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OCLC Wise Support EN

Payout funds/membership fees

Generate a report of fee balances for expired customer accounts in the Wise staff client.

The Payout funds/membership fees overview shows the customers with status 9, whose membership has ended (or been removed) between now and a year ago and who still have credit balances. That can be a membership fee as entered as credit/refund or a credit balance that has not yet been used up.

To create this overview:

  1. Go to Financial > Overviews > Payout funds/membership fees. The Overview of money to be refunded screen opens.
  2. Provide overview information. Required fields are marked with an (*) asterisk. 
    Field Description

    This field provides a description of this overview, and cannot be edited.

    List of customers with status 9, whose card expired in the last year and who still have a credit balance (on credit balance booked fees and/or an outstanding deposit). This remainder can be refunded from the cash drawer, by bank transfer or credit slip. 

    Institution* Choose the institution to display in the report. Only select when a specific institution must be displayed.
    Minimum amount of credit balance You can choose to only display customers with a specified minimum amount of credit.
    Unsubscribe date for You can choose to display only customers who have been unregistered beyond a specified date. If nothing is entered here, all customers are displayed.
  3. Click Create report. The report is generated in your web browser window.

View the report

The following data is printed in the overview:

  • customer ID, name, bank account number, ended effective XXX
  • house number and street
  • City, state, ZIP code
  • outstanding fines and fees
  • outstanding credit balances per group

Based on this overview, using the customer ID, the amounts can be entered for the customer. The outstanding fines and fees will be offset against the outstanding credits.


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