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Show holds screen

Find information about the Show holds screen within the Wise staff client.

The Show holds screen provides a quick view of the hold requests placed in your branch or institution that are in process. This screen is accessed via Holds > Show holds.

The information displayed on this screen depends on the roles of the staff member who is signed into the staff client. See Wise role functions for more information.

Show holds screen

Display holds

The Show holds screen does not display any information until a query is performed. To select which holds to display:

  1. Select a hold request type from the Type drop-down list and a hold request status from the Status drop-down lists at the top of the page.
  2. Click Retrieve hold requests. All hold requests that match your selected parameters display on the screen. 

     Note: To allow customer names to appear in the list, the Show customer name box must be checked. 

  3. To view more information about a request, double-click on the line. The Hold request details screen opens.

The number of hold requests appears at the top of the screen. 

 Note: Hold requests in status Z - Processed/closed will not display. 


The Show holds screen displays the following about active holds at your branch or institution. To sort the information, click on the column headers. Click and drag the columns to resize and reorganize them. These changes are remembered during a session, but reset once you log out of the staff client.

The following information is provided:

Column Description
Hold request

Hold requests are assigned a number in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.######. The number following the date is the number of the request, in order of when the request was place on the date.

Example: 2019-05-22.00012 would represent the 12th request placed on May 22, 2019.

Pr (Priority)

A hold request is given a priority (this can be configured for each material type in the Policy material (RMT) table within the Wise configuration manager).

A default value can be entered for all hold requests of an organization. You can also change the default by selecting a different priority (0 to 9). The lower the number, the higher the priority. If there are hold requests with the same priority, the request with the oldest date is processed first.

Type The hold request type.
Manager The branch code of the branch managing the request.
Pickup/Delivery (OPH/AFL) The branch code of the pickup or delivering branch.
Search The branch code of the branch where the hold request must be searched. This only applies to request type B - Branch hold request.

Name of the person who placed the hold. Customer names will only appear in the list if the Show customer name checkbox is selected.

To view the customer's phone number, hover your cursor over the name.

Source The source of the request (Internet, service desk, etc.).
Status The hold request status.
Message The date when a message was sent to the customer regarding the hold.
Title code/Request If it is an external request, the request number displays here. In other cases, this is the title key of the reserved title.
Tx The total number of hold requests for the title.
Sx The total number of hold requests, per type of hold request.
Item The item number that has been or will be supplied.
Notification An internal notification about the hold request. This is added to the hold request screen.
Sector The sector where the request was placed.
Position If enabled, this column will display the customer's position on the waiting list.


At the bottom of the Hold requests screen, there are four action buttons.


To search for a specific hold request:

  1. Click Search. A search box opens.
  2. Enter search criteria:
    • Hold request number
    • or request number
    • or HoldReq_id
  3. Click OK. Any holds fitting the search criteria entered appear on the Hold requests screen.

To view more information about a request, double-click on the line. The Hold request details screen opens.

Message <-> Received

The Message <-> Received button can be used to change the message status of one or more requests at one time. If your library does not use an automated process for sending notification messages, this option can be used to manually update hold statuses. If a customer did not provide an email address and your library needs to contact them, use this option to find, call, and process the holds.  Requests with the status B - Message sent can be changed to O - Received by the pick-up branch,  or from O - Received by the pick-up branch to B - Message sent.

To change the hold status:

  1. Search or filter for the requests you want to change. Only holds with status B or O can be changed and the status of all of the holds being changed must be the same.
  2. Select the lines you want to change. Use ctrl + click to select multiple lines.
  3. Click Message <-> Received. A confirmation message appears.
  4. Click Yes. The status is changed.

Once a reserved item comes in, the status of the hold changes to O - Received by the pick-up branch. When the notification message is sent to the customer, the status automatically changes to B - Message sent. Customer message preferences are configured in customer administration. For more information, see Notification preferences.


Click the Clear button to clear the search results on the Hold request screen so that a new search can be performed.


Click the Quit button to close the Hold request screen. 


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