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OCLC Wise Support EN

Searchlight settings configuration

Learn how to configure searchlight settings in the Wise configuration manager.

In the staff client catalog and public catalog, the searchlight can be used to limit the number of search results returned in a catalog search. For more information about using searchlight in the staff client, see Searchlight and Filter.

In the public catalog, the searchlight can be used to filter the titles belonging to a selected location, but other filter options do not apply.

The searchlight function is configured in the tables in the Wise configuration manager, under OCLC Wise > Catalog > Searchlight settings.

(TABMCG) Media group searchlight

In the (TABMGC) Media group searchlight table, you can create groups of media types to filter in the catalog using the searchlight. A maximum of 16 searchlight media groups can be defined. To create a media group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Catalog > Searchlight settings > (TABMCG) Media group searchlight.
  2. Click New. The Media groups (filter/search) window opens.
  3. Enter media information:
Field Description
Type Automatically filled by the system (MCG)
Media group A unique 2-character code. It is recommended that you use numbers 01 - 16 for media group codes.
Description The description of the media group, as it will appear in the staff client.
Material type requests (BCMVO) Not for use in US libraries. Leave empty.
Icon (mat_x.gif) The preferred icon file to be used for this material group.
Media Group MARC Not for use in US libraries.
  1. Click OK to save.

After media groups are created, they must be linked to the material types that belong to the group. To add a material type to the media group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Titles and SCAT management > Titles > System tables > (MDT) Media type.
  2. Click Detail next to the material type you want to add to the media group. The Material type window opens.
  3. Select Change to edit the Material type.
  4. Select the appropriate Media group from the drop-down list.
  5. Click OK to save.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-5 to add more media types to a media group.

(TABTCG) Language group searchlight

In the (TABTCG) Language group searchlight table, you can create language groups to filter catalog results with the searchlight. A maximum of 16 searchlight language groups can be defined. To create a language group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Catalog > Searchlight settings > (TABTCG) Language group searchlight.
  2. Click New. The Language group (catalog filter) window opens.
  3. Enter language group information:
Field Description
Type Automatically filled by the system (TCG)
Code A unique 2-character code. It is recommended that you use numbers 01 - 16 for media group codes.
Description The description of the language group, as it will appear in the staff client.
Icon (lang_x.gif) The preferred icon file to be used for this language group.
  1. Click OK to save.

After language groups are created, they must be linked to the language types that belong to the group. To add a language to a language group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Titles and SCAT management > Titles > System tables > (TABTTL) Language for the title (Pica3).
  2. Click Detail next to the language you want to add to a language group. The Language for the title (Pica3) window opens.
  3. Select Change to edit the language.
  4. Select the appropriate Language group from the drop-down list.
  5. Click OK to save.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-5 to add more languages to a language group.

(TABVCG) Branch group searchlight

In the (TABVCG) Branch group searchlight table, you can define which branches or groups of branches can be searched using the searchlight function in the staff client catalog.

To create a branch group for the searchlight:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Catalog > Searchlight settings > (TABVGC) Branch group searchlight.
  2. Click New. The Catalog branch groups window opens.
  3. Enter branch group information:
    Field Description
    Type Automatically filled by the system (VCG)
    Catalog search group A unique 3-digit code. Only codes 001 - 767 can be used. Do not use group 000.
    Description The description of the branch group, as it will appear in the staff client.
  1. Click OK to save.

After a catalog branch group is created, it must be linked to the branch(es) that belong to the group. To assign a branch to a catalog branch group:

  1. In the Wise configuration manager, go to OCLC Wise > Management organizations > Branches.
  2. Click Detail next to the branch you want to add to the branch group.
  3. Go to the Catalog tab and select a group from the Branch group searchlight drop-down list.
  4. Click OK to save.
  5. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-4 to add more branches to the branch group.

(TABCNV) Searchlight level

This table can only be updated by OCLC. It contains the definition of the reading level groups that can be leveraged in the searchlight. Up to 16 reading level groups can be defined for the searchlight. For assistance with configuring this table, contact OCLC Support.


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