Alert list (titles)
The Alert list (titles) overview provides a report of titles for which the stated number of minimum hold requests is open per branch (requests with status A - Active/Processing). Based on this overview, you can determine whether additional items should be ordered or if customers need to be notified that their request cannot be filled at this time.
- Go to Hold requests > Overviews > Alert list (Titles). The Alert list (titles) screen opens.
- Provide overview information. Required fields are marked with an (*) asterisk.
Field Description Institution Choose the institution for which to view holds requests. Leave this section blank to select all institutions.
When selecting an institution and Only totals for each branch of the selected institution, only hold requests are printed that meet the minimum number of hold requests.
Location(s) (empty=all) Choose the branch(es) for which to view holds requests. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches. If left blank, all branches are selected. Minimum number of hold requests* Provide the minimum number of hold requests for a specified title code in a branch. Numbers Indicate how the quantity of minimum hold requests is counted:
- 0 - Absolute, the actual number of holds on a title
- 1 - Relative, the number of hold requests divided by the number of items. For example, 20 hold requests for four items means there are five hold requests per item.
Only totals Select whether or not the report displays only totals:
- 0 - No, displays the hold requests per branch with a total overview at the end.
- 1 - Yes, only show the totals
Title selection Select how to display the title selection:
- 0 - All titles
- 1 - Only titles without items
Do not enter any branches or institution if this is selected
Note: - 2 - Only titles with items
Note: If Institution and or branches are both left blank and 1 - Only titles without items is selected as the Title selection, no number for each branch will be shown because no branch has been selected. All hold requests, items, and ordered items are counted for a title that meets the minimum number of hold requests.
- Click Create report. The report is generated in a new browser window.
The report displays an overview of alert list titles. The following details are included in the report:
- Title key
- Title
- Material type
- Number of hold requests
- Item total
- Ordered items
At the end of the overview for each branch, there is a total overview with the data per title for all selected branches, combined.
The number in the column "Total hold requests" does not necessarily have to be a sum of the column Number of requests on hold. All hold requests are summed in Total hold requests including those branches that are not on the overview because the number does not meet the entered minimum.
Example: You want an overview of five or more hold requests in branch 3801.
Enter 5 in the Minimum field. This means that titles with 0-4 hold requests are not counted in the overview. The totals are displayed at the end of the overview.