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OCLC Wise Support EN

Customer support

Settings associated with the Customer support module within the Wise Client are defined within the Wise configuration manager at Customer support.

The Customer Support feature of Wise allows customers and library staff to communicate. Configuration of this feature is made in the Customer Support tables within the Wise configuration manager.

 Note: The license LIC_KLANTEN_SERIVCE_MODULE must be active to use the Customer Support module. Contact OCLC Support for assistance. 

(CSMSRT) Type 

Message types are defined by your library in the Type table. Message types might include Questions, Complaints, Suggestions, or other message topics that customers would submit to your library.

To create a new Type:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer Support > (CSMSRT) Type.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Select New. A Processing window opens.
  4. Enter the following Type information:
    Field Description
    Type CSMSRT (automatically populated)
    Organization Your organization (automatically populated)
    Code 2-letter code
    Description Description of the message type
  5. Click OK to save.

     Note: You may need to click out of the Type table and reenter it in order to see the newly created type.

(CSMRUB) Category 

Each message Type has related Categories. The category indicates what topic the message type pertains to. For example, a message type "Question" could have categories for "borrowing" or "billing".

To create a new Category:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer Support > (CSMRUB) Category.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Select New. A Processing window opens.
  4. Enter the following Type information:
    Field Description
    Type KSMRUB (automatically populated)
    Organization Your organization (automatically populated)
    Category 4-letter code
    Description Description of the message type
  5. Click OK to save.

     Note: You may need to click out of the Type table and reenter it in order to see the newly created type.

(CSPRO) Processing 

Processing tells the system how to handle the various message type and category conversations. This table allows your library to configure processing times and appropriate staff members to handle the communications.

To create a new Processing rule:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer Support > (CSPRO) Processing.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Select New. A Processing window opens.
  4. Enter the following Type information:
    Field Description
    Type KSMAFH (automatically populated)
    Organization Your organization (automatically populated)
    Type Select a message type from the drop-down list. Customer support message types can be configured in (CSMSRT) Type
    Category Select a message category from the drop-down list. Customer support categories can be configured in (CSMRUB) Category
    Preferred response time The maximum number of days until the customer receives a response
    Preferred processing time Processing of the message must be completed within this number of days
    Preferred processing group The preferred group to handle the message. Preferred processing groups are configured in (CSMDPT) Message department
    Processor Select a staff member to process this message type. All staff members with the role CSM1 are available from this list.
    Person reporting All staff members with the role CSM1 are available from this list.
  5. Click OK to save.

     Note:  You may need to click out of the Type table and reenter it in order to see the newly created type.

(CSMSTT) Status 

This table contains the status codes of messages. These codes are hard-coded in the Wise system and the table is not editable.

The system provides the following statuses:

  • A - Open
  • B - Sent
  • C - Waiting for response from customer
  • D - Waiting for response from library staff
  • X - Closed by library
  • Y - Closed by reporter
  • Z - Closed (other)

(CSMDPT) Message department 

Messages to Customer Support are automatically assigned to the department able to handle the request type. The Message department is the group responsible for handling a specific type of message.

To create a new Message department:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer Support > (CSMDPT) Message department.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Select New. A Processing window opens.
  4. Enter the following Type information:
    Field Description
    Type KSMAHG (automatically populated)
    Organization Your organization (automatically populated)
    Code 7-character code
    Description Description of the group
    Watch period Not in use
  5. Click OK to save.

     Note: You may need to click out of the Type table and reenter it in order to see the newly created type.

(CSMUN) Message unit

Messages to Customer Support are assigned to a Message owner. This is the department that will handle the message. Message owners are part of a Message group. This could be a division within a larger department, for example, Message owners "Finance" and "Marketing" could belong to the Message group "Back office".

To create a new Message owner:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer Support > (CSMUN) Message owner.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Select New. A Processing window opens.
  4. Enter the following Type information:
    Field Description
    Type KSMAGR(automatically populated)
    Organization Your organization (automatically populated)
    Code 4-character code
    Description Description of the message owner
    Main group Select the Message department that this Message unit belongs to
  5. Click OK to save.

     Note: You may need to click out of the Type table and reenter it in order to see the newly created type.

Default customer support messages 

Standard responses to customer messages can be saved in the Default customer support messages table for reuse.

To create a new message:

  1. Go to Customers > Customer Support > Default customer support messages.
  2. Click Open next to your library organization.
  3. Select New. A Processing window opens.
  4. Enter the following Type information:
    Field Description
    Organization Your organization (automatically populated)
    Code 4-character code
    Description Description of the message text (limit 30 characters)
    Text Text of the message
  5. Click OK to save.


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