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OCLC Wise Support EN

Hold shelf

Find an overview of items currently on the hold shelf.

The Hold shelf overview provides a current report of items that are or should be on the holds shelf.

  1. Go to Hold requests > Overviews > Hold shelf. The Hold shelf screen opens.
  2. Provide overview information. Required fields are marked with an (*) asterisk. 
    Field Description
    Branch(es)* Choose one or more branch for which to view holds requests. Use ctrl+click to select multiple branches. By default, the branch that is signed in is provided.
    Notification date up to and including

    Provide the date range for when a message was sent. The hold requests that match the entered dates will have status B - Message or O - Received.

     Note: This field is not required. If no date is provided, the report will display only items that are past due for pick up.


    Select the source of the hold request. You cannot select multiple sources. Leave this field blank to create a report will all sources.

    Notification type

    Select the way that the message was sent:

    • ALl
    • F - Form
    • I - Inbox
    • IM - Inbox + email
    • M - Email
    • S - Text message
    • T - Telephone
    • Z - No message
    Only overdue period

    Select whether to display only items that are past due for pick up:

    • Yes - only items that have exceeded the pick up date and are still on the hold shelf are reported, if this is selected, do not enter a Notification date period.
    • No - All items on the holds shelf are reported.

    Select the sorting order for the overview. The overview can be sorted by:

    • L - Customer Name
    • N - Customer Number
    • R - Hold Request Date
    • T - Title
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in a new browser window. 

The report displays an overview of hold requests by your selected sorting order. The following details are included in the report:

  • Hold - request ID
  • Hold request date - the date the request was placed
  • Notification date - if a notification message has been sent to the customer, the date it was sent is displayed
  • Expiration date - the date when the hold request expires and the item is returned to the shelf or moved to the next hold request
  • Source - where the hold request was placed
  • Status - the status of the hold request
  • Days - the number of days that the material has been on the hold request shelf


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