaluate it again in the future.

If the number is 0 in one of the fields, Wise does not prescribe any repair actions. Items that are eligible are placed on the Items action list with the description: “Relocate to xxxx for repair."

An alert is displayed upon check-in at the branch service desk: "Check-in at the staff branch (administrator of the route collection)"

The administrator can decide to put the item back on the route or to discard. If the item is inserted back into the route, it will return to the branch it came from. Once the transfer date comes, the item moves on to the next container/branch.


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